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Prodigal sons and all that...

Posted: 16 May 2003, 05:36
by RobF
As some of you may have noticed, I, a rather shamefaced and sheepish individual known only by my fiendish psuedonym RobF, have returned to the Heartland fold in humble hope of forgiveness and the lightest of spankings :P For those of you who have arrived since my last visit, I have a simple request, no "...and you are?" type replys as my already fragile ego has taken a battering of late, especially in Sisters-world. Suffice to say I've missed you all deeply (except that bloke who thought Dominion was some-kind of Ant-Semites coded bible?! Has he gone away now mommy :eek: )

The reason for my prolonged abscence was twofold. I lost my job, and my house, and now live on a mates settee in Charlton whilst jobseeking across our smelly capital; secondly my lack of employment and a house meant that all my big-mouthed talk of trailing Von and the boys round Fair Europa was exposed as so much narcissistic hot-air (Kinda, reminds me of Kierkegaard's favourite joke, you know, Guy 1 says"I'll definitely see you tommorow" to Guy 2, Guy 1 killed by falling tile on way home...ho-hum..anyway you get the idea, I made promises my wallet couldn't keep).
As at one point I thought I was going to miss the entire tour, I shied away from all Sissies related material to avoid throwing myself onto the central line in jealous distress at all you lucky buggers partying all over the occident as recruitment consultants laughed at my CV. Luckily, thanks to the limitless generosity of certain Mssrs Ord and Czuba (Gods among men) I was furnished with tickets for both London nights as a compensation for my loss. For me to review those gigs would be pointless, as the stress-relief they provided me with in my present situation made them seem like more fun and surreal than stealing Shirley Manson's knickers from the launderette, with Lemmy as a getaway driver.

Suffice to say: Marian and Valentine!!!!f**k yeah....

Anyway, hello all, I doth return, be gentle.


P.S. Anyone need an unemployed music journo? (Sorry, Aemoeba, thanks Von. And yes, I know that for someone who makes his living from the English language, I have a rather tenous grasp of it's most basic formalities, I blame Thatcher's evil abolition of free school milk when I was 5).......

Posted: 16 May 2003, 07:38
by hallucienate
welcome back Rob! hope the job thing gets sorted out quickly!

Posted: 16 May 2003, 10:08
by Big Si
Nice to see you again, and good luck! :D

Posted: 16 May 2003, 13:45
by MrEddy
It really has been a while; I geuss everything really has been mixed up!

Good luck finding a "jub" in this wretched city!

Posted: 16 May 2003, 19:11
by Zuma
Welcome back & good luck!

Posted: 16 May 2003, 20:06
by Black Shuck
I also am seeking work, having recently obtained a degree that qualifies me for... bugger all.

How do you fancy forming a band together?

Re: Prodigal sons and all that...

Posted: 16 May 2003, 20:18
by lex3000
Good to hear news from you again. You livened up our enjoyment of the first London gig no end! You about next weekend in the Smoke?


Posted: 16 May 2003, 21:20
by Andy TG
Welcome back ROB - hope the job search works (sic) out for you!

Posted: 17 May 2003, 00:10
by pikkrong
welcome back, Rob and wish you good luck!

Posted: 17 May 2003, 22:50
by karin
awww Rob. If you're in London and you get yourself to the, as of yet unconfirmed, The Sisters of Murphy gig next month I'll buy you a beer and myself most definately (and the girls if they've a mind to) will give you a cuddle. awww little soldier....

Re: Prodigal sons and all that...

Posted: 17 May 2003, 22:58
by dead stars
RobF wrote: P.S. Anyone need an unemployed music journo? (Sorry, Aemoeba,
Join the club, amoeba :)
Luckily, I've changed area long ago. Even thought about prostitution but I'm definitely too old for the job. *sigh*

Posted: 18 May 2003, 20:03
by Erudite
It is indeed nice to see you back!
Hope the job hunt goes well - I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum
right now, trying to trade in my engineering career for a writing
Some cod intellectual bollocks may well see print in a GPS
near you!

Best of luck, mate.

Posted: 18 May 2003, 20:21
by 6FeetOver
Welcome back, dear Rob - and good luck! ;)