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No need to read, venting. RIP Buster

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 04:22
by Lynchfanatic
Well, this is the place to vent stuff, is it not? I just need to get this off my chest abit.

My cat got hit by a car monday night and was taken from me. Many will say he was just a cat, but to me he was so much more. I truly loved that cat more than I thought possible.

There were times he could attack me for no reason, or be quite restless. But the times he was the sweetest cat in the world, lying on me for cuddles like a little baby, makes up for all the times he did scare me abit. I could notice very quick when he was in one of his moods, and ofcourse, claws hurt.
Many has said over and over, that I spoiled him. And looking back now, I hope they were right, I did all I could for him, to make him happy.

I am gutted, and still extremely sad. But also some sort of guilt feeling, that I could have stopped it. The thing is, Im 30 years old, and this is actually the first pet I have ever lost. (accept 2 gold fish when I was ten)
The first real close anyone Ive lost, so Im not used to handling this kind of sadness. (other sadness is another story) I did lose my grandpa some time ago, but I did not know him that well. I had not seen him for 15 or so years.

On monday night, I was out taking some pictures with my new camera and playing around. I noticed that Buster was almost strangely calm, and took a picture of him on his new found spot. He was lying on a old tree trunk, he had never been on before. He stayed there for a long time. And I went back in, thinking it was nice to see him so relaxed and content. I started to watch a movie and thought that he would probably stay out quite long this time, with the nice weather we finally had.
We just moved to a new place, that sadly is right smack next to the road. But being naive, I thought It would be ok, seeing as Buster has always been abit of a scared cat, he runs if someone comes on a bike. I could not keep him inside either, he would not be happy being inside all the time. Mistake number 1.

While watching the movie, I heard a car running outside, and then spinning off in high speed. Not the first time Ive heard that, so I didnt give it much notice. Mistake number 2. I went out to have a cigarette, thinking Buster has been gone abit too long. (he usually is back within 2 hours, and then he is gone long) I decide to glance at the driveway with a knot in my tummy, not seeing anything there, and got quite relieved. But when it had been 3 or 4 hours, since I had seen him, I opened the main door, and saw him. The sweet thing, he was just lying on the sidewalk. What I saw was the black shape of him, and just knew. I ran downstairs in panic, and my boyfriend had to go confirm it was him. He also stopped me from going close to look and see for myself, which Im very happy he did. From what he said Buster looked like, I am glad I did not see that. But he also said he must have died fast, he had not moved or dragged himself anywhere.
Then there were hours of trying to figure out what to do, neither of us wanted to go remove him. And no one wanted to or could help us at that time, but thankfully my boyfriend stepped up again, and put him in his blanket and then his box. My brother came later to take him to the vet for cremation. I could not bear to go see that box before they left.

Now Im stuck with the image of him lying there, looking like he was sleeping, saw him from the back, not front. I can not shake it. And to know that I actually heard it happen is killing me!!!! What if I would have gone out right away and checked, is there something I could have done? I feel so damn guilty. Also cause he was lying there for so long, all alone.

I can not believe he is gone, the first day I could just not accept it. I still feel like hes gonna come to the door at any second. But then again, the house feel so different now, so quiet. I can not get myself to remove his things. His food and water bowl are still standing in their spot. His toy and scratching post. But I am noticing now that it is not healthy for me to leave it. I think I will try to remove it tomorrow. It is hard, so hard to accept that he is really gone, and will not come running back because it is raining or hes hungry..

Sad but true, I think it might have happened cause he was very happy moving here, and started to feel very at home. And then decided to expand his territory, sadly he went the wrong way and just abit too far.

There... I just had vent that, do with his post whatever you wish.

RIP Buster 1.04.2001 - 5.07.2010

Last picture taken short time before he was taken.


Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 08:48
by weebleswobble
To some cats are like people (nice ones anyway), only furry.

You're not daft for being so sad, sorry for your loss.

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 09:07
by markfiend
I've typed about three paragraphs and deleted them again; can't really put it into words.

So sad for your loss.

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 10:01
by Ozpat
Very sad. :(

I was about to lose one of my cats last year and realized how much
I actually care.

Take care! Can't think of anything else to say.

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 11:26
by mh
I think Weebs summed up pretty much what I was going to say better than I could have said it myself. It's normal and natural to feel grief over a beloved pet that has been such a huge part of your life for a long time. Take care and hugs, etc.

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 12:07
by Izzy HaveMercy
A cat is never JUST a pet.

A dog is neither, I guess, but I'm not a dog lover/owner so I can't say for myself.

When your cat dies of an accident it is even worse.

I feel your pain and probably will feel exactly the same way if our cat would get killed that way.

Much strength...


Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 16:37
by Garbageman
Sad for your loss.
We have cats and dogs and earlier this year I ran over one of our cats.
It shook me to my core....bloody awful.

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 17:26
by emilystrange

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 18:18
by Erudite
Sorry to hear that.

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 20:22
by Lynchfanatic
Thank you all, for your words.

I put some roses down on the spot yesterday, some closing in that. But ofcourse short time after, I saw some one walking by and picking them up with them. I so wanted to run after and ask what the hell they think they were doing. But my bf said, that it looks like the flowers just fell there, so ofourse some one would take them. True, but if I had been alone seeing that, I would have gone after them. Still havent removed his things, but by sunday I have to. My dad is comming, and I dont wanna hear the comments.

Thank you again for your words, nice to see other cat lovers :kiss:

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 20:51
by radiojamaica
I'm very sorry to hear about Buster... Such a loss is always painfull and I know, I've lost a few pets over the years.

I do believe they are in a better place now...

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 22:16
by Being645
He was such a pretty one ... sorry for him and sorry for your loss ... :(

I know how it feels, since I found my first cat head cut off on the rails ...

there's nothing one can do, if such things happen ... :( ...

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 03:02
by mh
Don't you worry about somebody taking the roses. To me that sounds like a really great thing. It may not have been the intention and the person didn't even know, but a bit of Buster is living on and exploring further through that. Cool! :D

Celebrate the good times, y'hear! It's tough now but you have great memories that will be with you forever. That's a special and precious thing that nothing and nobody can take from you. :|

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 08:42
by My Dominion
I can not find the right words .......

But I know the feeling ....

Let the good memories remains ...

Buster will life forever :notworthy:


Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 14:37
by DocSommer
Reminds me of our cat many years ago - he loved beeing outside and one day he didn't came back :cry: Sometimes I still ask myself what may happen, was he just leaving to another place to live or was it an accident - nothing left but trembling uncertainty. I still hope he just decided to pass on cause he kind of "adopted us" in the first place so maybe that was his nature. It was a blacky, too btw.

Re: No need to read, venting. RIP Buster

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 15:00
by Sita
I'm so sorry to hear that! I have two cats and I love them dearly, so I know what you are going through.
They aren't "just" cats but little personalities ("little" I mean only their physical size).
From your description it doesn't sound like you - or a vet - could have done anything if you found him faster. I don't want to sound cynical but actually it could be good that it all happened very fast and Buster probably didn't even realize what was happening.
I have lost two cats, because they were old, about 10 years ago, and honestly, you don't ever get used to that sorrow. Just take your time and don't rush things, if you don't feel like it.
Sorry again!

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 22:02
by Lynchfanatic
I dont even know what to say, no one should ever have to see such a thing. I found it hard enough to hear the description of how he looked from the front. Im so sorry you had to see that.

I am pretty sure it is not any easier to live in the uncertainty. But I can imagine that cats who kinda adopt their owners kinda follow the wind, and after some time, feels like they have to move on to the next place.

To the rest of you precious people

I am at aw sometimes how many good people there are on here, and who step up for a stranger when they are needed. I have gotten alot of good advice, and I will take my time and not rush anything.
This is not the first time I have sought to this forum, when there is something up in my life, probably not the last either to be quite honest. With a lack of physical people to talk to, I am very happy you guys are here.

Again, thank you all for the advice and good words I have gotten, it has helped me along the process abit.

Usually when I start a thread, it lives maybe two days, this is almost a new record :P

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 22:25
by Being645
Lynchfanatic wrote:@Being645
I dont even know what to say, no one should ever have to see such a thing. I found it hard enough to hear the description of how he looked from the front. Im so sorry you had to see that.
Thanks, Lynchfanatic ... it was really horrible, I had been searching for a week until I found her ...

worst thing was we had a slight disagreement turning backs at each other before ... :( :( :( ...

The only comfort was that it happened to her on the way back ... :(
... and since I found the corpse we could bury it very nicely in the garden ...
just like you did, with roses and pretty stones and so on ...

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 23:41
by James Blast
here's summat tae make all of us feel guid -

Hoppy the Deer, licking cat :D

Posted: 11 Jul 2010, 01:12
by Being645
Thanks ... :wink: ... :notworthy: :notworthy: ...

Posted: 11 Jul 2010, 08:02
by splintered thing
So sorry for your sadness - I hope Buster lives on in memories for a very long time.

We lost one of our dogs a couple of years ago, it took months before the sadness started to lift, but when it did, we were SO happy everytime we thought of her. I hope you too feel warm and smiley everytime you think of Buster. All the best, Em.

Posted: 12 Jul 2010, 05:58
by sziamiau
I am so sorry...just don't blame yourself...take care

Posted: 12 Jul 2010, 20:08
by Simone
very sorry for your loss....

Posted: 12 Jul 2010, 20:14
by James Blast
nevermind, here's Tom with the weather...

Posted: 12 Jul 2010, 20:59
by originalgoth
Sorry for your great loss Lynchfanatic,

I know that it hurts, I've been through it myself.

When I first moved to Ireland a stray cat that my dad was feeding had 3 kittens in next doors garden.
I went to check on Mother & babies one evening to find 2 of the new borns dead & no sign of the mother. That was sad, but then I heard a faint meow so looked under the bush & there was the the one survivor.

I took her in the house & from then on she was my cat.

I named her Elsa after the lioness in Born Free.

Elsa was with me for 16 years and had me wrapped around her little claw.

She had her own charactor.
I worked evening shift for 9 years and she was always waiting for me to come home.

I'd have a quick read of the daily paper (or at least try to), Elsa would lay on top of the paper to stop me reading it - How dare I try to read the paper when I should be petting her!!!!!
By looking at my head she knew what page I was trying to read & would then move to that side of the paper.

If she wasn't waiting for me to get home she'd come back at some time, climb up onto the roof from the front of the house, go over the roof to the back of the house where my bedroom was, junp onto my windowsill & climb in the window and then want me to go into the kitchen to feed her.

She went out one day & didn't come back, I never did know what happened to her because she had such a wide area to roam around.

She knew she was loved & she did have a happy life.

I still miss her today but it does get easier over time.

RIP Buster & Elsa.