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Shameless Self-Promotion!

Posted: 14 Jun 2003, 19:39
by Erudite
Back briefly to say check out the new site! 8)
The link is in the signature.
I know it's very basic, and some of it's rougher
than a $5 hooker, but hey, I'm a writer, I happen
to believe that text is important!

Anyway, feedback is most welcome.
Particularly on how it looks on browsers other than
Microshaft Internet Exploiter.

All suggestions will at least be read.
Anything to do with Java or flash will be met with
extreme prejudice!

Graphics and images as soon as I get round to designing

Can anyone recomend some good HTML web designing
tools for the relative novice?

Posted: 15 Jun 2003, 00:44
by MrEddy
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Still, I quite enjoyed the bile section, which was most amusing! Although that kind of indulgance (by your associate) perhaps indicates a certain boredom? I'll read it thouroughly at some poiint and PM to you a more sophisticated response, if you wish?

If you make money from this cuppa tea, may-be you could giz a job? Incidentally, did you previously work in elec eng?

The site itself is quite stylish and is very easy to read. Obiously, I like the simplicity and elegance of the red text and the blue lines. I think it might be easier to navigate if the shortcuts (home,news,fiction...) were at the top and not the bottom of the various pages, since they are off screen on all but the home page. A minor point.

Posted: 15 Jun 2003, 09:39
by Erudite
MrEddy wrote:HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

If you make money from this cuppa tea, may-be you could giz a job? Incidentally, did you previously work in elec eng?

Unfortunately, I still do work in electrical engineering, hence the limited spare time.
The purpose of the site is primarily to reach an audience - I don't think there is likely to be that much money to be made.
I calculated something in the region of 900 copies a month would be required to equal my salary.
However, feel free to submit you CV to Cobalt Books!

A PM of your comments would certainly be welcome.

As for Mr Adams, not so much bored as frustrated with his environment.
He finds the current political climate both disappointing and worrying.

Posted: 15 Jun 2003, 11:39
by Black Shuck
Ooh! nice site!
Don't feel bad about how 'rough' you think it is - All my favourite web sites are the personal ones, like yours- the best thing about the net is finding wicked little sites that really reflect the webmaster's personality, rather than sterlilised, soulless sites.

I also have a little site that I knocked up in my spare time a few years back to suplement my income, not a bad little earner, it's called


Posted: 15 Jun 2003, 20:45
by MrEddy
Erudite wrote: As for Mr Adams, not so much bored as frustrated with his environment.
He finds the current political climate both disappointing and worrying.

Fair enough!
Black Shuk wrote: I also have a little site that I knocked up in my spare time a few years back to suplement my income, not a bad little earner, it's called

Fair enough!

Posted: 15 Jun 2003, 21:36
by Zuma
So far, got to Raymond Chandler, Michael Moorcock and the the biography them all and must get to the rest of the site ASAP....

Just finishing off Mother London at the moment which is a little freaky as spent a lot of time there...

Presume Iain Banks makes the cut too?

Good Luck !


Posted: 16 Jun 2003, 18:19
by Erudite
Zuma wrote:
Just finishing off Mother London at the moment which is a little freaky as spent a lot of time there...

Presume Iain Banks makes the cut too?

Very good book, Mother London.
And yes, Iain Banks does make the cut.

Posted: 20 Jun 2003, 19:31
by Erudite
As you might pick up from the amended signature - the site has
moved to its own domain:

Drop on by; recommend it to your favourite search engine; buy the