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Best Video Game Ever!

Posted: 17 Jul 2003, 22:38
by Big Si
For me it has to be Blade Runner :von: 8)

Posted: 17 Jul 2003, 22:44
by Serendipityhaven
the original Load Runner played on the C64 way,way back now.

i'm stuck in the joystick and one button for shooting era mind you :P :lol:

Posted: 17 Jul 2003, 22:53
by paint it black
I don't wanna create a list, but

Hungry horace,
the hobbit,
manic miner,
especially attic attack, but any of the Ultimate games

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

sorry, couldn't do just one :?

Posted: 17 Jul 2003, 22:58
by Serendipityhaven
man,i feel hopelessly out of touch.
i once "played"Duke Nukem on ps1 with all the cheats activated.
kind of defeated the object i thought... :P

Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 08:11
by randdebiel²
r-type on the sega master system :cool: because it was incredibly hard.....(the only version of this game that was btw, because bonusses were very sparse, so if you lost one life during the game, you knew it was you had to keep reaaaally concentrated for hours, just to lose a life in level 7 or something by which you started throwing things at your tv :lol: )
I also spent hours on the early sierra on line games......

Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 08:22
by elguiri
GooooooWay back through the mists of time and on the old , humble nes there was a game called Low - G - Man...Kept me entertained for hours......Plus honorable mentions for game boy tetris, Playstation doom,various incarnations of ISS footy,and a spot of mindless killing & maiming on both unreal tournaments :von:

Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 11:58
by Black Shuck
For me it has to be the original Resident evil for the playstation.

Like all great games, it is impossible to define why it is so brilliant

It's the sort of game you can spend all night playing (I blame this game for me messing up me A levels)

Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 12:05
by ryan
blues brothers on atari- bloody fantastic

that and all the grand theft auto games

not that i actually payed for them :)

Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 12:08
by Quiff Boy
"hero" on the old atari 2600

rescue those trapped miners with your helicopter-backpack, dynamite sticks and laser-firing helmet!


Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 12:38
by Padstar
Awwwww.... come on!

Elite on the Beeb!


Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 13:05
by Lars Svensson
...or Elite on the Commodore 64!!!!!

There's a sorta new version out now for PC...Freelancer

V good...

Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 13:17
by Quiff Boy
system 3's "the last ninja" on the c64 was pretty tasty for its day :)

Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 18:49
by Andy TG
All the "Ocean" games on the ZX Spectrum (Sabre Tooth/Atic Atak)
Jet Pack / H.E.R.O. on spectrum
Halflife, Max Payne, Unreal Tournament and Unreal on PC

Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 22:05
by Planet Dave
Load Runner on the 64 - was that a Llamasoft number? I loved Gridrunner and Matrix on the Vic-20 - how anyone could get Gridrunner in 3.5K is a miracle.

So...Gridrunner, OR Tomb Raider I, into which I still get lost for many many hours at a time.


Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 23:41
by Ganith
Mmm... Blade runner was nice!

I liked The Longest Journey a lot! (but then, I have this thing for dragons...) :roll:

I borrowed "the journeyman projet" from my cousin some time ago. But it's still sitting on a shelf (yes, that cousin). Haven't tried it yet. Can any of you recommend it?

And of course there's all the monkey islands...

Speaking 'bout videogames... wasn't there someone on Dominion that was going to make one whith TSOM? Anybody remembers that? Anything came out of it?



Posted: 19 Jul 2003, 01:13
by Dan
Manic Miner
Jetset Willy

Posted: 19 Jul 2003, 11:32
by Lars Svensson
From recent years, Goldeneye on the N64 has to be mentioned. It was the only decent game for that particularly machine, and what a game it was - it had it all! :notworthy:

Gameplay, secret bits, decent music, bl**dy difficult but certainly not impossible...all leaving you with a desire to start playing it all over again once you've finished it, which you can't say for many games! ;D

Nothing's come close to it since, though Timesplitters 2 (playing @ the mo on PS2) is actually pretty similar to it. 8)

Posted: 19 Jul 2003, 20:15
by Izzy HaveMercy
Everything on the C=64 was awesome!
California Games, attack of the mutant camels, maniac mansion, zak mc kraken, miami vice andandandand...OOHHHHH!!!!

And you know what... I still HAVE an orginal C=64 (you know, a thick brownish one, not the sissy white flat ones), with a Final Cartridge III!

A C=64 has the most beautiful blue screen I've ever seen...

What's even can play ALL games of the C64 on your PC! Check out this site: and download the ccs64 emulator! There are also several links to sites with games that match this emulator.

Izzy (barely trying to contain himself).

Posted: 20 Jul 2003, 19:26
by hallucienate
Quake 1 - I played that game to death and then got really into it.