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Is two or three seconds enough?

Posted: 11 Jan 2010, 20:39
by Debaser
Stolen from another forum I frequent.

Identify your favourite 1, 2 or 3 seconds worth of a track.

I'll start you off with a few to get you going - (it might help if you get tongue-tied or am a musical dolt like myself to link a clip with timings)

Breeders - Cannonball just after the 'ahwhoo-ooohs' the bit where the drum taps kick in then the rather nifty work of Ms Deal on the bass (about 22 seconds in) - so possibly about three seconds of fabulousness. Saying that, is it the the brilliant couple of secondsworth of silence at 18 seconds I really love? Perhaps that's another thread - silences in tracks?

Damned - New Rose. Only three seconds in when Mr Scabies kicks in. :notworthy:

Sweet - Ballroom Blitz. About 19 seconds in just after Brian invites everyone to 'Lets go' The guitary bit

Ruts - Babylon's Burning approximately 1min 18 after second chorus when he goes straight into 'Babylon's burning baby can't you see'

Puressence - Sharpen up the knives. About 1.45 - my fav bit lyrically - don't know why it just 'gets me' (saying that I have no idea if he's 'tearing at stars' or it's 'up to the stars' I like to think it's the former) every damned time.

Please forgive the crappy vid that goes with it but the other versions I found were just not quite right. ... re=related

Oh and them Sistery fellows - Alice (remember folks it doesn't have to be your fav track, just fav bits of a track) 4 seconds in the high hatty bits

Right that's me done for the moment - I have TONS of others but I have 'stuff' to do.

Posted: 11 Jan 2010, 20:42
by Debaser
Blinkin heck - that's possibly the longest post I've ever written - I feel a flannel on mi pulse points is in order. :lol:

Posted: 11 Jan 2010, 20:43
by emilystrange
quick, the smelling salts! and the gin!

Posted: 11 Jan 2010, 20:44
by Debaser
emilystrange wrote: and the gin!
Bleurgh - that's perfume, I class that alongside yakky Earl Grey :urff:

Posted: 11 Jan 2010, 20:46
by emilystrange
got you shifted though, innit?

Posted: 11 Jan 2010, 21:34
by Pat
Favorite Sisters bit is the piano at the start of Marian. As it fades the suspense builds-air guitar to the ready.

Posted: 11 Jan 2010, 22:04
by scotty
Sorry, read the thread title & thought Mags was taling about our sex life :oops: ............carry on.