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The Day Maggie Thatcher Dies

Posted: 28 May 2010, 22:39
by moses

Posted: 29 May 2010, 00:04
by James Blast
music: minus 1 for a 'Wild Thing' rip off
sentiment: plus 25,000
result: could do better :|

Posted: 29 May 2010, 00:07
by moses
James Blast wrote:music: minus 1 for a 'Wild Thing' rip off

I thought it was 'Get off my cloud' by the Stones

Posted: 29 May 2010, 00:08
by James Blast
Get off my Wild Thing?

Posted: 29 May 2010, 00:10
by moses
Still, it is Pete Wylie and he is always worth listening to when he's on one - The Liverpool Lip :notworthy:

Posted: 29 May 2010, 00:13
by James Blast
can I just say I really hate 'The Story of the Blues'?
'Better Scream' is class tho

Posted: 29 May 2010, 00:14
by Debaser
James Blast wrote:can I just say I really hate 'The Story of the Blues'?
'Better Scream' is class tho
<<<<< is a sucker for 'Sinful' :notworthy:

Posted: 29 May 2010, 00:17
by James Blast
yeah... but... girl ;D

Posted: 29 May 2010, 23:24
by Europa
Love it :P

Posted: 30 May 2010, 01:40
by NickW
... the british isles will sink under the sea due to the seismic shock of the whole nation jumping up and down !

Posted: 30 May 2010, 01:44
by James Blast
"There is no such thing as society".

Really? c'mon just how fuckin' stupid is that statement?

Posted: 30 May 2010, 03:10
by nodubmanshouts
Margaret Thatcher was the single best thing to happen to the UK in the later half of the 20th century. If you deny it, then you clearly do not remember the 70s, you clearly are oblivious the improvements in standards of living, and clearly oblivious to the truth.

Posted: 30 May 2010, 10:25
by Erudite
nodubmanshouts wrote:Margaret Thatcher was the single best thing to happen to the UK in the later half of the 20th century. If you deny it, then you clearly do not remember the 70s, you clearly are oblivious the improvements in standards of living, and clearly oblivious to the truth.

Tell that to the miners.
Tell that to a generation of the unemployed and unemployable.
Tell that to those who were unable to pay their poll tax
Tell that to the homeless.

Thatcher brought in a culture of greed based on getting ahead at all costs, which continues to have a negative affect on our society.

If I'm oblivious to the truth I guess that makes you blind to evil in the cause of profit.

Posted: 30 May 2010, 10:33
by moses
nodubmanshouts wrote:you clearly are oblivious the improvements in standards of living, and clearly oblivious to the truth.
GREED! Is that a higher standard of living?? You obviously either didn't experience it first hand or money is your god.

Posted: 30 May 2010, 14:08
by NickW
Erudite wrote:
nodubmanshouts wrote:Margaret Thatcher was the single best thing to happen to the UK in the later half of the 20th century. If you deny it, then you clearly do not remember the 70s, you clearly are oblivious the improvements in standards of living, and clearly oblivious to the truth.

Tell that to the miners.
Tell that to a generation of the unemployed and unemployable.
Tell that to those who were unable to pay their poll tax
Tell that to the homeless.

Thatcher brought in a culture of greed based on getting ahead at all costs, which continues to have a negative affect on our society.

If I'm oblivious to the truth I guess that makes you blind to evil in the cause of profit.
Here here

Posted: 30 May 2010, 14:25
by weebleswobble
nodubmanshouts wrote:Margaret Thatcher was the single best thing to happen to the UK in the later half of the 20th century. If you deny it, then you clearly do not remember the 70s, you clearly are oblivious the improvements in standards of living, and clearly oblivious to the truth.
This should be in Joke Of The Day :lol:

Posted: 30 May 2010, 18:03
by DeWinter
James Blast wrote:"There is no such thing as society".

Really? c'mon just how fuckin' stupid is that statement?
Very, since it's a sentence from the statement taken out of context!

"There is no such thing as society. There is living tapestry of men and women and people and the beauty of that tapestry and the quality of our lives will depend upon how much each of us is prepared to take responsibility for ourselves and each of us prepared to turn round and help by our own efforts those who are unfortunate."

If you want an earlier, more satirical statement of that, read Bleak House by Charles Dickens and look at the character of Mrs Jellyby. I doubt you'd call Dickens a early Thatcherite.

Posted: 30 May 2010, 19:14
by emilystrange
DeWinter wrote: "There is no such thing as society. There is living tapestry of men and women and people and the beauty of that tapestry and the quality of our lives will depend upon how much each of us is prepared to take responsibility for ourselves and each of us prepared to turn round and help by our own efforts those who are unfortunate."
except it didn't effing work, did it? i don't remember the elite giving a stuff about the plight of the miners. or indeed, anyone. i remember maxwell ripping off pension schemes. i remember the culture of people being blamed for their own unemployment.
the tapestry created by THAT government is not Bayeux. it was a tapestry kit only half completed by a seven year old.

Posted: 30 May 2010, 19:15
by nodubmanshouts
Nee, whatever. People bitching about Thatcher reminds me of the "What Have The Roman's Ever Done For Us?" scene in Life of Brian.

Having a debate about whether she did good is like arguing whether or not the sun came up this morning. It did, she did. Its really a waste of time to debate otherwise.

I could start debating, with the hope I might educate you, but I think I'm just losing interest in doing that any more. Its just saddens me that your world view is not based on facts, and you villify people who did nothing but try to make your country a better place to live.


Posted: 30 May 2010, 19:23
by emilystrange
yeah, that's right. OUR country. the one where WE lived through thatcherism.

Posted: 30 May 2010, 19:36
by DeWinter
emilystrange wrote: except it didn't effing work, did it? i don't remember the elite giving a stuff about the plight of the miners. or indeed, anyone. i remember maxwell ripping off pension schemes. i remember the culture of people being blamed for their own unemployment.
the tapestry created by THAT government is not Bayeux. it was a tapestry kit only half completed by a seven year old.
Who said I supported her? I just pointed out it was quote out of context. I've said before I was eleven when she was booted, so have no first-hand memory of her actions. I doubt you have either, you're just getting in a righteous lather over her. You'd have to be knocking fifty to have "suffered" under her directly.
When you say "the elite", who do you mean? You mention the miners, but the police who beat the holy hell out of them for daring to protest weren't middle-class public schoolboys. Maxwell was a former migrant from the Eastern Bloc, hardly an old-schooltie boy. The people who bought vast swathes of council housing were born and raised there, and showed no concern for their fellow working class people's future needs.

Posted: 30 May 2010, 19:43
by emilystrange
do i really NOT have any memory of her actions? my my. i must have dreamed an awful lot. i was in my twenties when she was booted, i think that counts as (mostly) being sentient. and by elite, i don't necessarily mean public school. i mean those with power and influence.
do you really expect those who bought their council houses to have any concern for the population's future needs? what they wanted was to have their own home. it's not a crime. some of those people wanted to have something to leave to their children, maybe? or perhaps to have something to sell later, make some money, have a little nest egg to help with nursing home fees?

Posted: 30 May 2010, 20:21
by nodubmanshouts
Oh for Gods sake, emilysrange, saying Maxwell ripping off pension schemes has ANYTHING to do with Thatcher's government policies is just ridiculous. Absolutely stupid.

Posted: 30 May 2010, 20:35
by mh
nodubmanshouts wrote:Nee, whatever. People bitching about Thatcher reminds me of the "What Have The Roman's Ever Done For Us?" scene in Life of Brian.

Having a debate about whether she did good is like arguing whether or not the sun came up this morning. It did, she did. Its really a waste of time to debate otherwise.

I could start debating, with the hope I might educate you, but I think I'm just losing interest in doing that any more. Its just saddens me that your world view is not based on facts, and you villify people who did nothing but try to make your country a better place to live.

I'm suspecting that you're either trolling or you genuinely don't know what happened. No offense intended if the latter, but I'd be of the opinion that someone who was on the outside looking in (as I was too) should refrain from making such statements unless they're resolutely prepared to back them up. There are plenty of people who were there during the 80s on HL, and it either affected them directly or through their parents. It's hard to accept statements such as you have made in the context of one's livelihood, family or community having been torn asunder by deliberate government policy, so I think you should probably either back up or back off. :|

Posted: 30 May 2010, 20:57
by nodubmanshouts
No mh, I was there. I lived thru the 70s and 80s in the UK. During that time I was a staunch "leftist".

In the 1990s I moved to the USA in search of, to be honest, a better climate and nice beaches. But after a few years my political views changed radically too, and I began to realize that I'd been quite wrong over the years, and now clearly see how the Conservative policies of the 1980s headed the country in the right direction.

I've tried over the years on Hearltnd to explain my views to people, to back them up with facts, to show that the Conservative government is not some big conspiracy designed to benefit the rich lizard people. Its been interesting at times, frustrating, often.

But I'm just tired of it. I just don't think I'm going to do it anymore.

But I will, when people start saying "won't be great when this person is dead?!" about a person I respect, present a counter view - but without jumping into a 6-page train wreck thread.

So I will neither "back off" nor "back up".