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The Budget

Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 16:41
by weebleswobble
I'm so glad my pay rise will offset the increased cost of everything.

Oh wait a minute, what pay rise. :urff:

As for taxing cider........cnut!

Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 17:12
by markfiend
Looking forward to the general election. :roll:

If voting could change anything they would ban it.

Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 17:44
by DeWinter
It can't be easy being poor Alistair, it's not as if he can change any of the previous Chancellor's disastrous policies, since previous Chancellor is now the Prime Minister.
Tax credits are a brilliant example, a labyrinthine process costing a good few million when similar results could be easily obtained through just taxing people less(or insisting that employers pay a living wage). But it's Gordon's baby, so it doesn't get changed.
He can't sort out the regulatory authorities for the financial sector because yet again, it was Gordon who came up with the current set-up.
Darling has the most impossible task going, I'm beginning to wonder what kind of a Chancellor he would be with a different PM.
A half-decent opposition would be making mincemeat of Labour right now. Sadly Cameron and Clegg are beyond hopeless. Cameron seems determined to p*ss off as many of his own supporters as he can, and Clegg is a complete personality vacuum.

Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 17:53
by Pat

Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 20:10
by boudicca
I'm just praying the meedja put a good spin on it, so that the numptys that actually pay attention to them will float their vote for Labour in May.

Having said that, I have very little faith in the British public right now and fear that most of Middle England is just cooing over the fact that Mrs. Cameron's up the duff. WHY would the ability to impregnate someone while you should be doing more important things make a person worth voting for? I don't know but apparently some people care about these things :roll:

Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 20:38
by markfiend
boudicca wrote:I'm just praying the meedja put a good spin on it, so that the numptys that actually pay attention to them will float their vote for Labour in May.

Having said that, I have very little faith in the British public right now and fear that most of Middle England is just cooing over the fact that Mrs. Cameron's up the duff. WHY would the ability to impregnate someone while you should be doing more important things make a person worth voting for? I don't know but apparently some people care about these things :roll:
A large proportion of the British public think the Sun is a left wing paper.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 21:50
by mh
markfiend wrote:A large proportion of the British public think the Sun is a left wing paper.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 22:34
by emilystrange
the Sun has always been a cnut wing paper

Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 22:53
by boudicca
The one (and only) good thing the Sun's got going for it is the "Dear Deirdrie" problem page. Andrew S and myself always nick a copy when we go to the pub, though we do take care to replace it. Would never do to be caught in possession of a copy of that rag...

Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 23:05
by James Blast
but it's all the same bollix -"my b/f wants to try three inna bed" "I was interfered with when I was wee" "I really fret when there's no new episode of the BT adverts"

best one I ever read was one about a guy who 'accidently' took photos of himself wearing his wife's clothes when she was out at the bingo one night, yeap his missus found them - hilarity ensued :lol:

Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 10:06
by markfiend
I seem to recall that when Vernon Coleman used to do the agony page for one of the Sunday rags he had a letter about transvetitism every week.

Trying to tell us something Vern? ;D

Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 14:10
by Erudite
James Blast wrote:but it's all the same bollix -"my b/f wants to try three inna bed" "I was interfered with when I was wee" "I really fret when there's no new episode of the BT adverts"

best one I ever read was one about a guy who 'accidently' took photos of himself wearing his wife's clothes when she was out at the bingo one night, yeap his missus found them - hilarity ensued :lol:
"Dear Deirdrie,
I'm shagging both of my wife's sisters, her mother and her aunty.
It's fucking brilliant - just wanted to tell someone!"

Back on topic - Darling was pretty much screwed from the offset.
Much as "New Labour" is a betrayal of everything Labour once stood for, and Brown is a dithering idiot, the thought of David Cameron and five year of Tory government gives me the fear!
Hung parliaments are far from ideal but this is definitely the lesser of two evils.
Fortunately, for my conscience, our incumbent Westminster MP is a Lib Dem with a sizeable majority.

Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 14:20
by markfiend
Erudite wrote:Hung parliaments are far from ideal but this is definitely the lesser of two evils.
Fortunately, for my conscience, our incumbent Westminster MP is a Lib Dem with a sizeable majority.
I would agree, but I'm left with the painful awareness that my local authority (Leeds City Council) is currently being run by a Tory/Lib/Green coalition and they're making a complete arse of it.

My (Labour) MP is retiring at the end of the parliament, I wonder whether the Libs will be able to overturn what was a substantial majority.