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The Daily Mail: by scum for scum

Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 20:06
by Maisey
Yet another corker from everyone's favourite middle England fascist rag.

What they think of the Jody McIntyre issue...


Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 20:47
by mh
Phew, that's nasty stuff. :evil:

Not liking the way they equate getting beaten by cops with a natural accident either - as if it's a normal kinda thing that happens to people. What world are this lot living in anyway?

Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 21:47
by NickW
A whole new definition of the word Journalism

the Mails never really got over Oswald have they

Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 21:54
by Silver_Owl
It defies believe. It really does.

Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 22:01
by Carpathian Psychonaut
I quite like a read of The Mail in the morning.

I mean, how would I know what to be OUTRAGED about later in the day otherwise?


Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 22:31
by Maisey
mh wrote:
Not liking the way they equate getting beaten by cops with a natural accident either - as if it's a normal kinda thing that happens to people. What world are this lot living in anyway?
That was my thought. It's like they're saying that standing near police officers at a protest is asking for a beating. This either implies you don't have a right to protest or that police officers are indiscriminate thugs.

Posted: 24 Dec 2010, 01:13
by Being645
the Mail wrote:McIntyre put himself on offer ...
... :. :lol: .:. :lol: .:. :lol: .:. :lol: .:. :lol: .:. :lol: .: ...

That says it all ... :urff: ...

Posted: 24 Dec 2010, 10:27
by markfiend
Maisey wrote:... police officers are indiscriminate thugs.
I wouldn't say they all are. :innocent:

Posted: 24 Dec 2010, 10:44
by robertzombie

Posted: 24 Dec 2010, 11:30
by markfiend
Rothermere wrote:Hurrah for the Blackshirts

Posted: 25 Dec 2010, 05:17
by originalgoth
I used to spend so much time commenting on articles in the Mail Online when it was on the main Yahoo page where they now have News, Sport, & Entertainment.

I think they're just Sh*t Stirrers and out for all the comments on their articles they can get.

It did really p*ss me off though when I'd spend so much time commenting on an aricle only for them to reject it. I think I was too Right Wing for their liking at times even though I'm in no way Right Wing (well maybe a little bit) but what do they expect when they have stories that would make anyones blood boil - Bogus asylum seekers living in luxury at tax payers expense, light prison sentances for big crimes................

Does that make me Scum? I don't think so.

Happy Christmas Everyone

Posted: 28 Dec 2010, 13:43
by DeWinter
The Mail just reports the extremes where asylum is concerned. The Guardian does the same thing but the opposite end.
Most of the asylum seekers I met were not remotely genuine, but they weren't living in luxury either judging by the look and smell of some of them. Most were in B&B's, which I doubt are luxurious.

As for Jody McK..
Well, it's a bit like me walking through a dark alley at night shouting "Look at my nice fat wallet", or my girlfriend doing the same but wearing nothing but a bikini. We've every right to do it, but we're putting ourselves in harms way knowingly, and most people would think "That was a stupid thing to do, what did they expect?" when something unpleasant happened to us. There are certain things common sense tells you are not good ideas and I think he ignored that unless his view of the police is a lot more rose-tinted than mine has been recently.

Would I be wrong in assuming that original piece was by a certain Mr Littlejohn?