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Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
did we ever get an answer about "the land of lard" from before the wee accident this moring?

what the hell was von on about? :wink:

did we discover if he meant the north of england generally, or the leeds/manchester/m62 corridor?

and when was it he used that expression?

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by nearmethexperience
from dominion (taken without permission, so shoot me)

i agree with the sheff bit, but not sure about the land of lard being the
entire north of england, after all, von's only made it north of leeds 2
or 3 times in his life.

i guess the only person who really knows is von, and since he is unable
to communicate with us, mere pond life, in any way, shape, or form, we'll
never know!

as a side note, shopping with von must be really really, erm,
interesting. i reckon he's get a glove puppet called mr waterlily and the
conversation goes a little something like this:

von enters shop with mr waterlily, stands at counter waiting for the pond
life (or shop assistant as we know em):

von: so mr waterlily, could you enquire as to weather these 'things' can
furnish us with the provisions we require for tonights festivities.

mr waterlily: oi!! scumbag, 2 bottles of vodka and a loaf of bread pronto

von: thankyou mr waterlily, we may now retire from this drab location.

mr waterlily: here's your f**king money leeching scumbag, go on, p*ss

etc etc etc.

or how else does he communicate with pond life??? answers on a postcard
please to: the reptile house, blah blah blah!!!

ok pond life, your turn...


"Lay me down the long white line, Leave the sirens far behind me, Paint
my name in black and gold, My heart my flame my heart my road,
My fade across the line..."

i couldn't agree more!!!

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
without permission? :???:

;D ;D ;D

schizophrenia is a terrible affliction isn't it... :grin:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by nearmethexperience
yeah, but at least i'm never alone :wink:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Lars Svensson
Well, Mr Quiffy...
I wasn't going to do this...But, as you've posted this Lard thing on here too I'm afraid I REALLY AM going to have to call the Yorkshire Police about this...

I'd hide yer Visitor's Passport while u can...

Now, where's their number...Aaaah, yes...'For Emergency Manc Alerts, just call 666...'

Ahahahahahaaaaa :roll:

PS: Bernard Manning. I say no more... :razz:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Guest
land of lard....ASDA?

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
On 2002-04-17 21:26, mikey wrote:
land of lard....ASDA?
the ASDA in new pudsey?


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Lars Svensson
See you there then?????

Ohmigod...Could this be any more up its own self-referential ar*e????

And yet, dear chums, what fun it is - and i jest not!!!!!

It's good to be among friends who know what the fook we're all on about!!!!

har har!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

PS for those who weren't there...check out the 16/02/01 bootleg...i fink

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
PS for those who weren't there...check out the 16/02/01 bootleg...i fink
nah, its the 17/02/01 gig - in leeds the next day.

dont you remember? coz me and you were gonna take von up on his offer and go to the 24 hour asda?

and before you snigger, its not THAT sad ok? we both only live 5 minutes away from it!

ok, maybe it is that sad... :sad:


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Lars Svensson
Bollox, I knew I was wrong even when I wrote that...

Aaaannnyyyyywwwaaaay..."Point proven" methinks...

Yer can't beat sisters fans for their anal retention abilities...And, b4 anybody sez owt, yes ME TOO!!

Perhaps we could market being a sisters fan as an anti-diarrhoea preparation...

We could make a million...

:von: :von: :von:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
On 2002-04-17 22:02, Lars Svensson wrote:
Bollox, I knew I was wrong even when I wrote that...

Aaaannnyyyyywwwaaaay..."Point proven" methinks...

Yer can't beat sisters fans for their anal retention abilities...And, b4 anybody sez owt, yes ME TOO!!

Perhaps we could market being a sisters fan as an anti-diarrhoea preparation...

We could make a million...

:von: :von: :von:
the nearest anyone connected with the sisters will ever come to making a million these days i fear :sad:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Guest
could be the ASDA at Rooley Lane?
Might see you at New Pudsey, get my petrol there on the way to work!

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Drsisters
Land of the lard quoute he quipped in Manchester 97. He made another mark on "this time let us leave with the windows intact" seems like someone had smashed thir window on thir tour bus or some such like that.