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Scardwel Joins Rhombus Shocker

Posted: 18 Jun 2003, 13:49
by Ed Rhombus
Yup! Thanks to these here pages.

We have secured the services of Mr Scardwel to play rhythm guitar, and generally look tall!

You'll be able to see the most consistent man in rock strut his stuff with the rest of the band from September

Posted: 18 Jun 2003, 14:18
by Quiff Boy
sell the children! i'm not coming back... :D :D :D

Posted: 18 Jun 2003, 21:09
by 6FeetOver
Whoa!!! VERY cool!!! :eek: ;D :von:

Best of luck guys - too bad I'll prolly never get to see you play live... :evil:

Posted: 18 Jun 2003, 22:04
by Andy TG
Great News - best of luck !

Make sure you post news of any Gigs - perhaps this time we may even be able to meet - after the Brstol Acadamy debacle :-)

Posted: 19 Jun 2003, 08:26
by Ed Rhombus
Cheers mate.

Last Bristol gig on the 30th June then off north we go!

Posted: 19 Jun 2003, 09:19
by Zuma
ah...bugger, thought I might blag a shot too sometime :D

Have a blast!

Posted: 19 Jun 2003, 17:53
by Andy TG
Ed Rhombus wrote:Cheers mate.

Last Bristol gig on the 30th June then off north we go!
@ ED :-)

Any chance you can post some details about this June 30th Gig?

Myself and Mrs Goth are already looking forward to it! :-)

Posted: 19 Jun 2003, 17:56
by Andy TG
Ed Rhombus wrote:Cheers mate.

Last Bristol gig on the 30th June then off north we go!
@ ED :-)

Any chance you can post some details about this June 30th Gig?

Myself and Mrs Goth are already looking forward to it! :-)

Posted: 19 Jun 2003, 21:53
by Ed Rhombus

June 30th
The Croft
Stokes Croft

Bit of a dive but good fun.

3 band bill, we're in the middle, should be a fun night

There's a MP3 of a live Rhombus song to down load on the website

Posted: 27 Jun 2003, 05:42
by keys
So this is where everyone from The Mish site disappeared to then?

Much better forum this innit?... someone will have to remind me how to put a picture on this damn thing... exactly the same one that The Chameleons have on their site and i haven't worked that one out either!

Ed... have a good farewell Rhombus MKI gig in Bristol - should be a good one.

I'll spend the whole of next week warning the residents of West Yorkshire just what to expect... your black hat will stick out like a proverbial 'sore prick' amongst all them caps 'tha nuz'.

Enjoy your first proper Yorkshire chip butty and exchange your red-wine-drinking lifestyle for a good traditional pint of Tetleys - smoothly does it yer b*stard!

Oh yeah, and you better tell the new neighbours that me guitar only works on 'extra loud'!

Posted: 27 Jun 2003, 08:33
by Big Si
Hi and welcome to Heartland! :D

Posted: 27 Jun 2003, 12:00
by Jim
And none of this "mish" bollocks.

Posted: 27 Jun 2003, 14:39
by keys
Sorry, had to go and listen to The Mish bollocks when the Sisters started forgetting to turn the bass up at gigs!!

Hope Von and the gang have returned back to their old form more recently.

Posted: 27 Jun 2003, 16:01
by Debaser
So which Wishviller is you den?


Posted: 01 Jul 2003, 15:35
by keys
Still use 'keys' on Wishville, although it's been a while since i posted something on there to be honest. Mainly just go in for a look... see if anythings going on, sort of thing. Sadly, not much happening on The Chameleons front at the moment... they could do with a few more classic nights at The Witchwood for the faithful.

Posted: 02 Jul 2003, 09:10
by Ed Rhombus
So could we mate.

Get to work!

Posted: 02 Jul 2003, 14:55
by keys
No Ed, we certainly could not mate.

But, i am making contact with the relevant people at The Witchwood - nice venue, good beer and i can easily walk home after the post-gig p*ss-up!

Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 09:24
by Ed Rhombus
But still claim a taxi on exes?

Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 12:57
by keys

I'm sure i've got a taxi receipt pad somewhere for that very purpose :twisted:

Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 13:00
by keys
...only problem is, is that i got it from a taxi firm in Leeds, at some point during my twenty-something years of residence there. Even a Yorkshire taxi driver is unlikely to drive to Ashton-under-Lyne for a £2 fare!

Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 13:59
by Black Shuck
I used to live in Ashton, and my friend got beaten up there after going to 'Blues' on Saturday night.

Bastards took his Mobile phone and minidisc player.

Pointless information, I know.

Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 14:59
by Quiff Boy
Black Shuk wrote:I used to live in Ashton, and my friend got beaten up there after going to 'Blues' on Saturday night.

Bastards took his Mobile phone and minidisc player.

Pointless information, I know.
mrs qb is from ashton.... i am from oldham :)

(sam donut is from ashton/droylesden too)

there used to be a club in oldham called "dorothys" that was the same kind of thing to blues.. and the only place in oldham a boy could go with 2ft high hair, shed loads of eyeliner, pvc trousers and stilleto heels, and NOT get beaten up ;)

:D :D :D

Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 17:04
by keys
Bloody hell! Someone else has heard of Droylsden - my current place of residence :)

Ashton can be a tad dodgy i believe, but The Witchwood's on the edge of town, so you're pretty safe if you run fast enough, heading over the M60 in the direction of Droylsden! Don't run too far though, or you'll end up in Clayton, the capital of Scallyville!

Useless information, i know, but could save yer mobile and back pocket wad of cash one day...

Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 17:10
by keys
...and i was born in Oldham...

...small world eh?

So, now you're all familiar with the territory, we look forward to seeing you all at Rhombus' first north-west gig later this year!!

(shameless plugging i know... we'd even through in a Sisters classic, but i reckon Paddy McGinger Smurph's pretty much got 'em all covered in that department!)

Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 17:12
by keys
...who once went out with me sis...

...even smaller world eh? :urff: