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The new Dr Who, what do you think?

Posted: 03 Apr 2010, 22:03
by scotty
I'll watch for the sexy Red Headed sidekick :oops: but what about the Dr?, good, bad or indifferent?

Re: The new Dr Who, what do you think?

Posted: 03 Apr 2010, 22:09
by Big Si
scotty wrote:I'll watch for the sexy Red Headed sidekick :oops: but what about the Dr?, good, bad or indifferent?
Oh aye, watched it earlier. Her character's a Kissogram girl :wink: ;D :P

Posted: 03 Apr 2010, 22:55
by James Blast
it blows, it has blown since Jon Pertwee chucked it

Posted: 03 Apr 2010, 23:09
by weebleswobble
currently drinking my words

good story, he's a lot better than I thought and she is pure sex :lol:

looks good for the rest of the season

Posted: 03 Apr 2010, 23:12
by Big Si
James Blast wrote:it blows, it has blown since Jon Pertwee chucked it
Ye didnae like Tom Baker :eek:


Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 00:03
by stufarq
Loved it, although the new theme music is awful. Matt Smith looks promising, Karen Gillan was magnificent and Steven Moffatt is a genius.

Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 02:45
by LouLou
matt smith didn't quite do it for me for some reason.

having said that, i thought david tennant made a rubbish doctor when he first took over from christopher eccleston. it took me a few episodes to get used to him, so i'll cut the newbie some slack for the time being.

the new sidekick is fab though :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 13:54
by abridged
I thought it was great. Wasn't keen on the new theme tune but Matt Smith was very good. :D

Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 14:05
by sam1
This is a sidekick..


Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 14:14
by christophe
actually this is THE sidekick ;D


Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 14:28
by weebleswobble
I watched bits of old DW on the sci fi channel - total pants

Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 14:55
by metal on metal
weebleswobble wrote:I watched bits of old DW on the sci fi channel - total pants
At its best ('70s Who) it was a damn sight better than what they tend to churn out in this new series.

Storywise, last night's episode was utter crap. Matt Smith was a lot better than I expected, mind you. Certainly an improvement on David Tennant, who I'd come to hate by the end of his run.

Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 15:56
by James Blast
is this the proper way for a sidekick to behave?


Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 16:22
by stufarq
James Blast wrote:is this the proper way for a sidekick to behave?

Oh God yes.

Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 18:07
by Erudite
stufarq wrote:
James Blast wrote:is this the proper way for a sidekick to behave?

Oh God yes.

Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 18:47
by Erudite
Big Si wrote:
James Blast wrote:it blows, it has blown since Jon Pertwee chucked it
Ye didnae like Tom Baker :eek:

The most disturbing thing is I find myself thinking how young Tom Baker looks! :eek:

Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 01:40
by Maisey
James Blast wrote:is this the proper way for a sidekick to behave?

This clip, I need to witness it.

Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 10:01
by Erudite
Having now watched it on iPlayer I have to say I thought it was pretty good.
Smith, I think, will grow into the role and now they've got shot of RTD and his emotional incontinence we should hopefully see some edgier scripts.

The WW II Dalek story looks excellent and the Weeping Angels are IMO one of the best monsters of the revived series.

Cliché or not, I loved the line "You're Scottish, fry something!" :lol:

Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 12:00
by Maisey
I was determined to hate him. For what it's worth I thought he wasn't bad - a bit grittier than David Tenant. Came off as a bit of a cock, but that's ok since many of the classic doctors were total nobheads.

Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 14:10
by Erudite
Somehow I don't think this one is from Doctor Who:


Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 14:17
by weebleswobble
I want to go to there

Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 14:25
by Erudite
weebleswobble wrote:I want to go to there

Join the queue.

Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 15:43
by Big Si
Scotty and I are going to enjoy this episode :twisted:
The Doctor wrote:"You're like Houdini, only his five slutty scary girls."

Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 18:56
by DeWinter
I'm afraid "The End Of Time" was the final straw for me, really. Complete nonsense and retcon from start to finish. I watched this episode with a suitably lemon-sucky expression.
I guess if you weren't a fan of the old series, you can like the new, but out have gone the interesting villains (the only decent one I've seen in the new series was Davros, who was legit creepy, and the only good thing about John Simms' Master was that he was red-hot with bleached hair and eyeliner!), any of the more highbrow dialogue which is replaced instead by the Doctor getting tearful at least twice an episode, and finally, the series isn't even being played with a straight face anymore. A show can be great if it's camp unknowingly, but this whole nudge-wink thing annoys me.
Although with RTD gone there with any luck will be less clunky preachy dialogue on his pet issues.

Posted: 06 Apr 2010, 08:59
by markfiend
For what it's worth, I lost interest about halfway through David Tennant's tenure.