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Who are the best Sisters substitute?

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 11:15
by Machine Regime
Anybody got any recommendations? The girls' back catalogue is, for me, definitevely unbeatable - but I've been going a little stir crazy fantasizing about what the new material that'll never materialize will sound like.

For me the problem with the Sisters is not the lack of new product, but rather that they're so good just about everyone who CAN be f**ked to still create new songs seem a little naff in comparison. I am seeking professional help :wink:

Be that as it may, I'm open to whatever - what've you got?

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 11:28
by Being645
There is no substitute for The Sisters of Mercy ... :wink: ...

Bad enough ... :innocent:

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 11:41
by Quiff Boy
motorhead :?:

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 11:49
by Machine Regime
[quote="Being645"]There is no substitute for The Sisters of Mercy ... :wink: ...

*echoey scream* Nooooooooooooo!!!

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 11:54
by Machine Regime
Quiff Boy wrote:motorhead :?:
Thanks, but I think that's Von's substitute for TSOM - what's yours..? ('pint, thanks' - b'doom).

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 12:06
by Being645
Motörhead are very cool, they range directly behind The Sisters on my list ... ;D ;D ;D ...

and so does David Bowie. Also there is, of course, plenty other great music in various genres all over, old and new. Too many to mention them all and hell, how few of them have I actually ever heard of in my decade-long desert. Or projects like the 25men. I like that kind of stuff.

And it's wonderful to see what new bands are developing these days, such as for example Ulterior ... all those bands I got to know along Heartland like the Eureka Machines or The Mumbles or Legion and now Terminal Gods ... all lovely and wonderful ... I enjoy ... ;D ;D ;D ...

but ... :wink: ... The Sisters are unique ...

@ machine regime
... yes ... there's no escape, only other ways to look ... :lol: ...

Checking this thread might help a bit, though ...

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 14:08
by Quiff Boy
for a while - circa 1990 - when the sisters were doing their vision thaang, i really enjoyed rosetta stone's take on the whole two skinny men and a drum machine scene.

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 14:13
by taylor
just FOTN nothing more :D

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 14:16
by Silver_Owl

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 14:33
by mh
Big Black.

They got a drum machine, they got the same warped funk/metal/dub thing going that early Sisters had, but - ummm - aside from that, absolutely nothing in common! :lol:

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 14:38
by iesus
Motorhead and Ramones should be the substitute for our beloved band. 8)
But if you are oriented in a clone band with drum machine and a deep voice with similar sound music instruments, you can take a try to The Merry Thoughts ;D

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 14:39
by Silver_Owl
mh wrote:Big Black.

They got a drum machine, they got the same warped funk/metal/dub thing going that early Sisters had, but - ummm - aside from that, absolutely nothing in common! :lol:
I've just finished listening to Atomiser actually and was thinking about them in a similar way. ;D

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 18:16
by paul
The Mish ofcourse ;-)

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 18:20
by Quiff Boy
paul wrote:The Mish ofcourse ;-)
wow, if the merry thoughts are a second-string copycat band, that puts the mish at 3rd surely? ;D

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 18:46
by paul
Quiff Boy wrote:
paul wrote:The Mish ofcourse ;-)
wow, if the merry thoughts are a second-string copycat band, that puts the mish at 3rd surely? ;D
An orchestra doesn't sound good without second and third strings ;-)

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 18:46
by sultan2075
The two things that come closest to subbing for the Sisters to me, these days, are:

1. James Ray's Gangwar - Live 1993.
2. Jessica's Crime - Ersatz (Live 2010).
3. Mötorhead
4. Mö¨tö¨r¨hëä¨d (what happened?! Eh, I'll leave it)
5. Mötorhead

None of them sound like the Sisters, but there's a certain reckless energy that both of them (i.e., the non-Mötorhead records) manage to capture that TSOM always had on the best live recordings (and at the moment, I think the best TSOM live recording is the Dark Christmas in London boot. Philly '97 would be tied with it, if only the sound quality was better. I wish that either of those incarnation of the band would have made an album. It would have been a motherfucker).

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 18:51
by iesus
The only band i found with the name the mish is that one
are you sure it's a kind of choice to hear such things?? :urff: :roll:

Re: Who are the best Sisters substitute?

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 19:24
by Sita
Machine Regime wrote:Anybody got any recommendations? The girls' back catalogue is, for me, definitevely unbeatable - but I've been going a little stir crazy fantasizing about what the new material that'll never materialize will sound like.

For me the problem with the Sisters is not the lack of new product, but rather that they're so good just about everyone who CAN be f**ked to still create new songs seem a little naff in comparison. I am seeking professional help :wink:

Be that as it may, I'm open to whatever - what've you got?
What exactly do you mean? One of my life-long obsessions is Roxy Music and Bryan Ferry, but maybe that's not what you meant. If you are looking for post punk/wave/whateveryoumaycallit, I think Fields of the Nephilim in their original line-up were crackin' good (love their first 3 albums), Siouxsie and the Banshees of course, both live and her studio albums. But you know all that I guess.

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 20:32
by paul
iesus wrote:The only band i found with the name the mish is that one
are you sure it's a kind of choice to hear such things?? :urff: :roll:
Yep, that's the band! :lol:

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 20:42
by susky
kinda depends. Sisters' music has certainly changed over the years. Depends on your favorite era, I suppose. For me, the early to mid-80's moody stuff has always been my fave...Reptile House, etc. If you're into that stuff definitely check out: Joy Division, early Cure (Faith LP, Pornography LP), and like Sita mentioned definitely the old Fields of the Nephilim (The Nephilim LP is godly), Siouxsie (Juju LP, Hyena LP, etc), and then it's a slippery slope into Mephisto Walz (check out their 1986 debut on Supporti Fonografici), Christian Death, UK Decay, etc, etc.

Also, in the very early 90's there were a bunch of bands playing music very similar to the 80's Sisters. Most of the bands released their LP's on Cleopatra Records. It was sort of a second wave for goth. Some of it was total old-school Sisters-worship (which meant bonus points for me in those days!) and some of it was unique. Bands sort of fell onto one side of the fence or the other depending on their song-writing ability. Some stuff to check out which definitely has a Sisters' tinge to it: Nosferatu (the early ep's and compilations called 'Legend'), The Wake, Rosetta Stone (note the same logo font as the Sisters), Screams for Tina, early Love Like Blood ('Flags Of Revolution' LP is sort of a cross of old Sisters and old Neph), etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 20:50
by Purple Light
Best Sisters substitute...?

The Marching Men!!! :innocent:

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 21:28
by mh
Hom_Corleone wrote:
mh wrote:Big Black.

They got a drum machine, they got the same warped funk/metal/dub thing going that early Sisters had, but - ummm - aside from that, absolutely nothing in common! :lol:
I've just finished listening to Atomiser actually and was thinking about them in a similar way. ;D

Forgot to mention - some pretty nifty cover versions too.

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 22:01
by timsinister
Being645 wrote: And it's wonderful to see what new bands are developing these days, such as for example Ulterior ... all those bands I got to know along Heartland like... Legion ;D ;D ;D ...
Have you been drinking again, being?
Purple wrote:The Marching Men!!!
That carbon dioxide's getting to your brain cells old boy.

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 22:01
by Camy
The Smiths and Morrissey are best subsitutes for TSOM

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 22:12
by 10-E Rabid
Camy wrote:The Smiths and Morrissey are best subsitutes for TSOM
I'd understand it if this was a "Cure" forum but I'm not seeing it. I give up. :? Not that I'm not a Smiths/Morrissey fan but there is quite a difference. Just my opinion. Anyway back to the question:

The Birthday Party or Nick Cave, or The Lorries.