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Hello, newbie here.

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 18:37
by Black Heather
Hello everyone, I am a newbie, though not to the Sisters. I have been a fan for over 20 years. Went to the Leeds gig on Wednesday which was good but found the sound disappointing. It didn't seem loud enough to me, but maybe I am getting deaf in my old age.

I enjoy live music, especially old style goth. I'm sure I can find my old crimpers in the cupboard somewhere if I had a clearout.

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 18:48
by weebleswobble
Hello Deafy :wink:

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 18:49
by Quiff Boy
evenin ;D

never mid the gig, did you come down to the aftershow? :lol: :innocent:

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 18:49
by Moakahontas
Hello, hello! :D

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 18:50
by Black Heather
I maybe deaf but there is nothing wrong with my eyesight. :)

Yes I did go to the aftershow which was very good, though had to leave about 12 as my car parking expired. Loved the music, brought a lot of memories back of the Leeds Phono days.

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 23:06
by Nic
Hello. Image

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 23:24
by 7anthea7
Hiya! Welcome! :D And thanks for not ranting! :wink:

(I know exactly where my crimpers are... :lol: )

Posted: 11 Apr 2009, 00:21
by Maisey
I too know exactly where my crimpers are: On the floor behind me.

If you enjoy live music of the goffik variety and live in Wakefield I suggest taking a treck down to the Friday Flock in Leeds once a month. Always a couple of bands on before the main club night. Next couple of months include some treats (inc. Inkubus Sukkubus in May and Children On St...*ahem* Grooving In Green in June).


Posted: 11 Apr 2009, 07:39
by Bartek

Posted: 11 Apr 2009, 08:24
by Pista
Ay oop!


Posted: 11 Apr 2009, 18:27
by James Blast
you sound like you might be an old fart Heather, so I'll say hello to you ;D

Posted: 11 Apr 2009, 20:04
by 17.auflage
Hello and welcome!