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Eldritch interview for greek magazine (07.04.09)

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 14:01
by Evan Von Himmel
This interview is from (, a greek on line music magazine. I translated it from Greek to English, so… have mercy, ‘cause my English is not good enough. The first paragraph is the comments of the journalist (who is an idiot and have no relationship with the Sisters case, i.m.o.).

We sent him above 20 questions, but he answered only the half of them- characterizing one of these as “ridiculous�! It is obvious that Andrew Eldritch does not give a dime for anyone and for anything. Formal Sisters-of-Mercy behavior: “Fuck' im�, as would say himself. In any case, we expect them to shake Athenians in the concert of Saturday 11/4, in the Hellenic Cosmos, and Thessalonikians in the concert of Sunday 12/4, in Mylos Apothiki…

Q: Are you the “Stones of dark 1980s�? Great records, a big back catalogue, but no new song for the last two decades…
AE: Always we record new material and our fans can hear it, via official site, or via various bootleg that they share. The Stones use to release new albums, that are all crap.

Q: What do you think about “More�, 20 years later its release? And why you don't play it live any more?
AE: It is a gonzoid song. Bombastic rock and roll. We don’t play it any more because it has difficult backing vocals and we don’t allocate feminine voices in the group.

Q: Who you allow to walk with you on “Eldritch Boulevard�?
AE: All these people I trust or I care about.

Q: In the present, tight leather trousers are a fashion crime. Are you still wear them so fanatically?
AE: Do you believe that we ever cared about fashion? In any case I have no thoughts about what I will wear in our concert in Athens…

Q: Why you didn't hire a real drummer instead of Doktor Avalanche?
AE: What a ridiculous question, my God…! From the begining we had Doctor and we will continue having it! All our songs are written in order to played from drum machine.

Q: Finally, do technology and it’s various applications release musicians?
AE: All these things can bring the music to the people very easily, but they allow the releasing of a lot of waste stuff�.

Q: If you release a new album, will you distribute it via internet or will you trust a record company?
AE: When this time arrive, we will see. But we don’t have direct plans to release a new album at this moment. Now we are on tour and we care only about that. We will think about the rest after the tour, when we will return to our homes.

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 14:25
by iesus
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Officially then, :von: says no album until the end of the tour...
He will think when they return at their homes ;D :innocent:

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 15:06
by 800mak
This interview brings a paradoxical effect... so, all songs are recorded ( see interview to Zycie Warszawy ) but they "don’t have direct plans to release a new album at this moment"?

f**k it, I'm lost ( in translation )...

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 15:08
by Evan Von Himmel
f**k it, I'm lost ( in translation )...[/quote]

My translation? :oops:

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 15:47
by Nic
Thanks for sharing. :notworthy:

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 15:50
by _emma_
800mak wrote:This interview brings a paradoxical effect... so, all songs are recorded ( see interview to Zycie Warszawy ) but they "don’t have direct plans to release a new album at this moment"?

f**k it, I'm lost ( in translation )...
Look, this is what we know for sure:
1. The songs either are recorded, or not.
2. There will never be a new album.

And let's stick to this for the sake of our sanity. :D

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 16:52
by hellboy69
_emma_ wrote:Look, this is what we know for sure:
1. The songs either are recorded, or not.
2. There will never be a new album.

And let's stick to this for the sake of our sanity. :D
This is indeed, the way forward!

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 17:54
by Nicole
_emma_ wrote: Look, this is what we know for sure:
1. The songs either are recorded, or not.
2. There will never be a new album.

And let's stick to this for the sake of our sanity. :D
Hear hear! Emma is wise. Much as I wish those new songs would be professionally recorded and officially released, I'm grateful that there are plenty of live versions to listen to. :D

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 18:39
by Perki
Oh bollocks. So much for getting my hopes up.

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 18:44
by _emma_
Nicole wrote: Emma is wise.
But of course she is. :D She might be posting embarrrassing s**t in silly threads here, and she might be collecting hankys and bottle lids (although at the recent gig she attended she struggled hard not to, just in order to prove to herself that she's not mental, and she succeeded, so there), but deep inside she is very, very wise, and she knows it, and all the people who know her personally can testify. :von:

I hope.
Thank you. :D

Back on topic, I think it's so very sad that so often people who have an opportunity to ask Andrew Eldritch some questions, tend to waste this opportunity so absurdly. :urff:

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 18:51
by 800mak

Look, this is what we know for sure:
1. The songs either are recorded, or not.
2. There will never be a new album.

And let's stick to this for the sake of our sanity. :D[/quote]

But that is equal to nothing at all! I know that nothingness is peaceful oblivion, or that ignorance is bliss... but I prefer to know, or to find truth, even if it makes me unhappy. So, what we know for sure is not enough... for sure!

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 19:27
by Bartek
the only truth is that Sisters going to release a new album, not.

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 19:32
by circle
But that is equal to nothing at all! I know that nothingness is peaceful oblivion, or that ignorance is bliss... but I prefer to know, or to find truth, even if it makes me unhappy. So, what we know for sure is not enough... for sure!
Amiguinho, a verdade é que não há albuns programados para sair.

contenta-te com os concertos... Café para a semana no Verde?

Continuamos lá a conversa sobre os teus problemas de ansiedade.

(Lost in) Translation: He need therapy, fast.

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 19:38
by Perki
_emma_ wrote:
Nicole wrote: Emma is wise.
I think it's so very sad that so often people who have an opportunity to ask Andrew Eldritch some questions, tend to waste this opportunity so absurdly. :urff:
Exactly :urff: What were they thinking?!

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 19:43
by lachert
Always we record new material and our fans can hear it, via official site
thanks for live suzanne andrew, you're the best :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 19:58
by DocSommer
lachert wrote:
Always we record new material and our fans can hear it, via official site
thanks for live suzanne andrew, you're the best :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
yeah - what a recent goodie :lol: :lol:

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 20:10
by _emma_
Perki wrote:Exactly :urff: What were they thinking?!
Not much, probably. :|
lachert wrote:
Always we record new material and our fans can hear it, via official site
thanks for live suzanne andrew, you're the best :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 20:16
by Perki
When was Susanne put up on the website? I've got a bad feeling it was around 2000, which means I was eight or nine when the last official recording was released :eek: :urff:

Re: Eldritch interview for greek magazine (07.04.09)

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 21:12
by 7anthea7
Evan Von Himmel wrote:This interview is from (, a greek on line music magazine. I translated it from Greek to English, so… have mercy, ‘cause my English is not good enough.
You should see the weird translation I cobbled together - my Greek is non-existent! This is such an improvement - thank you! :notworthy:

Re: Eldritch interview for greek magazine (07.04.09)

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 06:48
by Ozpat
Evan Von Himmel wrote:Q: Why you didn't hire a real drummer instead of Doktor Avalanche?
AE: What a ridiculous question, my God…! From the begining we had Doctor and we will continue having it! All our songs are written in order to played from drum machine.

One of the most ridiculous questions asked him I have ever seen. :urff:

Thanks for posting Evan! :notworthy:

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 07:05
by Bartek
lachert wrote:
Always we record new material and our fans can hear it, via official site
thanks for live suzanne andrew, you're the best :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
:lol: :notworthy:

Re: Eldritch interview for greek magazine (07.04.09)

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 08:50
by Grey Fox
Excellent collection of stupid questions.

Thanks for posting!


Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 08:57
by iesus
those are only half of the questions, originally given to :von: ... :innocent:
i would love to know what were the questions never saw the light of the public :lol: :lol: ;D

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 09:21
by markfiend
Thanks for the translation. 8)

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 10:08
by Evan Von Himmel
You are all welcome!!! :D

I told you that the journalist is a cretin... :?
If I was :von: I wouldn't even answer at all.... ;D