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some nice pics from Glstnbry

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 14:43
by James Blast

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 14:51
by Patti82
I adore this picture


Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 14:54
by timsinister
Very tasteful editing of the naff acts, impenetrable traffic, lack of cleaning facilities, idiot fans and general headache.

From an aesthetic point of view...heaven! :notworthy:

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 15:05
by Being645
wow, great pictures ... I love festivals ... makes me so sick I couldn't get
anywhere for the last two years ... so thanks again for the link to those pics ... :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 15:06
by Ozpat
Nice! Linky appreciated! :D

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 19:58
by boudicca
Could a posh burd like me who also needs to crimp her hair slum it at Glasto with the Artic Monkeys and whoever else is on this year? I always wonder.

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 20:19
by James Blast
no dear, nor could baldy me it looks like too much hard work :|

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 22:51
by Izzy HaveMercy
The last festival I did was Eurorock 2000, where the Sisters happily failed to attend.

Four days of goff mayhem and Cold Meat bliss left me knackered and torn to bits. A diet of red port and 'broodjes gezond' for half a week can kill off any able-bodied man of any age.

No more fests for me, only the arty farty ones will do thankyaverramuch.


Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 01:55
by nodubmanshouts
oh to be young in England in summer time.

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 08:46
by Bartek
be young with cash to spend on gigs/festivals even in Poland...

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 09:57
by Obviousman
Damn, those pics are seriously wow... I think I might try to drag a camera or two along to Puk'pop/Dour and see what I can come up with...

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 10:12
by radiojamaica
Great pics :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 10:25
by markfiend
The "Big Picture" series the Boston Globe do is allus worth a look.

e.g. ... ssion.html


Posted: 05 Jul 2009, 02:15
by Garbageman
Fantastic pictures.

Posted: 05 Jul 2009, 12:34
by DerekR
James Blast wrote:no dear, nor could baldy me it looks like too much hard work :|
Fuck it, I'm there next year, I've decided.

Posted: 05 Jul 2009, 13:33
by abridged
God made fields and mud for the artic monkeys....Dante should've included them somewhere in the last circle... ;D

Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 10:33
by hellboy69
boudicca wrote:Could a posh burd like me who also needs to crimp her hair slum it at Glasto with the Artic Monkeys and whoever else is on this year? I always wonder.
When the Sissies played Reading Festival, a bunch of us marched offsite to the train station, unplugged the passport photo machine, fired up the Babyliss in its place and refreshed the crimpage. Where there's a will there's a way. but i'd rather swim in a portaloo than be subject to the Arctic Monkeys :lol:

Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 11:15
by abridged
Talking of Passport Photo machines. Remember getting kicked awake by the cops for being asleep in the one in Sheffield railway station at 3 am after a Nephilim gig. Well :von: was between ahem personnel so the Neph were entertaining diversions before the touring (and occasional release) started again...Entertaining til they turned into Pink Floyd! ;D