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Ebay Descriptions

Posted: 14 Jul 2003, 10:19
by MrChris
Has anyone else noticed how much the description of an item on Ebay can effect the price? I missed out on the Silence is Platinum boxed set a few weeks ago, went for about £30, perhaps because it had a glowing description and lots of photos. But I've just bought another one with a very brief description for under £10! Likewise, a copy of Postcards From Above the Chemist with a really glowing and detailed description recently sold for something like £45, but there's another one going for about £15, last time I looked...

Can buyers not see the wood for the trees? Moral - if you're an Ebay seller, DO go to the effort of filling in an extensive description, you could double your price for a minute's work!

Re: Ebay Descriptions

Posted: 14 Jul 2003, 16:01
by Big Si
MrChris wrote:Has anyone else noticed how much the description of an item on Ebay can effect the price? I missed out on the Silence is Platinum boxed set a few weeks ago, went for about £30, perhaps because it had a glowing description and lots of photos. But I've just bought another one with a very brief description for under £10! Likewise, a copy of Postcards From Above the Chemist with a really glowing and detailed description recently sold for something like £45, but there's another one going for about £15, last time I looked...

Can buyers not see the wood for the trees? Moral - if you're an Ebay seller, DO go to the effort of filling in an extensive description, you could double your price for a minute's work!
Like this one - ... tegory=307 :?: :roll:

Posted: 14 Jul 2003, 16:09
by Big Si ... egory=1572

where have I heard that name before? :innocent: :wink:

Posted: 14 Jul 2003, 16:25
by ryan
congratulations mrchris. Now youve totally obliviated my chances of getting a cheap sisters bootleg on ebay :P :eek: :cry: :)

Posted: 14 Jul 2003, 16:33
by Jim
Thats the name of the game - share and share alike.

Posted: 15 Jul 2003, 12:08
by MrChris
Lol, well, case proven I guess. Sorry if I made anyone miss out. Recently I asked advice on an item here myself (a rare book), and I got the advice but someone read the message and nabbed it. All's fair in love and ebaying, I guess...

Posted: 15 Jul 2003, 13:57
by Jim
Theres a certain amount of naivety posting, "is this rare sisters item worth anything, it look really cheap?", on the HEARTLAND message board. :-)

Posted: 15 Jul 2003, 13:58
by Quiff Boy
Jim wrote:Theres a certain amount of naivety posting, "is this rare sisters item worth anything, it look really cheap?", on the HEARTLAND message board. :-)
that thought had occured to me too :twisted: ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Posted: 15 Jul 2003, 14:59
by MrChris
I've learned my lesson, anyway. Besides, I've banned myself from Ebay for a month. No dosh. Moving house. Leaving England, actually. Having a baby (well, I'm not, but I provided some essential reproductive material, so I'm helping to deal with the consequences...). New job. New house. Ergo no Ebay.

Posted: 15 Jul 2003, 15:05
by hallucienate
MrChris wrote:Having a baby (well, I'm not, but I provided some essential reproductive material, so I'm helping to deal with the consequences...). New job. New house. Ergo no Ebay.
Congrats on all counts :)

Posted: 15 Jul 2003, 16:25
by ryan
MrChris wrote:Lol, well, case proven I guess. Sorry if I made anyone miss out. Recently I asked advice on an item here myself (a rare book), and I got the advice but someone read the message and nabbed it. All's fair in love and ebaying, I guess...
nope, quite the opposite- Ebay isnt fair :lol:

Posted: 15 Jul 2003, 20:53
by pikkrong
hallucienate wrote:
MrChris wrote:Having a baby (well, I'm not, but I provided some essential reproductive material, so I'm helping to deal with the consequences...). New job. New house. Ergo no Ebay.
Congrats on all counts :)
i join with congratulations :)

Posted: 15 Jul 2003, 21:36
by paint it black
best way is to bid just high enough not to win what you don't want, as a distraction for a last minute bid on what you really want :twisted: :twisted:

for some reason when ppl see a high number of bids, they think it's a disirable item :roll: :wink:

Posted: 16 Jul 2003, 08:11
by ryan
i prefer not bidding until the last 10 or so minutes of the auction. That way, they dont see it coming and you end up scoring (provided it dosnt end at a undesirable price)

Posted: 16 Jul 2003, 09:40
by Jim
Ah, your the guy I hate ;-)

Posted: 16 Jul 2003, 09:43
by MrChris
Haha, I may second that. Time difference, poo. Sometimes you can nab things at 5 or 6 on a Sunday evening GMT, though. Seriously, though, I don't think we can complain about people poaching things at the last minute. I used to feel cheated, but if I was willing to pay more, I should have bid more originally, shouldn't I?

Posted: 16 Jul 2003, 10:19
by allfear
Talking of Ebay, theres some rather nice underneath the rocks and some tickett stubbs here ;) ...


Posted: 16 Jul 2003, 10:28
by elguiri
Ticket Stubbs!!!!.....People actually pay money for ticket stubbs...Man there must be some right spanners out there....or have i missed something..(besides saving my old ticket stubbs) :urff:

Posted: 16 Jul 2003, 10:38
by Quiff Boy
elguiri wrote:Ticket Stubbs!!!!.....People actually pay money for ticket stubbs...Man there must be some right spanners out there....or have i missed something..(besides saving my old ticket stubbs) :urff:
nope, you haven't missed a thing. and yes, complete spanners :urff:

Posted: 16 Jul 2003, 14:06
by taylor
I think that it's better spend £30 in a old ticket (83-85) than £30 in a cd-r !!! isn'it ? :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: ... egory=1572

Posted: 16 Jul 2003, 14:30
by MrChris
I can't imagine anyone would want to spend £30 on a plain cd-r, unless they were conned. A fiver, yes. £30, no. Most of the CDs on Ebay at least have nice spangly covers and things, though. Which makes them worth ooh, at least £9. Seriously, the only things that could be worth £30 up must be Damage Done / Body Electric, an extremely collectable vinyl bootleg or poster that you REALLY want, or something signed. But obviously, the world is not short of spanners...

Posted: 16 Jul 2003, 14:39
by Quiff Boy
is that near meth boot a cd-r? is it the gig that i have on my ftp server? :evil:

Posted: 16 Jul 2003, 15:17
by elguiri
You have an ftp server.... with sisters stuff..?

Posted: 16 Jul 2003, 15:51
by Quiff Boy
elguiri wrote:You have an ftp server.... with sisters stuff..?
oops. did i say that out loud? :urff:


err, i might do. 'cept its not up today.

but it's not for public use. it's for my own personal use. so that i can download stuff on my home pc while i'm in work.

so there.


(sh*t. think anyone believed me?)


Posted: 16 Jul 2003, 16:52
by elguiri
Oh riiiiiight.....I understand :innocent: :kiss: :kiss: there doesnt apper to be one for kissing butt :innocent: