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Re: Easy Livin'

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 10:54
by markfiend
stufarq wrote:Oh, hang on. At the rate computer technology is advancing, we'll probably all have 100 exabyte hard drives by next week!
Yeah, it doubles about every 18 months.

I remember when double-density floppies came out, thinking "Wow, how could you fill a whole megabyte?" :lol:

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 11:55
by timsinister
Mark, your age is showing :wink:

Re: Easy Livin'

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 12:46
by Being645
markfiend wrote:
stufarq wrote:Oh, hang on. At the rate computer technology is advancing, we'll probably all have 100 exabyte hard drives by next week!
Yeah, it doubles about every 18 months.

I remember when double-density floppies came out, thinking "Wow, how could you fill a whole megabyte?" :lol:
That was the time before digital photography ... not so very long ago.

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 12:56
by markfiend
timsinister wrote:Mark, your age is showing :wink:
Fetch my pipe and slippers you young whippersnapper! :lol:

Digital photography is one aspect of it, true, but the 5 1/2" floppies I'm talking about (:eek:) were back in the BBC Micro / ZX Spectrum days, when you could get the computer's whole operating system into 16K, and upwards of 20 games onto one floppy.

I even remember a computerised type-setting machine my Dad had at work that used 8" floppies!

See here:

Anyway, where were we?

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 13:08
by culprit
too right, mark.
my first computer had a 120mb hard drive! :D

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 13:15
by Quiff Boy
my dad was always buying/swapping bits and bobs of computery things for me - there was always a steady stream of them coming in and going back out of our house when i was growing up :lol: :roll:

my first computer was a ZX81 :lol:

then we had a dragon 32 for about 3 months (that was cr*p), then we briefly got a texas ti99-4/a (snappy name, huh? i quite liked that one and it was built like a tank), then we had a commodore 64 and an atari 800xl (at the same time, for some reason) for a few years, and then we got an amiga 600, then a 1200, and then it started getting serious :lol:

i didnt actually get a pc until i went to uni in 1995. it was some crumbly old elonex 486 dx2 66 than ran like a dog... but it was good enough for windows 3.1, word 6, access 2, some c programming environment and a couple of assembly language emulators that we needed for our course :lol: :urff:


i was always going to be a bit spoddy, wasn't it? ;D :lol: :oops:

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 13:19
by markfiend
Quiff Boy wrote:my first computer was a ZX81 :lol:
I also had a ZX81. 8K ROM (holding the entire OS and BASIC programming language) and 1K RAM. Fantastic. :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 13:21
by MadameButterfly
markfiend wrote:
timsinister wrote:Mark, your age is showing :wink:
Fetch my pipe and slippers you young whippersnapper! :lol:

Digital photography is one aspect of it, true, but the 5 1/2" floppies I'm talking about (:eek:) were back in the BBC Micro / ZX Spectrum days, when you could get the computer's whole operating system into 16K, and upwards of 20 games onto one floppy.

I even remember a computerised type-setting machine my Dad had at work that used 8" floppies!

See here:

Anyway, where were we?
Good heavens above I remember those days too! :eek: :eek:

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 13:22
by Bartek
i started from C64 then Amiga 600 and after quite a long time normal PC. i young but old enough to remember that machines :wink:

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 14:54
by deirfiur
Time for a new thread methinks - this one seems to have gone a bit off topic

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 15:01
by abridged
I remember punched cards and Beginners Automated Symbolic Instruction Code (may have got BASIC wrong).... :urff:

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 15:04
by Quiff Boy
deirfiur wrote:Time for a new thread methinks - this one seems to have gone a bit off topic
yeah :lol:

welcome to the zoo that is heartland :lol: ;D

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 15:10
by Quiff Boy
that's better :)

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 15:25
by christophe
I don't remember what my first was, but it was barely pré pentium. I know because everyone else was upgrading and I couldn't :lol:

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 15:27
by markfiend
abridged wrote:I remember punched cards and Beginners Automated Symbolic Instruction Code (may have got BASIC wrong).... :urff:
Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code?

Anyone remember the Jupiter Ace, a ZX81 homebuild variant that used FORTH instead of BASIC? :eek:

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 15:29
by weebleswobble


:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 15:39
by James Blast
I remember hot metal type and punchtape ;D

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 15:51
by abridged
Yep. Mark Sorry All Purpose Code. Been a while since school!

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 16:07
by markfiend
James Blast wrote:I remember hot metal type and punchtape ;D
My Dad had a typesetter worked for him who could set fully-justified type (from hot lead) by eye more quickly than you would believe. It was a marvel to watch.

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 16:14
by James Blast
I have a geek related post to make but I'm too upset about it just now, I need to collect my thoughts, otherwise it will just be a stream of bile and hatred directed at the powers that be where I work - I may need to PM the Boss + Fiendy, it's a three pipe problem :(

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 16:52
by markfiend
You know where I am. And my gmail address if I'm not here.

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 16:56
by James Blast
I dinna ken whaur tae start, but thankee Herr fiendish one

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 17:11
by Quiff Boy
zoiks. waddup? :o

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 17:19
by James Blast
I'm so upset, lemme say "I'm a peecee, no I'm not. I is Mac, I will allas be Mac, dammit"!

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 17:38
by emilystrange
Quiff Boy wrote: i was always going to be a bit spoddy, wasn't it? ;D :lol: :oops:

we had a zx81 and commodore 64 as well.