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HELP needed preferably from American or British natives

Posted: 11 Mar 2010, 10:54
by Eva
Hi people

Just when I reached another alltime low for quitting yet another job with no new one at hand (I'll explain that in another thread if and when I feel the urge) I spotted an opportunity for a paid PH D (I mean getting payed while writing it). All they want from me are an application letter and some texts plus a CV, everything in English. I'll do as I'm told of course, hoping that my language skills are up for the job, but I'll need a kind soul to proof read what I've written.

Is there anybody out there who has the time and is willing to read and to correct visibly (so I can learn) where needed about 8 A4 pages (including cv) of text between now (first page is ready) and tomorrow evening? I'd send you everything as email attachments, and I'd ask you to send me back the corrected files. Oh, and please don't be nice. There's no use in telling me my English is ok when you think it isn't.

Please PM me.

Many, many thanks in advance,


Posted: 11 Mar 2010, 11:19
by darkparticle
PM'd let me know your thoughts on what you are attempting to present, what you are trying to say with the document as well.

warmth, efficiency, orderliness and other such stuff can all be conveyed in words so throw in a few ideas along those lines if you want.