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Drawing of the sisters family

Posted: 12 Jan 2010, 23:23
by Orbina
Look what my friend gave me for christmas: :D :D


Posted: 12 Jan 2010, 23:42
by weebleswobble
cool 8) :von: :notworthy:

Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 00:15
by mh
Nabbed for desktop wallpaper. :notworthy:

I don't quite see Von being a "great big dirty pint" man though. Unless it's a pint of vodka and cranberry, of course. :lol:

Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 05:50
by Being645
:lol: ... pretty. Thanks for posting ... ;D :notworthy:

Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 07:53
by Ozpat
That looks great! Love it! :notworthy:

Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 10:02
by jost 7
thats nice. sin city sisters

Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 13:43
by Norman Hunter
Closing time @ The Viaduct, Leeds..?

Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 19:53
by paul
I like it!

Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 20:05
by Orbina
Yes, I love it very much. I like the way they are composed and the sin city feeling.

Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 22:27
by _emma_
Does the person who made it like The Sisters, does s/he know what they are about, is s/he into it at all, or a little bit, or not at all and just made a Christmas gift? :)

Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 22:56
by MadameButterfly
oh dear and here i come in a say it doesn't look like any of our boys!



Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 01:19
by Orbina
Hehe, She who made the drawing is very much into sisters. In fact, she did draw them in the exact way they were dressed on the consert in stockholm we saw last year.

Madame Butterfly: Well, that doesnt matter, I still love it cause it means a lot to me. (Read the above)

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 04:43
by Prescott
It's lovely and my desktop background as well now. Thank you for sharing this. 8)

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 09:39
by _emma_
MadameButterfly wrote:it doesn't look like any of our boys!
:eek: :lol: I thought it does! Some facts are probably not exactly correct (for example Andrew should be more pretty :P and perhaps would be drinking something different, and Ben wouldn't be fiddling with cigarettes I suppose) but hey it's art so it doesn't have to stick to the facts.
Well my first impression was that it does look a lot like our boys (well, two "boys" and one "precious fossil" :kiss: to be precise) because the gestures and expressions (which in the real life reveal the personality) of each of them in my opinion got captured perfectly.

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 10:57
by Being645
I agree ... and also the stroke of every little thing in this picture is great fun ... :lol: ... :notworthy: ...

And as to the prettiness of :von: ... he's got so many faces, but fortunately,
the painter didn't take that South American video interview as a model ... 8)

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 11:41
by abridged
I like it. And as a sometime curator tis me job to like or dislike drawings... ;D Ah us old bald guys don't get pretty just more er interesting....ahem. ;D

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 12:13
by SteBacchus
I think it looks great, it captures Andy brilliantly in my humble opinion (Except the pint pot)

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 12:38
by Quiff Boy
looks like a typical post-gig drinking session to me... nicely done :lol: :notworthy:

and fwiw, i'm pretty sure i've seen herr eldritch drinking pints more recently. didnt notice if it was lager or bitter though :lol:

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 12:39
by Being645
I love the pint pot, because when I look at it, I can see a little owl or thing leaning in it, very sweet ... ;D ...

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 13:22
by lachert
i like it too ;D
what's in ben's left hand? cellphone, detonator? :eek:

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 13:26
by Quiff Boy
i assumed it was a cig packet, but yeah - it could be a hand grenade :lol:

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 14:13
by lachert
Quiff Boy wrote:i assumed it was a cig packet, but yeah - it could be a hand grenade :lol:
ahey, now it's clear. it's open cig pack and ben's just wondering "smoke or not to smoke, these guys'll kill me anyhow by passive smoking. ah, i do not know" :lol:

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 14:45
by Quiff Boy
:lol: good point... :lol:

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 18:13
by Chairman Bux
It is a hand grenade, but it's not Ben's - he's just looking after it.

Chris looks far too relaxed - he's obviously not working hard enough.