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Posted: 27 May 2003, 12:51
by Planet Dave
Now then, what happened yesterday Quiffy? Hardly the result I was expecting. It's pretty annoying, finishing 3rd and then getting knocked out of the money-spinning rounds. Kinda like stuffing Juve away in the Champs League, then sitting back and watching them run around OT in the final. Footy eh? My 10 yr old was impressed though, being a Leeds fan he wasn't looking forward to any more spankings at your hands.

Look on t'bright side, at least you're still in the first div.


Plus, we'll take the six points of Wolves just as merrily.

Posted: 27 May 2003, 13:08
by Quiff Boy
we were a shower of sh*te yesterday. just dont understand what happened - talk about falling at the final hurdle! we blades call it "the crystal palace effect" in honour of our equally disasterous promotion drive a few years ago which ended in a mauling at the hands of palace in the final :(

i dont think the controversy about dean windass having a hissy fit and storming off will have had THAT much impact, i can only assume that we just ran out of steam.. its bieen a long season and the last couple of months have been very tense.

hey ho. wolves beat us on the day and deserved to go up. enjoy your six points ;)

at leasts most of our squad have signed new contracts, so we should be able to keep the main force behind the team... just got which club brown is going to play for next season to worry about now. man city is my fave :roll:

but hey, at least wednesday went down so its still a f*cking good season!! :D :D :D :twisted:

Posted: 27 May 2003, 17:59
by nearmethexperience
never mind quiffy, you'll make it next season, probably, you can't always be the bridesmaid?¿?

and on a brighter note we have six points of sweet sweet revenge awaiting those (almost) brumie b*st*rds!

and the makems managed to get the worst results in the history of the premiership, ever, not that WAS sweet!!! i have a feeling it's going to be many a long season before we're forced into the 'tedium of sh*te' (as we call it round our parts) again!

of course, i'm not the happiest of bunnies at the signing of lee 'i'm a racist tw*t' bowyer, if i had a season ticket i'd return it, although little good that would do, i only hope that weak ankle of his lets him down and we can get out of signing him, failing that, a free transfer and a whip round for a one way ticket to any football club based in india/pakistan would probably be the order of the day :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 28 May 2003, 09:49
by Planet Dave
Lee Bowyer? Yeah, I can imagine you'd be rather put out if that twerp signed for your team. Moaning racist dimwitted stamping slapped arse that he is. Hmm, should fit in perfectly with Shearer and Bellamy.

MORE worrying, is that most of my immediate neighbours wish he still played for them (leeds), and miss him somewhat. Oh dear.

The boys at work (Sheff Utd) are bordering on suicidal this morning, still. I should send 'em in your direction Quiffy, you seem to have taken it on the chin. Always a good sign of strong moral fibre. That's what sets class clubs apart, getting over the hiccups. Someone should pass this on to Warnock though. Never liked him at Oldham. He's all a bit man ciddee really.

And finally, in totally the wrong post, how stunning is the Amsterdam bootleg. Just got mine from Mr Adrenachrome - wow. I KNEW the sound was fantastic. This proves it.

Enjoy the summer's transfer bollocks, God knows who we'll sign and sell, but I've said my goodbyes to Beckham. So long and thanks for all the fish.


Posted: 28 May 2003, 10:30
by Black Shuck
I think the whole 'Lee Bowyer is racist' thing is a bit of a storm in a teacup, he seems to be just a scally who happens to be a brilliant footballer, I think it's a bit unfair for him to be branded 'racist' throughout the rest of his career, which is what appears to be happening.

And I think I snatch the award for this summers most frustrated football fan; My team, everton, despite playing to 40,000 fans all last season, and having one of the lowest wage bills in the premiership; 'manager of the year' David Moyes has just been told that for the second summer running, there will be no money for new signings...
We are on the verge of being a great club again (don't laugh), yet we have the most penny-pinching, wussy board in world football.
It's only a matter of time before we sell Wayne Rooney.

Posted: 28 May 2003, 12:39
by Planet Dave
Hey Mr Shuk,

Here's another way of looking at it. If your board DIDN'T keep a tight hold on the club wallet, you could be in the same oomska as leeds, Chelsea, even Arse, and most other clubs, ie financially f**ked over.

Still, it's also obviously frustrating. Just make sure you finish higher than looneypool next season, and feel those frustrations lessen. Also, surely you buzz off seeing Rooney or Radlinski in full flow, something else that your neighbours don't have access to, quality players. Radlinski buried us the other year playing for Anderlecht. Barstard.

And finally, the failsafe means of cheering oneself up in the post-season haze, it could always be worse, you could support city.


Posted: 28 May 2003, 12:44
by Quiff Boy
Dave Whelan wrote:And finally, the failsafe means of cheering oneself up in the post-season haze, it could always be worse, you could support city.
or wednesday.... ;) :twisted:

Posted: 28 May 2003, 19:18
by Black Shuck
Dave Whelan wrote:Hey Mr Shuk,

Still, it's also obviously frustrating. Just make sure you finish higher than looneypool next season,

A strange phenomenon exists at Liverpool FC, where they spend tens of millions every summer on crap players, and yet there is always oodles more money in the kitty.....
And yes, No-one wants to 'do a Leeds' and end up stupidly in debt, but there's no harm in taking a few risks. Our board won't let Moyes spend a penny, and despite being the 5th best supported team in the country, we are a 'selling' club. strange.

Wonder where all the money's going?