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The Sisters Of Murphy - The Limelight, Crewe, Aug 10 FREE!

Posted: 26 Jul 2003, 17:01
by Padstar


The next Sisters Of Murphy gig will be @

The Limelight in Crewe on Sunday August 10th

If you are ever going to travel to see us, please consider this one.
We have played here twice and had two of our best gigs ever here.
The Venue and people involved are fantastic, theres always a crowd and the dancefloor is busy!
They also let us go mad with the stage show, so LOTS of Albert Hall

On top of this, because of the way the night is run its FREE :D entry!

See here for venue and direction details -

Really hope to see some of you there!
Paddy. :von: :von: :von: :von:

The Sisters Of Murphy
The UK's Sisters Of Mercy Tribute Band
Instant Messanger -
Smoke, Floods + Stolen Goods.
Grinn -
An AngelDown production.
Concept - Plan - Faith

Posted: 26 Jul 2003, 17:12
by Quiff Boy
myself and and mrs qb should be in attendance, and i'll mention to lars that there is space in the quiff mobile if he should require... :)

nice :von:

Posted: 26 Jul 2003, 17:37
by Padstar
Cheers fella :)


Posted: 26 Jul 2003, 18:24
by Gary
Ill be coming.

Posted: 27 Jul 2003, 10:09
by Padstar
And say hello this time Gary !


Posted: 27 Jul 2003, 10:24
by Gary
Yes boss! ;)

Posted: 27 Jul 2003, 18:09
by Debaser
oooh....well I'll see what I can do on account of it being in the school holidays an' all.

Hee hee


Posted: 27 Jul 2003, 21:24
by Zuma
Count me in too!, lets make it a good un.....

Posted: 27 Jul 2003, 23:20
by Quiff Boy
Zuma wrote:Count me in too!, lets make it a good un.....
@ zuma: the first beer is on me :von:

that doesnt apply to the rest of you lot though! you can all bloody well buy yer own ;) :D

Posted: 28 Jul 2003, 02:10
by Lynchfanatic
Wish I could be there, but then the air plane ticket would have to be free too. But for those who will be going, enjoy :wink:

Posted: 28 Jul 2003, 08:21
by Zuma
Quiff Boy wrote:
Zuma wrote:Count me in too!, lets make it a good un.....
@ zuma: the first beer is on me :von:

that doesnt apply to the rest of you lot though! you can all bloody well buy yer own ;) :D
if you insist.... 8)

Posted: 28 Jul 2003, 22:05
by Carrie
Hoping Ed & I can make it Paddy...depends whether we can get there & back...

Seen Hussey there twice, nice venue.

Posted: 28 Jul 2003, 23:48
by Padstar
Would love to see you both!

This is almost starting to turn into a Heartland night out!!!


Posted: 29 Jul 2003, 21:21
by reverberater
Wow! Only just seen it but it looks a good bet Paddy 8)

A couple of pints if you play Nine while Nine for the Rev :wink:

Posted: 29 Jul 2003, 23:09
by pikkrong
my best wishes for all of you - on the stage and the others 8)
hope, i'll see you on the stage on day :)
it took approximately 12 years from this time i turned to a sisters fan to the day i really saw their live... :)

Posted: 30 Jul 2003, 09:46
by Ed Rhombus
I'm not coming unless you debut the promised 'Smurf-Nose'

Or Carrie tells me to

Posted: 30 Jul 2003, 11:24
by Padstar
LOL... ide forgotten all about that Ed.... ok, ill try and sort that out !!!



Posted: 03 Aug 2003, 00:41
by Carrie
Definitely keen to come, Paddy, but it's the getting back to Hudds is the anyone driving who has 2 seats in exchange for petrol money by any chance?!

Or I s'pose we could b&b actually - anyone know of one in Crewe? :P

<guess who's bored with the long summer vac ALREADY... :) >

Posted: 03 Aug 2003, 01:21
by karin
I don't think I'm allowed out on that date... ( bugger) :)

Posted: 03 Aug 2003, 16:39
by Padstar

TEL 01270 584 820
£14p.p.twin + B&B
£16 single + B&B

01270 256 223
£30 - £49.95 p.p.

01270 214 959
£10.00 p.p Room Only


Posted: 03 Aug 2003, 22:07
by Carrie
Cheers Paddy, see you there! :lol:

Posted: 03 Aug 2003, 23:28
by Zuma
Determined to get there, however have a wedding in Scotland on the Friday (not mine!),plus mega work stuff to get through...also, Moira (my pal) is going to come up from London for the gig....such is the power of the Smurphs :notworthy:

@Paddy & Ed, having mentioned the chance of a gig in Kendal...have had a fair ammount of interest....comments please if you think we can do it and break even/have some fun...would of course want to jam at some point too :D

Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 12:39
by Ed Rhombus

Now we're up north its a good bet. We'd love too.

The new guitar department is looking good, and we're booking from late September.

Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 14:03
by Padstar
Hi there,

Sure thing, lets get it on :)
We can chat in Crewe


Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 14:05
by Quiff Boy
what time does it start? when would be good to get there? 8?