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Start 'em young...

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 05:22
by EvilBastard
Children take over at Tokyo theme park
Auntie Beeb wrote:Children dressed in pilots' uniforms can try out a flight simulator, while others play the role of flight crew handing out trays of plastic food and drinks.
So it really is life-like, then...
Auntie Beeb wrote:The veterinary surgery is equipped with robotic dogs. A labrador lies on an operating table, while boys and girls practice taking the temperature of a mechanical Beagle.
Roll up, roll up, wee'uns - stick a thermometer up the arse of a mechanical dog. Just remember, don't try this on Pooch at home now, will you?
Auntie Beeb wrote:But in Japan, a nation of savers, children form long queues at the theme park's bank.

"I've opened up an account and I've put the money in," said nine-year-old Noa Morita, who wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up. "I'll leave it in there for the bank to keep it."
Now you see, this is where the reality stops. The bank doesn't keep your money - the bank spends your money on all manner of risky shit, and when the investments go the way of Lord Percy Percy's Uncle Bertram's old oak table (which, as you will recall, vanished on the night of the Great Stepney Fire) and the bank goes tits up, the government will step in, buy the bank, and you and your descendants will be stuck with paying for your money for ever and ever and ever.

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 07:03
by nodubmanshouts
I heard the average Japanese bride has $100,000 in savings by the time she gets married....

But lets not forget the Japanese lost-decade...or is that lost-double-decade now?

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 19:27
by MadameButterfly
Scare them? More like a trauma for these kids...
Some kids are in tears when they hear the alarm and the fire breaks out
....but then again it's up to the parents where they leave their kids.

Letting kids look & learn for the future of what they would like to do is a good thing maybe but from what age is my question? Emotionally & psychologically if not guided properly could lead to damaging effects surely?

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 21:08
by James Blast
in the 70s, in Glasgow and environs, there used to be the expression "Get it up ye while yer young"

just thought I'd clue ye's in ;D