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I'm a bit ashamed....

Posted: 16 Nov 2009, 21:45
by lampemi
But I need votes for my little daughter

We are at the end of a challenge from a Belgian contest.

We need a lot of votes on a movie we made:

Al I can give you is a big Thank You!


Posted: 16 Nov 2009, 22:06
by MadameButterfly
hee hee! :lol:

I was there a few weekends ago and also went in that wooden rollercoaster!
I almost fcuking shat in my pants it was so evil! :lol:

That one with your legs just dangling ~ no way jose!

The boat one was also fun, me & my daughter didn't get wet..great minds and all that! :wink:

We were there just before Halloween weekend so as the sun was setting and the other folks started coming out of their holes as scary people, the kids were scared by a clown...the evil one saying " all little children go away *rot op* or else i'm coming to get you" :lol: :notworthy:
the kids weren't impressed! although my daughter wanted to stay between all the goths we saw...I told her one year we'll go together! :wink:
My son and his friend had a ball though..."mum have to seen all the gothic people!!! :eek: " Heehee & bless :lol:

Yeah...I'll do a vote.