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My unlucky cat...

Posted: 10 Nov 2009, 09:16
by Ozpat
My 13 year old cat has been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.
He has been given a medecine called Felimazole.
After scratching and hurting himself for a few weeks, a biopsy in Hasselt, Belgium showed he is allergic to this medicine.
In 13 years I never had to go to a vet and he has always been eating anything without any allergic reaction. Pure bad luck.... :(

An operation is too risky. No treatment means his organs will start to
fail and he will die in about a year.
Only one solution: Radio Iodine 131 therapy (radio active).
98% chance of success and the cat might live 4 to 7 more years.
Costs: € 1000.00 :eek:

Any of you people had any experiences with this?

Posted: 10 Nov 2009, 15:20
by Being645
First of all all my very best wishes to your cat and you.

Depending on which content of Felimazole your cat is allergic to,
there is also Carbimazol, not known for side-effects on the skin ... :roll: ...
Some cats can't so with Felimazole, others not with Carbimazol ...

In Germany, there are several forums discussing this issue on the web ...
like here ... ... ilddr%FCse

Again, all my best wishes ...

Posted: 10 Nov 2009, 21:23
by Obviousman
:eek: :(

Sorry to hear that Pat, hope for all the best....

Posted: 10 Nov 2009, 22:46
by Patti82
Poor cat :( I feel sorry for you, I don't know what I would do if it was any of mine...

But Being645 has a good idea, ask for options in medication.

Posted: 10 Nov 2009, 22:55
by darkparticle
sorry to hear that, sounds like he's just running out of luck. I got friends who's cats are always sick and off to the vets.

fingers crossed he's with you a few more years

Posted: 11 Nov 2009, 07:34
by Ozpat
Thanks for the responses!

@ Being645: Thanks for that link. The allergic reaction is in his blood. The vains right under the skin make him scratch. I have read about Carbimazol and Strumazol but according to the vet that would not be an option regarding the allergic reaction. So I guess all three of them contain a substance that makes him sick.

@Patti82: Last year I spend almost € 400.00 for the Damage Done.
Get the point. My cat has been a good friend, in good and bad times. I love him. Cannot say € 1000.00 is too much for him. I would feel bad and guilty. It's just what he means to me and the way he is acting; he wants to live...But:

At the moment I am in touch with a vet in Gent, Belgium as in Holland there's only one place the Radio Iodine 131 therapy can be done.
I got an e-mail this morning in which I was told that the same treatment
there costs € 550.00. That is almost half the amount! :eek:

So probably I will bring him overthere where he has to stay for a week.
If all goes well the illness will be gone forever and he will be healthy again. As I paid € 40.00 a month for Felimazole the expensive treatment is even a better option; also in costs.

I'll keep you updated. Thanks again! :notworthy:

Posted: 11 Nov 2009, 08:06
by Patti82
Of course he is your friend, don't get me wrong.
I would do anything for my cats, some people might say that they are just animals, but having had a few of them I know that they become a part of the family. I also know the feeling when coming home and some of them are missing because you'd to put them down for their own good. So I really do suffer with you.
(If I would end up in your situation at the moment, being unemployed, I'm not sure I would be able to afford the treatment... I might have said this in the wrong way earlier and I'm sorry if you thought I didn't understand your situation.)

Fingers crossed for the future and great news that you found a less expensive vet - it's sometimes worth looking around :D

Posted: 11 Nov 2009, 09:52
by markfiend
No useful advice from me, all I can offer is good vibes for your cat. Hope everything turns out OK.

Posted: 11 Nov 2009, 10:44
by Ozpat
I did not get you wrong Patti. You say it right and thanks for the support.

Thanks Mark. I believe in good vibes!

To be continued.

Posted: 11 Nov 2009, 11:35
by radiojamaica
Ouch... not much I can say than wishing all the best to your cat!
These are tough decisions you are gonna have to make, but I'm sure you'll think it through and make the right ones. Sterkte!

Posted: 11 Nov 2009, 12:27
by DeWinter
When I had to take our kitty, Mister to the vet after he got in a fight and had to have an eye removed, we found out at the vet's that he had a twisted stomach, most likely because his previous owners had kicked the poor little chap. It would have killed him in a few months, and we would never have known what happened, so I guess he lost an eye but stayed alive!
Cost me well over £500 in the end, and I remember grumbling mightily that I could have bought a pedigree for that. I ended up paying out in the end, he's become like my furry ginger son who talks strangely. ... 5_6665.jpg

As you can see, he recovered well to become a big fat happy lump.

Posted: 11 Nov 2009, 12:33
by Being645
Ozpat wrote: At the moment I am in touch with a vet in Gent, Belgium as in Holland there's only one place the Radio Iodine 131 therapy can be done.
I got an e-mail this morning in which I was told that the same treatment
there costs € 550.00. That is almost half the amount! :eek:

So probably I will bring him overthere where he has to stay for a week.
If all goes well the illness will be gone forever and he will be healthy again. As I paid € 40.00 a month for Felimazole the expensive treatment is even a better option; also in costs.

I'll keep you updated. Thanks again! :notworthy:
:D ... aha, your "unlucky" cat has once again proofed to be a lucky cat, rather ... :D ...

So, all the best for the treatment now ... :D ...

Posted: 11 Nov 2009, 12:34
by Ozpat
Amazing story DeWinter. The cat looks happy indeed! Great! :D

Posted: 11 Nov 2009, 13:56
by MadameButterfly
Lots of luck Pat! Just keep checking where the cheapest treatment is and I'll also send some healthy vibes your way, for your cat.

As part of the family you have to do your best to keep them alive and happy.

Posted: 11 Nov 2009, 16:03
by Ozpat
Thank you all nice people!

Only one centre per country is allowed to do the job (very strict rules because of the radiation) so the Belgium
one it will be. Appointment will be made tomorrow.
Not only cheaper medical care but also better (Belgium is well known for their great health care).

Posted: 11 Nov 2009, 17:39
by Silence is platinum
My best wishes and the best of luck for your cat.

Keep us informed!!

Posted: 11 Nov 2009, 18:24
by sziamiau
oh best wishes really. cats are amazing. once we move into the enw house, maybe we can get two. last week we have lost our dear Marci, and it's always so bad, so I hope the treatment will be successful!

Posted: 11 Nov 2009, 19:04
by Ozpat
sziamiau wrote:oh best wishes really. cats are amazing. once we move into the enw house, maybe we can get two. last week we have lost our dear Marci, and it's always so bad, so I hope the treatment will be successful!
Thanks K.! Sorry to hear about Marci. Sad. :(
A new house? In the NL or back home? Good luck anyway!

Posted: 12 Nov 2009, 00:03
by Andrew S
Sorry to hear this Pat, although it sounds like your cat's prospects are very good if he gets the treatment he needs. Having seen my cat fight an unwinnable battle against advanced kidney failure, I would have gladly bankrupted myself to give him a few more happy years. Sadly, in Dale's case, it was too late, but I did get some invaluable advice from this group ... dbehavior/. People there pointed me to a more specialised group where I found a lot of information about renal failure and treatment options. And I think it was thanks to their advice that Dale lasted a hell of a lot longer than his vets expected. Good luck and let us know how your moggy gets on.

Posted: 12 Nov 2009, 09:08
by sziamiau
Ozpat wrote:
sziamiau wrote:oh best wishes really. cats are amazing. once we move into the enw house, maybe we can get two. last week we have lost our dear Marci, and it's always so bad, so I hope the treatment will be successful!
Thanks K.! Sorry to hear about Marci. Sad. :(
A new house? In the NL or back home? Good luck anyway!
in NL. we are waiting on the last okay from the bank on the mortgage. put your paws together please

Posted: 12 Nov 2009, 10:16
by Ozpat
sziamiau wrote:
Ozpat wrote:
sziamiau wrote:oh best wishes really. cats are amazing. once we move into the enw house, maybe we can get two. last week we have lost our dear Marci, and it's always so bad, so I hope the treatment will be successful!
Thanks K.! Sorry to hear about Marci. Sad. :(
A new house? In the NL or back home? Good luck anyway!
in NL. we are waiting on the last okay from the bank on the mortgage. put your paws together please
Ok, so I will!

@ Andrew S.: :notworthy: