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John Peel's collection to be an online museum

Posted: 23 Feb 2012, 14:52
by Pista
Tom Barker, Director, John Peel Centre for Creative Arts, said: "It is the first step in creating an interactive online museum with access to the entire collection, one of the most important archives in modern music history."
Oh wow!!

:notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 23 Feb 2012, 14:56
by Quiff Boy ... TWEET84042

People will be able to browse through some of his 25,000 vinyl LPs.


The legendary DJ's collection also includes 40,000 vinyl singles as well as CDs, but the project will focus on loading the vinyl first along with some of his personal notes, contributors' stories and filmed interviews with family and musicians.

The artwork of the records will be scanned and although listening may be limited due to copyright issues, there will be access to the BBC radio archive of Peel Sessions.


still, should be very cool 8)

Posted: 23 Feb 2012, 20:13
by ribbons69
Quiff Boy wrote: there will be access to the BBC radio archive of Peel Sessions.
should be very cool 8)
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 24 Feb 2012, 13:20
by Silver_Owl
Where do I apply to do the job of scanning and sifting through his collection? :innocent: :D

Posted: 24 Feb 2012, 19:02
by ribbons69
Hom_Corleone wrote:Where do I apply to do the job of scanning and sifting through his collection? :innocent: :D
In the queue.
Just behind me!

Posted: 01 May 2012, 10:07
by Pista
Starts today by all accounts ... &cat=music
Yes, it is! The contents of one of the most important and eclectic modern music collections in the world - John Peel’s personal record collection, is starting to be made public for the first time through an online archive.

John Peel’s family, The John Peel Centre for the Creative Arts, Eye Film and TV, and website company Klik, are working together to create an online archive of John Peel’s record collection, including specially created videos of key artists, John Peel’s home movies, John’s hand-typed note cards, and other content.

John Peel’s personal record collection consists of over 26,000 LPs, 40,000 singles and many thousands of CDs.

Posted: 01 May 2012, 10:33
by Obviousman
ribbons69 wrote:
Hom_Corleone wrote:Where do I apply to do the job of scanning and sifting through his collection? :innocent: :D
In the queue.
Just behind me!
I'm from the continent so I have no issues when it comes to queue-jumping, sorry ;D

This does look rather brilliant btw!

Posted: 01 May 2012, 12:05
by radiojamaica
For you guys in the queue:

http://www.johnpeelcentreforcreativeart ... 6&Itemid=7
Getting Involved

You can get involved and contribute to the project in a variety of ways. Most simply you can donate your money, your time, your ideas, energy or enthusiasm.

If you want to contribute time, experience, ideas, or anything else you think might be useful then get in touch and we will work out how you can get involved.
Go fi it! ;D

Posted: 01 May 2012, 12:16
by Quiff Boy
John Peel's Record Archive

Posted: 01 May 2012, 12:21
by Pista


Posted: 02 May 2012, 21:23
by BillyBadBreaks
I remember see John at a show in Norwich back in the day (I think it was Extreme Noise Terror, but I have had a few drinks since that show!) :innocent:

Posted: 11 May 2012, 22:20
by Emerald Green
I can only dream this comes to fruition - a fitting way to use such an important landmark building and a great resource to bring to Bradford. ... -1-4530850

More info on the project website