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audio editing software question

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 13:40
by Quiff Boy
i have the remastered mera una 2010 gig (which is pretty amazing quality btw :notworthy: :notworthy:) but it's one long audio file

i've converted the flac to wav, but i'd like to split it into individual songs

how do people on here do that with their recordings?

is there a piece of software that allows you to set markers in the audio, dividing it up into songs, and automatically export individual files based on that?

or is it a manual process of cutting & pasting a song's segment into new wavs?

i tried audacity a long time ago as it claimed to have that kind of functionality, but it was nowhere near up to the job :urff:

the version of audacity i used at the time allowed me to place markers in the audio, dividing it into segments - 1 segment for each song - and to give each segment a name (eg: the song title), but it failed horribly at exporting the segments into individual files :(

has audacity got any better?

any other suggestions?

mac or pc versions considered ;)

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 13:53
by mh
I use GoldWave all the time for this kind of thing. It's commercial stuff but I liked it so much that I paid for it anyway (only $50). There's also a time-limited eval version.

It's Cue Points feature will do exactly what you want, and will even split the file on CD-friendly boundaries. Doesn't come much better.

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 14:03
by limur
Audacity works for me, but it's not very intuitive for exporting, which may be why you had trouble.

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 14:12
by Quiff Boy
aye, just had another look at the latest beta of audacity and setting cue points is really awkward.

you cant just go "here, here, here and here" and divide the audio into 4 (for example)

you have to set a start AND end for each one. but if the end point of one segment is not EXACTLY the same as the start point of the next, it creates a jump in the audio :roll:

ideally you should only have to say "right, divide the file HERE" and it uses that single marker as the end of one and the start of the next... :idea:

i've downloaded the trial of goldwave for pc. will have a play when i get home tonight :)

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 15:10
by dtsom
a program called: cd wave editor was made for this....

you can split the tracks easily and after that if you burn the cd on nero whit the option no gaps between tracks marked, you´ll get a perfect recording

you can find it for free in the net!

edit:if you want to do this for a iphone or mp4 you´ll always get gaps between track,i don´t know if there´s a way to do that for this kinds of gadgets that works fine... but for a cd this program will work perfectly,i do it all the times whit my recordings

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 15:40
by sam1
I recommend cd wave editor
really easy to use and its free! :D

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 16:31
by Quiff Boy
dtsom wrote:edit:if you want to do this for a iphone or mp4 you´ll always get gaps between track,i don´t know if there´s a way to do that for this kinds of gadgets that works fine... but for a cd this program will work perfectly,i do it all the times whit my recordings
its a setting in the itunes player & is configured as part of the itunes metadata. you need to tell itunes that it is a gapless recording, otherwise it adds a pause between every track.

i'll check out that cd wave editor too. thanks :)

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 17:05
by czuczu
Adobe Audition will do it for you & is a lovely toy for all (well, most) of your audio needs. 8)

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 17:13
by JansenClone
Quiff Boy wrote:aye, just had another look at the latest beta of audacity and setting cue points is really awkward.

you cant just go "here, here, here and here" and divide the audio into 4 (for example)

you have to set a start AND end for each one. but if the end point of one segment is not EXACTLY the same as the start point of the next, it creates a jump in the audio :roll:

ideally you should only have to say "right, divide the file HERE" and it uses that single marker as the end of one and the start of the next... :idea
I use Wavelab which lets you place markers wherever you want and set them to be whatever you want, so if you want it to divide the file between tracks that's what it does! Dead easy to use too! :D

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 17:58
by DocSommer
I use Adobe Audition for audio recording/mastering/editing and tracksplitting is some pain in the ass (at least i could't find a handy function for this task).

Usually I start with setting up markers between the track, next step is marking the area between the first two markers, then selecting "save selected area as.." - then I repeat this step with every song.

Thanks for the hints - that cd wave editor solution sounds interesting as long as it can handle high resolution audio as well - I'll give it a try next time.

Edit - just saw this:
czuczu wrote:Adobe Audition will do it for you & is a lovely toy for all (well, most) of your audio needs. 8)
Please tell me how - I'd prefer to stick with audition of course.

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 19:19
by czuczu
For a 74 min wav file:
( Alt 8 ) to bring up the Marker list.
Add Marker at start of each song.
Once you've marked every song start, ( CTRL A ) the markers in the list and change type to Track.
( CTRL and SHIFT and ALT and M ) to export Audio Mix Down, tick "Include All Markers and Metadata" and "Insert Mixdown into CD view".


Any Help?

PS I'm using 3.0!

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 19:44
by DocSommer
I'm using 3.0 as well ;)

...but I was looking for a trick that helps saving each track with the help of the track-marker data as independent/single files on my harddisc (creating FLAC sets e.g.)

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 19:49
by czuczu
^ that just allows you to skip that stage and go straight to cd.
Are you trying to split 1 long track into separate wavs or create a cue file? :/

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 20:12
by DocSommer
"that stage" is usually my last stage - no need for me to have most of the stuff burned on discs.
Are you trying to split 1 long track into separate wavs or create a cue file? :/
yep - I just like to have a long track splitted in separae track based on the trackmarker I've set before. I usually save all recording as FLAC sets (like you ca find on dime).

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 09:29
by Quiff Boy
anyone know how to do this in adobe soundbooth? (i gather its the new name for audition...?)

i have adobe soundbooth cs4 on my macbook at home, so i loaded up a WAV'd version of the remastered flac and added in markers between each song.

i've named each marker as per the title of the song that follow it (eg: the first marker is called intro, the second marker is called vision thing etc etc)

the only thing is i cant for the life of me work out how to export the markers as individual audio files now :urff: :(

any ideas? :?:

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 09:59
by Izzy HaveMercy
Quiff Boy wrote:anyone know how to do this in adobe soundbooth? (i gather its the new name for audition...?)
Not quite...

Buy Adobe Audition if:

You are a sound designer, musician, recording engineer, mastering engineer, or other audiocentric professional and you need an all-in-one toolset for professional audio production.

Buy Adobe Soundbooth if:

You are a designer or developer with little or no background in audio and you need an intuitive, easy-to-use software tool to help you quickly accomplish everyday audio tasks.
i have adobe soundbooth cs4 on my macbook at home, so i loaded up a WAV'd version of the remastered flac and added in markers between each song.

i've named each marker as per the title of the song that follow it (eg: the first marker is called intro, the second marker is called vision thing etc etc)

the only thing is i cant for the life of me work out how to export the markers as individual audio files now :urff: :(

any ideas? :?:
Read teh fine manual :twisted:


Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 10:35
by Eva
When I still worked on my own recordings (in the old days before Eggi turned up in my life) I used a software called "Amadeus" on my mac. Don't know whether it also exists for pcs. It's not free, but cheap, and they provide regular updates. There you just set markers between the songs (tracks), then choose something like "split file where the markers are and save" from the menue and you get a file for each song. Dead easy.

As we're on it, Eggi has a request: When he still used Windows, he used Wavelab. Now with Ubuntu, he's changed to Audacity, but has the same problems as Quiffboy: So, dear geeks: What's the best and easiest for GNU/Linux users?

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 10:57
by Quiff Boy
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:Buy Adobe Audition if:

You are a sound designer, musician, recording engineer, mastering engineer, or other audiocentric professional and you need an all-in-one toolset for professional audio production.
dammit :(


Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 10:57
by paul
Nero works for me. Import the Wav-file, manually split it into seperate tracks, rename them if you want, leave no time space between tracks and burn them.

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 11:11
by christophe
paul wrote:Nero works for me. Import the Wav-file, manually split it into seperate tracks, rename them if you want, leave no time space between tracks and burn them.
yep. same here.
though, I don't know if that works when you need to put the 1 track on 2 different records. what is necessary for most booths.

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 13:06
by mh
Just use GoldWave, Boss. Tool | Cue Points | Split File, then make sure you select Use cue name for filename and Use CD compatible wave format and alignment. Couldn't be easier. :D

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 14:08
by Izzy HaveMercy
Nero can do it as well, always used that wan when on Peecee.

For Mac I used the big Feck OFF! Cubase 5 ;D

Then again, check Reaper for a more than decent DAW cum editor, it is free, and the you are supposed to boy it for 60 dollar or so.


Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 14:51
by Quiff Boy
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:Nero can do it as well, always used that wan when on Peecee.

For Mac I used the big Feck OFF! Cubase 5 ;D

Then again, check Reaper for a more than decent DAW cum editor, it is free, and the you are supposed to boy it for 60 dollar or so.

interesting you mention DAWs. it never even occurred to me that i also have Logic 9 :oops:

i suspect that may be able to do something similar 8)

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 16:43
by SteBacchus
Just downloaded CD Wave and used it to split the new MeraLuna Festival and it worked a treat. Very simple to use, great

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 17:49
by Izzy HaveMercy
Quiff Boy wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:Nero can do it as well, always used that wan when on Peecee.

For Mac I used the big Feck OFF! Cubase 5 ;D

Then again, check Reaper for a more than decent DAW cum editor, it is free, and the you are supposed to boy it for 60 dollar or so.

interesting you mention DAWs. it never even occurred to me that i also have Logic 9 :oops:

i suspect that may be able to do something similar 8)
TIT! Image

Nah, prolly not up to such a pro-studio task, yer average Logic 9 :lol: