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Currently 'at the end of my tether' thread

Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 10:02
by Debaser
Even more so due to the tome I was writing has just disappeared and I'm having to type it again. Here's a little story about chairs but I need to set the scene first.

I believe I have developed a very high tolerence level (due more to laziness I fear) about various day-to-day stuff. Believe me, this was not always the case. I started out as a 'do everything yourself if you want something doing' moving on to a 'well if I ask people surely they will clear up/wash up/take care etc' slipping into the odd 'shouty' moment from time to time. But that was all in the past, none of it worked, so why be a fishwife? It's not an attractive quality. So no, for me now it's a 'cut your nose off to spite your face' attitude I adopt. Sit back readers and indulge, maybe judge me but overall allow me a few moments of your time.

When Old Ma Debaser passed over, I inherited her set of dining room chairs and table. Not my bag but we didn't have one and it would do and plus they go for quite a healthy sum on Ebay (remembering my comment about laziness will enlighten you as to why they are still in my house and not in someone else's :oops: ) Anyway someone and someone's workmate often takes two of them outside in the morning for a cuppa and a ciggie before setting off to clean windows. I've tried the '3 step plan' to get them back in the house - myself, ask nicely, little shout so am now on step 4, cutting my nose etc. Actually, now I think about it, I did try to solve problem a month or so ago by buying garden furniture, nice garden furniture, chairs with arms and a lovely table with canopy but made the mistake of placing them 15 steps a bit too far away :roll:

Tuesday night I returned home from the staff night out, the journey home being a tad treacherous due to storm, can you see where this may be leading, my dearest readers? So I noticed a chair was outside but never said a word, never brought it in, never did the shouty bit - see it's the cutting my nose off to spite my face bit. However, a few hours later, just before I went to bed I unplugged the Rotel cd played, carefully wound cable around it, opened back door and placed in gently on top of dining room chair.

The night was a long one of unbroken sleep due to excessive rain. Left for school the following morning after noticing the large puddle that had settled on top of aforementioned cd player and around dining room chair. Got a phone call at work when someone else had noticed. It ended with 'bloody childish.SLAM' Came home, no mention and both objects were inside. Chair bleached and rainspotted, cd player, well who knows I wasn't asking :lol:

It's not been mentioned since. However, as I made my cup of tea this morning I see the chair is out there again :evil: I have texted to mention that he'd better keep his fingers crossed it doesn't rain. But the poor fool texted back saying 1) the weatherman says it's going to be fine and 2) the cd player's fukked anyway'

As if I'd put that on the chair - he has brand new lazers sat on top of the dining room table and there's always the drum kit :twisted:

Also at this point, I will add that last year he left one of my bentwood chairs (which I love dearly) outside for a few weeks, with the result it's even more related to it's name.

Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 15:08
by James Blast
Grounds for separation. :|

Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 15:13
by Quiff Boy
grounds for moiderizing, more like ;)

Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 15:16
by James Blast
everyone knows a CD player is more important than an auld smelly chair ;D

Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 15:45
by Debaser
The objects mentioned aren't really the point :evil: Just a modicum of respect towards my stuff is all I require in life.

RIP (this year)
MY solar lights
My vase
My bentwood chair
My festival chair x 2
My glass wall hanging
My childhood piggy bank
My bentwood chair
My dining chair
My fridge shelf
My drivers side rear lights

I could go on but it might look like I'm keeping a list :wink:

Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 15:46
by Debaser
Quiff Boy wrote:grounds for moiderizing, more like ;)
Where's Blast's stabbing pic when I really need it or when Gaz needs it depending upon yer point of whatsit :lol:

Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 15:50
by Silver_Owl
You sound like 'er in doors. :(

Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 16:05
by James Blast
you rang m'lady


Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 16:25
by Debaser
James Blast wrote:you rang m'lady

Fanqueue, I'll keep it where he'll never find it - the washing basket.

Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 16:34
by James Blast
oooooh, so cruel for one so fair ;D :lol:

Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 16:38
by Debaser
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fer one who professes to be good at cricket and ball sports - he's got a crap aim when it comes to clothes and basket - toilet and piddle come to think of it :lol:

Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 18:14
by paint it black
Debaser wrote:Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fer one who professes to be good at cricket and ball sports - he's got a crap aim when it comes to clothes and basket - toilet and piddle come to think of it :lol:
stop his pocket money 'till he does as he's told and reward for positive behaviour :kiss: