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Sony MD Transfers

Posted: 13 Apr 2009, 14:34
by Brad
I know there are a few tapers out there so hopefully someone can assist.

Knowing that Sony has made an inferior product in terms of the SonicStage software, does anyone have any other tips, suggestions, software, to transfer Hi-MD audio from my MD to my hard drive?

By googling and scourin gother forums I've yet to see any relevant suggestions to correct what Sony incomprehensibly released under good conscience!

Cheers in advance.


Posted: 13 Apr 2009, 18:18
by Pista
this not work for you?

What format are your files in?
LPCM or ATRAC *spits*

Posted: 13 Apr 2009, 18:30
by Brad
Thanks Pista.
I've spent a better half of the morning dealing with this and I think the conclusion I've come to is the 1 gig Hi-MD's are pieces of s**t.
They are the only ones that cause access errors and data loss. Normal minidiscs are working wonderfully.. so far.

Posted: 13 Apr 2009, 18:52
by DocSommer
Hey Brad,

well I never had problems with my HiMD so why exactly can't you transfer the data via sonicstage - because of access problems and corrupted data? I guess this is more a hardware- or media related problem like a dirty lens etc.

AFAIK there is no other way to transfer the data via USB than using sonicstage for windows or a (sony made) tool for mac. A valid plan b may be a bit-true real-time copy via sp-dif. Unfortunately most MD portables are not providing a sp-dif output to realise that :urff: