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Finally, a program that really talks to you!

Posted: 19 Jul 2003, 20:08
by Izzy HaveMercy

And try these following questions:

'Do You Like Linux?' and 'Do You Wanna Cyber?'



Posted: 20 Jul 2003, 01:22
by Andy TG
@ Izzy

Thank you SO very much - the bloody thinks I am either God or I am its mother - what have YOU started ;-)

Posted: 20 Jul 2003, 10:08
by Gary
ive seen one of these before, an 'Alice bot' they use it on the Vast site as well, I am considering getting one for the fourth floor, im sure you must be able to train the things :)

Posted: 20 Jul 2003, 11:01
by Quiff Boy
i thought about using one on here when i first started it.... but without telling anyone! :D :twisted: