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Facebook fwends

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 19:11
by boudicca
Really happy today as I have just got in contact again with Susan, my best (and nearly only) friend at school. We met when we were 12 and bonded over the fact that we were (at the time) both Beatles-loving hippy chicks who actually did our homework :oops:

Anyway, we last saw each other in 2001 and last spoke on the phone 5 years ago... after which I forgot to call her back and time just went on and on and on. She moved down to England to study and the chances of us seeing each other again dwindled.

So imagine my surprise when young Dark here tells me that his flatmate knows me - she is Susan's little sister :eek: ! Small world! :)

She messaged me today - seems we've both found each other on Myspace in recent years but never plucked up the nerve to say hello. And we've both kept a box full of the daft old letters and silly poems we used to write each other in boring classes. Apart from her being just about to complete a PhD (*sooooo jealous*), there have been a lot of ways in which our lives appear to have developed along similar lines. We're going to meet up again on Sunday for lunch, drinks and a really good catch-up :D

So I was wondering, has anyone else found an old friend on farcebook, myspam or fwends reunited? Or perhaps an old flame? Do tell! 8)

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 19:28
by Moakahontas
No.. :( ..because of Robert Palmer I don´t have any friends.. :cry:

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 19:42
by boudicca
Well what does that tell you?

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 19:44
by Moakahontas
boudicca wrote:Well what does that tell you?
I have to be lonely for the rest of my foucking life.. :lol:

..I cannot live without his music... :cry:

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 19:46
by boudicca
It's actually "f u c k i n g".

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 19:49
by Moakahontas
boudicca wrote:It's actually "f u c k i n g".

I found some great new people on facebook..and also at myspace. But the most older friends are living still in this town, so I can see them very often..

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 20:04
by christophe
facebook helps me to find new old friends ;D

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 20:12
by mh
I can't even go to one of our remote sites at bloody work without meeting someone who knows someone who grew up with someone who knows me, someone who's distantly related, or whatever. Right now I'm dealing with a boss who's husband is my brother's boss. The world is too small sometimes. :lol:

Anyway, last time I hooked up with an old friend we had made these fantastic plans to paint the town red; we were determined that there would be nothing but a smoking crater in the ground left the morning after. Two bottles of beer in his living room. Sigh... people grow old.

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 20:13
by James Blast
I saw poor old dead Bert Palmer on the "If it's in You" tour, you're too young...

and I have met auld Goths who frequented Nightmoves via here and Word, MySpazz is a drag and I avoid Arsepiece

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 20:22
by Moakahontas
James Blast wrote:I saw poor old dead Bert Palmer on the "If it's in You" tour, you're too young...

and I have met auld Goths who frequented Nightmoves via here and Word, MySpazz is a drag and I avoid Arsepiece

..talking to me?! Can´t hear anything, sir..

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 20:25
by James Blast
aye, I kinda guessed...

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 20:45
by 7anthea7
Old friends are mostly what I use Facecrack for - that and ridiculously distant ones. One 'lost' person did turn up just recently - but he's in Minnesota at the moment, and still on the road for a living after these many years, so I don't expect I'll be seeing him in the flesh any time soon. :( But at least I know what he looks like now (he was barely 21 last time I set eyes on him... ;D )

It's an enormous time-waster otherwise, but being logged in means my friends in different time zones can then IM me so we can have an actual conversation... :D

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 21:07
by emilystrange
i've 'met' a few people and old flames on there. interesting, what peple have to say after 25 years, innit? hmm.

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 21:10
by James Blast
fuck, now you've got me interested

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 21:12
by 7anthea7
James Blast wrote:fuck, now you've got me interested
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You know you'll drink the Kool-aid eventually... :twisted:

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 21:26
by James Blast
I will be good, I will be good, I will be good, I will be good, I will be good, I will be god...

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 22:21
by lazarus corporation
I found a few old art-school friends on Facebook (who promptly uploaded old photos of me from 1991, the bastards!)

Posted: 30 Jul 2009, 05:48
by nodubmanshouts
I've found lots of old friends, a couple of old flames, but I don't think I've met any in the flesh yet.... well, I do live in California now, which is a long way from Leeds 6...

Most interesting... a very good friend from when I was in primary school. He's now a fairly famous actor in the UK. Been in big US movies too.

Most scarey... an old school colleague who went to jail for 5 years for child porn.

Most odd... old friends who were WELL into computers in the 1980s, but don't have accounts on Facebook, Friends Reunited or anything it seems...

Most sad... finding out a best friend from middle school died in an Avalanche in ye Highlands a decade ago (his parents wrote the entry).

Most thought provoking... those in LS6 1AH who never moved on from "the scene"... did I sell out, or did they not grow up?

Posted: 30 Jul 2009, 10:01
by markfiend
I got a bit "tinfoil hat" about facebook, what with their privacy policy seemingly amounting to "we own all your details and will sell them to the highest bidder." :|

The only people I want to track down don't want to be tracked down it seems.

Posted: 30 Jul 2009, 13:52
by DeWinter
I adore Facebook. It makes me feel smug(er). Finding out a schoolfriend who's now a burlesque dancer has been trying to find out where you are for the past five years, seeing how all the "popular" men my age are now bald and fat. My Burlesque friend and I met up and became chummy, but alas she had a boyfriend who got shirty about it.
Bad points are family members adding you. Especially if you regard your family a little less fondly than you would an STD. Particularly the cousin who I always remember having a permanently runny nose who licked it off his top lip when he thought no-one was looking..

Posted: 30 Jul 2009, 13:56
by timsinister
Fookb0rk organises my social life, promotes the band, and refreshes my hazy memory.

It's a laugh, a toy, nothing more.

Posted: 30 Jul 2009, 14:15
by Norman Hunter
DeWinter wrote:men my age are now bald and fat
I'll not take offence at that :wink:

I've been in touch with a few old friends via Facebook and a few old friends too :wink: It may possibly have lead to my current state of affairs - no pun intended :eek:

Posted: 30 Jul 2009, 21:07
by Erudite
There's a fairly high chance that if I haven't spoken to someone since I
was at school I didn't like them very much and twenty odd years later
I'm sure I'd still think they were an arse.

Never was people person. ;D

Posted: 30 Jul 2009, 21:14
by Big Si
Erudite wrote:There's a fairly high chance that if I haven't spoken to someone since I
was at school I didn't like them very much and twenty odd years later
I'm sure I'd still think they were an arse.

Never was people person. ;D
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

What about Friend requests from existing friends? The Narrow Bastard Overlord recommended that I hook up with my AllTimeNemesis Mr Jennifer Eiss :eek: :eek: :eek: :urff:


Posted: 30 Jul 2009, 21:30
by James Blast
I'm a practising Catholic, so I'm excused ;D