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To: The UK; From: Your Former Colonies

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 17:51
by sultan2075
Happy Independence Day!

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 17:59
by boudicca
Oh how we wish we were still even more closely associated with you than we currently are :roll: Yes, the grief is palpable as dear old Blighty limps off, defeated, into the sunset.

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 18:20
by sultan2075
Whatever helps you through the day, dear.

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 18:31
by James Blast
"an empire denied its colonies turns upon itself"

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 18:34
by Pista
Hope you like what you've done with the place.

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 18:45
by Big Si
2nd City of the (Auld) Empire, so we are.

Come to Glasgow and get stabbed. ;D

Go to London and get stabbed (to death). :|

So where exactly do you 'Foreigns' prefer to vaykayshun? :wink:

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 19:10
by Norman Hunter
I see this post has got more replies already than my "Happy St George's Day" -one did in total :(

Yeah, Happy Independance Day.

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 20:05
by nodubmanshouts
Hope you like what you've done with the place.
Oh yes! Do you come visit and enjoy our basic freedoms! :D

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 20:43
by DeWinter
I think you're about to find we British were far nicer masters than your current ones, the Chinese. Since they own you lock, stock, and barrel I'd lose the superiority complex..

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 21:18
by 7anthea7
nodubmanshouts wrote:
Hope you like what you've done with the place.
Oh yes! Do you come visit and enjoy our basic freedoms! :D
Which Britain doesn't have? :?

What century are you living in, dude?

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 21:22
by EvilBastard
nodubmanshouts wrote:
Hope you like what you've done with the place.
Oh yes! Do you come visit and enjoy our basic freedoms! :D
Basic freedoms? Like...the right to a trial before a jury of your peers? To live free of internment without trial? To say what you like, wear what you like, live as you like without persecution?
I do hope you're not referring to the US, then - while it may have many things to recommend it, basic freedoms are alas few and far between these days.

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 21:24
by 7anthea7
Pista wrote:Hope you like what you've done with the place.
Don't blame me - I'm disgusted by it, and would have been out of here years ago if it were feasible...

Even now, when it seems like there's a bit of a chance of some change, it won't significantly alter three centuries of rampant stupidity. It's bred in the bone at this point. :|

Fuck it. Think I'll go blow some shit up...legally, of course. ;D

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 21:33
by 7anthea7
EvilBastard wrote:Basic freedoms? Like...the right to a trial before a jury of your peers? To live free of internment without trial? To say what you like, wear what you like, live as you like without persecution?
I do hope you're not referring to the US, then - while it may have many things to recommend it, basic freedoms are alas few and far between these days.
Unfortunately, the people who typically celebrate the 'freedoms' of the US are talking about something vastly different than what most of the rest of us mean by that. They're really talking about Objectivism as if it were the basis of American beliefs and values...but have limited it to the ways in which it fosters laissez faire capitalism and thrown out the rest. (Not that I personally have any use for Ayn Rand, mind you, but some of her ideas do strike a chord - if only it weren't such bloody unenlightened self-interest...)

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 22:01
by sultan2075
Some of you guys are so predictable. I swear, it's like poking a monkey with stick a sometimes. I'll be sure to do the petulant child act when Guy Fawkes day rolls around.

Now I'm going to celebrate Independence Day with good friends, good bourbon, good beer and the best goddam Cajun food a Bronx Irish New Yorker in Texas can cook up using wild fucking pigs. And I'm going to listen to Merle Haggard for the entire three hours I'm about to spend cooking.

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 22:04
by Big Si
sultan2075 wrote:Some of you guys are so predictable. I swear, it's like poking a monkey with stick a sometimes. I'll be sure to do the petulant child act when Guy Fawkes day rolls around.

Now I'm going to celebrate Independence Day with good friends, good bourbon, good beer and the best goddam Cajun food a Bronx Irish New Yorker in Texas can cook up using wild fucking pigs. And I'm going to listen to Merle Haggard for the entire three hours I'm about to spend cooking.
Have a great time mate! 8) Image

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 22:05
by Pista
sultan2075 wrote:Some of you guys are so predictable. I swear, it's like poking a monkey with stick a sometimes. I'll be sure to do the petulant child act when Guy Fawkes day rolls around.

Now I'm going to celebrate Independence Day with good friends, good bourbon, good beer and the best goddam Cajun food a Bronx Irish New Yorker in Texas can cook up using wild fucking pigs. And I'm going to listen to Merle Haggard for the entire three hours I'm about to spend cooking.
You (& I mean this) have a great celebration. :notworthy:

As for Guy Fawkes, well, he got nabbed eh?
Shame really.

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 22:29
by James Blast
Welly well well my droogies, all I can say is "We didn't start the fire". ;D

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 22:35
by Pista
James Blast wrote:Welly well well my droogies, all I can say is "We didn't start the fire". ;D
Prolly 'cos the skirts were just a little too much eh?

:innocent: :lol:

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 22:51
by James Blast
Nup! ye've gote me therr Cureboi :roll: :?:

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 23:03
by Pista


Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 23:03
by EvilBastard
Pista wrote:As for Guy Fawkes, well, he got nabbed eh?
Lady Whiteadder wrote:Cold is god's way of telling us to burn more Catholics
And if you have to hang, draw, and quarter them into the bargain...well, no-one every made a decent omelet without breaking a few eggs. Far too many of that type of person around these days - it's no accident that they weren't allowed to run for public office or marry a member of the monarchy.

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 23:13
by RobF
Ah Ha! July the fourth, brilliant. The day of many fine events;

Saladin takes Jerusalem 1187, and the frankly double-bubble in 1918 of Mehmet the IV ascending the throne and Nicholas II getting shot in a cellar.

Plus you now get the annual North Korean fireworks, not the subtlest of chaps, but they do put on a good show.

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 23:30
by James Blast
has drink been taken Bastard, I'm sure that was meant as humour, sorry humor

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 23:32
by nodubmanshouts
Some of you guys are so predictable. I swear, it's like poking a monkey with stick a sometimes
GUILTY AS CHARGED!! :):):):):)

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 23:34
by nodubmanshouts
What century are you living in, dude?
The one after the Criminal Justice Act was enacted! :twisted: