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a request, nae a plea

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 21:58
by James Blast
This affects me directly so, if you don't agree, walk on by.
Our wonderful government needs to find money to fund the bankers champagne and caviar lifestyle whilst also keeping a pointless/cruel/unwinable war going.
So who should they buttfuck this time but those *older and infirm citizens. Those who have worked, paid their 'stamp', kept their noses clean and generally been decent human beings.
Since I went down to part-time work (not by choice and via an illness brought on by work related bollix) and since my mother has become less capable (she's 89 in May FFS!), we have relied on this 'handout' to keep our heads above water. A debate has been started to remove it, I urge you to vote 'Yes' to this badly worded poll which makes it look like 'No' is the answer you were aiming for. A vote of 'Yes' will at least show those journos that we're not all that dumb. ... t-1.998901

James and Molly
snoogans :D

BTW, don'tcha just love the eejits that click 'Don't Know'?
*you are all heading towards older citizenship, by the minute, yeah I never thought it would happen either

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 22:09
by EvilBastard

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 22:14
by James Blast
thankee :D

n' ah meen tha moas sinseerly, folks!

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 22:17
by MadameButterfly
Anything for you and Molly, Unkle Jam~es!


Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 22:24
by weebleswobble

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 22:27
by James Blast

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 22:31
by Bartek

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 22:41
by James Blast
Snoogans! rev 2.0 :kiss:

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 22:46
by lazarus corporation
'T'is done

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 22:50
by James Blast
Revr'nd Image

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 22:56
by emilystrange

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 22:58
by 7anthea7
Think they'd pay any attention to someone based in the US - or should I just lie about my location? ;)

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 23:00
by Back in time
Done, but results are close.

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 23:00
by James Blast
the give a shit factor is zero - that was aimed at Anthea's reply not yours, and thanks people

I think I'm more pissed off at the way the question is phrased

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 23:15
by Nic
My vote is cast.

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 23:24
by James Blast
Back in time wrote:Done, but results are close.
I reckon that's the way it's worded, I clicked 'No' when I first went in!
When you take into account the people who buy this daily paper and how they'd read it, well... 'No' looks right even though it affects them to their detriment.

I shall be writing to this blat with my grievance.

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 23:25
by 7anthea7
Alrighty, then - done. (And registered under my 'spiritual' home...)

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 23:32
by James Blast
Wanna thangyew all v'reh kindly. :D

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 23:38
by Debaser
Just as a matter of interest have you been watching the results - have the results changed at all? Not sure if my vote was recognised AND I seemed to be able to vote a squillion times and nothing happened to the percentage.

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 23:44
by James Blast
yeap, I got us 'Yes's" up by 3%, it's a start sweetheart

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 23:49
by Debaser
Now I've gone back and looked again I see it's changed.

Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 00:34
by Izzy HaveMercy
I had to log in just fer this wan James.

I voted a heartfelt YES and it will further please you I did it from a MacBook Pro 15 inch matte screen ;)

Arra best to yew and the venerable Molleh.


Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 00:46
by Being645
Done that ... however: yes still only 46 % ./. No 50 % ...

Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 00:55
by Purple Light
Voted. Still 46%.

Can this be posted on other forums too? (not really a question from one forum me, more a request)

Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 01:16
by JansenClone
Vote added!