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World issues ~ deep thinking matters.

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 19:33
by MadameButterfly
To start this thread is basically because I don't know if to post it in the CAB-thread or CL-thread as these are matters that I either don't understand although can empathize to.

1. * Europe based ~ on the news this week we see farmers in Holland, Belgium and France not happy with the milk price being so low that it's not worth the production of it. So they are protesting by throwing milk away or letting it spray on the earth in litres at a time as they are not happy. In Holland they *thank the stars* blocked distribution centres. My first thought was WHAT A WASTE OF MILK in these times of economical crisis. This same week we were reminded of all the children & people in this world still starving to death. More so in Africa because of draught. How screwed up is this way of doing things in the world? Is the saying still "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" or "f**k the poor while I get rich"?!

I still think it's because governments are all screwed up still and need a really good wake up call.

2. * Violence ~ something that IMO is a very bad thing. On coming Sunday there is an International Peace March *don't think the hippy~thing, more like the weapon thing where in this world (not so much Europe but still) so many innocent people are being killed. Isn't it time to stop the killing and start building a better tomorrow where education, well-being of the elderly, sick and those less fortunate that are the victims to this?

Globally as the common person we are indivuals as to what we do. We as people with a good heart do our best to support these things and I salute you if you do. In this economic crisis some of us who would love to help but don't have the funds to contribute, could you just then please lite a candle or go to a march if there is one in your part of the woods, saying you stand behind a certain good. Let our actions speak louder than words and let us just stand behind the greater good of this planet and human kind as it's our actions that are building a future of younger generations.

Like the monkey, we see, we do. Thank you if you can just feel why I've started this kind of thread...'s been long missing in the history of HL...

MB xxx

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 20:00
by Big Si
"Crush your enemies, have them driven before you, hear the lamentation of the women...."


Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 20:02
by James Blast
too many words NEXT!

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 20:14
by Bartek
hippy scums.

the only thing that could change a man is a man (that in the mirror).

this is my thought of the day.

thank you.

good night!

we love you all!

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 20:33
by MadameButterfly
@ Big Si ~ good quote! :notworthy:

@ Bartek ~ hippy scums? because they love and want peace?
that reflection of a man is what is in that man's mind. strip him of money, power and dignity, he then seems suddenly naked.

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 20:46
by Bartek
no, because they want something unrealistic.

marching will not change anything in fact even voting can't change a thing. i know how i sound but seriously we can only start from ground floor. i don't believe that any legal regulations can really change anything (in real/ at all). give them a reason to use their power and they will never stop and tell what color of socks is more "safe" for you. and it's not about anarchy it's about reason.

strip a teen mobster of weapon and laugh of his pimples.

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 21:01
by James Blast
<---stops watching, this is so not my scene

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 21:01
by Big Si
You can't change Nature - Survival of the fittest, the strong always divide and eradicate the weak, in order to hold their position at the top.

So spend everyday as if it were your last, and one day you'll be right :wink:

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 21:02
by DerekR
In the words of the mighty Alabama 3...

"Mao Tse Tung said change must come
Change must come thru the barrel of a gun
Not thru talkin' and not through waitin'
And sittin' around just contemplatin' the facts
'Cos we know what they are
So let Mao Tse Tung be your guidin' star
Pick up a gun and learn how to fight
All thru the day and all thru the night
'Til come the day when the last fight's won
I want you to listen, son
'Cos Mao Tse Tung said change must come
Thru the barrel of a gun
I want you to listen, son
Change must come
Change must come thru the barrel of a gun"

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 21:02
by MadameButterfly
@ bartek ~but if peace and love starts at one person and goes out to friends and family it's not unrealistic. it's very real in fact.

i see where you are coming from but i have to disagree as a march for whatever reason always sends out a signal to those that are doing it for those that need it. voting depending in which country you live in and if you vote is important although in that same breathe if the country is corrupt it won't make a difference...history has taught us this.
legislation of these times need to change and in every country, as it's as outdated to the max and their power is actually limited if we decide for ourselves if that colour of socks is indeed safe for you or not. we have more brains and sources to look up if what is being told is true or not and the right to decide if we are going to indeed even use said socks.

the world is living in anarchy at the moment really as those powers above us have lost a slight bit of control anyway.

strip a teen mobster of weapon and get him in rehab, educate him and don't laugh as this will lead to an angry teen that will want revenge in a second's thought.

not taking a dig at you Bartek just a discussion on how we see it.

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 21:04
by MadameButterfly
James Blast wrote:<---stops watching, this is so not my scene
yay! a surrender!

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 21:15
by MadameButterfly
Big Si wrote:You can't change Nature - Survival of the fittest, the strong always divide and eradicate the weak, in order to hold their position at the top.

So spend everyday as if it were your last, and one day you'll be right :wink:
Mother Nature will always be superior as we often forget as humans.
Those at the top will drop due to the division of the weak because age catches up as does the new generation climb slightly with the sight of what has happened not being the way and changing that!

Live everyday thinking of tomorrow and the right way it should be! :wink:

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 21:21
by MadameButterfly
DerekR wrote:In the words of the mighty Alabama 3...

"Mao Tse Tung said change must come
Change must come thru the barrel of a gun
Not thru talkin' and not through waitin'
And sittin' around just contemplatin' the facts
'Cos we know what they are
So let Mao Tse Tung be your guidin' star
Pick up a gun and learn how to fight
All thru the day and all thru the night
'Til come the day when the last fight's won
I want you to listen, son
'Cos Mao Tse Tung said change must come
Thru the barrel of a gun
I want you to listen, son
Change must come
Change must come thru the barrel of a gun"
mighty Alabama should stop looking down the barrel of a gun!
Mao Tse Tung should know that fighting doesn't get us anywhere except costing us more taxes and unwanted wars. The power in anything is to listen, understand and act in good will.

In our own minds we can kill kill kill but on the streets and in countries we should be able to live in peace.

Change will come but not within violence.

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 21:27
by EvilBastard
DerekR wrote:"Mao Tse Tung said change must come
Change must come thru the barrel of a gun
But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You're not going to make it with anyone anyhow.

People suck - sure, we're capable of breathtaking creativity and kindness (Michaelangelo, Da Vinci, ten Boom) but we're equally capable of astonishing cruelty (everything from mass murder to microwaving the cat).
Generally, left to our own devices we're ok as a species, but once politics and religion get involved things go rapidly downhill. All it takes is for someone to point to a person or a group of people and convince other that they are responsible for X - the Black Death, inflation, "unser Unglueck," AIDS, whatever, and you've got a lovely little genocide right there in your own backyard.

If you want peace, I mean real lasting peace, not flower-power-underwater-basket-weaving-tie-dye-ersatz-hippy-bullshit peace then you have to get rid of organised religion and national politics. Do away with borders and create a single currency - free movement of goods, capital, labour, and ideas is the only thing that will bring peace.

Lighting a candle, and going on marches, while a lovely idea, has limited utility. 20 years of "muddle-headed grandmothers and lesbians" camping at Greenham Common achieved precisely not a lot, and while the Suffragette Movement was all very worthy had it not been for WW1 women would likely still be unfranchised and chained to the sink.

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 21:47
by MadameButterfly
EvilBastard wrote: If you want peace, I mean real lasting peace, not flower-power-underwater-basket-weaving-tie-dye-ersatz-hippy-bullshit peace then you have to get rid of organised religion and national politics. Do away with borders and create a single currency - free movement of goods, capital, labour, and ideas is the only thing that will bring peace.
We know this but seriously those embeded in an orgainsed religion will always do what their *god* tells them to do. IMHO that's why there is always war because of one or other *god*. Politics should separate religion from laws. Create a single currency would be delightful but then again those that have the upper hand will never agree as they would lose power so peace would have to start with the average "Joe" on the street.
EvilBastard wrote:Lighting a candle, and going on marches, while a lovely idea, has limited utility. 20 years of "muddle-headed grandmothers and lesbians" camping at Greenham Common achieved precisely not a lot, and while the Suffragette Movement was all very worthy had it not been for WW1 women would likely still be unfranchised and chained to the sink.
These days lighting a candle and going on marches will be documented for the world to see and hopefully believe and act. 20 years ago is in the past and we are now living for the now where I hope that history has made us stronger in doing in what we believe in. Women today are gaining power but it's not a women/men thingy anymore, it's what an individual within their own rights in the country they are living in allows them to do.

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 22:25
by Being645
Big Si wrote:So spend everyday as if it were your last, and one day you'll be right :wink:
:lol: : :lol: : :lol: : .... you might have a long, long wait ... :lol:
MadameButterfly wrote:
James Blast wrote:<---stops watching, this is so not my scene
yay! a surrender!
You say it ... ;D ... :lol:

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 22:50
by Big Si
Being645 wrote:
Big Si wrote:So spend everyday as if it were your last, and one day you'll be right :wink:
:lol: : :lol: : :lol: : .... you might have a long, long wait ... :lol:
Or shorter than you think :wink: Image

Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 23:21
by MadameButterfly
hmmm...sorry I forgot to include in my original post that if there are other world issues that you as a person would like to discuss you can carry on with no. 3 and no. 4...etc.

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 01:06
by Bartek
just one word: will.

about this teenager mobster it was a metaphor of politics. well ok about mankind, we are a facking bag of hormones, yes we can control them - at least we think that we can - but all those ambitions, honor, wishes, desires not helping us think about future, not helping us think reasonable.

we can't really control politics our vote is our weapon abut seriously they are so different? left, right, left-right, leftright do you see a different? 'cause i can't i tried to think about that but i can't. i know nowadays distinctions are not so clear, lines seems to be blurred. but it's just a flags, colors.

now I'm more into that kind of thinking as EvilBastard but i go even far, current "god" is ideology - history of XXth. century is grave of it- at least should be it. more we give our will and brain to some "religion"/ "god" more we blind and deaf.

but i'm dancing on this grave of will 'cause i know that mankind cannot learn from his past.

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 01:42
by Being645
If no change were possible, so how did they manage to turn the world
somewhat backwards in many respects during the past decade ... calling it re-form ... :eek:

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 01:44
by Being645
If no change were possible, so how did they manage to turn the world
somewhat backwards in many respects during the past decade (or more) ... calling it re-form ... :eek:

Heaven knows how comes this post occurs here twice ... :?:

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 01:47
by Nadia81
people are capable of learning from the past -they just won't.Thinking for oneself is not the easy way and everyone wants the easy way through everything.Why do all the hard thinking stuff when a religion/politician/advertisement can just tell me what to buy/believe?Power = responsibility and until people take responsibility for their own lives they will remain powerless.Which seems to be just apple-pan-dandy with most folks. :(

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 03:31
by splintered thing
We can make a difference.... even if it is only a giggle now and then and cheering up our friends when they are down.

oh and...
Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!!! :lol:

well it makes me smile...

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 09:26
by Bartek

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 10:41
by eotunun
EvilBastard wrote: Generally, left to our own devices we're ok as a species, but once politics and religion get involved things go rapidly downhill. All it takes is for someone to point to a person or a group of people and convince other that they are responsible for X - the Black Death, inflation, "unser Unglueck," AIDS, whatever, and you've got a lovely little genocide right there in your own backyard.
..mainly because ape descendants still are apes, mainly.
Listen to the apes go frantic when apes that look differently enter there forest.
EvilBastard wrote:If you want peace, I mean real lasting peace, not flower-power-underwater-basket-weaving-tie-dye-ersatz-hippy-bullshit peace then you have to get rid of organised religion and national politics. Do away with borders and create a single currency - free movement of goods, capital, labour, and ideas is the only thing that will bring peace.

Lighting a candle, and going on marches, while a lovely idea, has limited utility. 20 years of "muddle-headed grandmothers and lesbians" camping at Greenham Common achieved precisely not a lot, and while the Suffragette Movement was all very worthy had it not been for WW1 women would likely still be unfranchised and chained to the sink.
Damn WW1. I almost ran to my kitchen to look for mine.

Sire, I think you are right on spot!
There are ~200 countries in the world, all with differences in legislation and tendency for bribery to knock out snsible bits of legislation. Company´s powers have always had all the range available for their means of communications while governments are limited by the line where their grand-grand-grandfathers decided that enough of their villain neighbours had kicked the bucket. It's so easy for big companies to outmaneuver laws, one can almost here the managers giggle when they meet the ones in "power".
Bank crisis anyone?
-Germany's government just knocked out more than what the entire german reunion (Let's better say the purchase of the plundered wreckage of teh GDR) had cost, to fix the damage the pinstripe fucks have done. I've not heard of anyone being held liable for what they did here.

Yes, religion and different ethnicity are what spawns most of the atrocities humans commit. Religion can mainly shape an ethnicity as well, just as much as ethnicity can shape a religion. (See Yugoslavia's exit and the 3rd f*ckin' Reich for evidence)
There's a problem, ape gets stressed, ape gets angry, ape needs someone to beat up.

Making claims and demanding territory is a very old instinct buried deep in old spheres of the brain, the Limbic system is, as far as I learnt, the host of those functions. That is the reptilian heritage we carry with us.
One should think that migration and meddling of cultures, ideas of tolerance and pragmatic planning, economical usage of means in organisation and so on would have brought Ugh-Ugh's Grandchildren beyond borderline thinking.
So is mankind a Borderline patient?

Club of Rome, 1972 -Forgotten.
Kyoto 1992 -Outmaneuvered.
Californian Zero Emission law -A matter of history.
Darfur Crisis -"The what?"
Banking Crisis? -"We mostly are through it, optimism has returned to the stock markets"
Dear Europa, thanks for that quotation you use as signature:
Om began to feel the acute depression that steals over every realist in the presence of an optimist.
Will marching help?
Did the warnings from scientists do? -Bugger all.
Did the evidence of various crises confirming the warnings make anything change? -Bugger all.
Those have been way more powerful momentums than contributing to global warming and air pollution by burning sticks of paraffin in the street, I guess. :wink:
As long as the roman emper.. Sorry, the pope, keeps encouraging his gang to breed like rabbits, most likely to have enough forces at hand to throw down his enemy, the heir of the persian empire (who, in turn, has his followers breeding like the rabbits) I doubt anything will change.
An almost infinite topic. If you like:
Dan Dennett interprets culture as some kind of software virus here.
If you object with the Term "Islam" being the first one mentioned listen on.