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Posted: 02 May 2012, 16:37
by million voices
My musical interest in new bands / styles / genres stopped sometime round about 1986. That is not to say I don't buy new records, but most of them are by old men.

My categorisation of music of the last 25 years in broad terms (excluding revivals) is this :-
Stock Aitken etc / Girl Power / Britpop / Madchester / Grunge / R&B / Boy Bands / Rap / Techno / Hip Hop / Rave / Talent Show

None of which, with the exception of grunge, has any really appeal

Maybe I have missed out on many exciting new styles of music, maybe I haven't. But if somebody out there could fill in the gaps then at least I'll know

Many thanks

Posted: 02 May 2012, 16:46
by markfiend
I dunno whether it counts, per your "excluding revivals" point, but...

Prog-metal. The band Tool in particular.

Having said that, Tool probably count as an "old man" band given that Maynard is 48.

Posted: 02 May 2012, 17:20
by circle
Prog Metal, Nu Metal, Battle Metal, Black Metal, Goth Metal, Death Metal, Symphonic Metal, Folk Metal, all of wich have at least a dozen subdivisions :innocent:

Posted: 02 May 2012, 17:27
by DocSommer
I think stuff like hip-hop or girl power or techno isn't really post 86 - just think of Cyndi Lauper/Bananarama - quite a lot girl power - or Sugar Hill Gang (Rappers Delight, recorded 79). Of course todays stuff might sound differently produced (usually worse) but still the genre-wised roots are older then one might expect.

Posted: 03 May 2012, 01:24
by stufarq
Grunge is just rock with a bit of, um...nothing really. It's just rock.

R&B's been around since at least the 60s, probably earlier. (Using Doc's method above it could be traced back to the 20s and even further.)

Britpop's just Madness meets Adam & the Ants. Madchester's just the Beatles meets yob.

But you have missed one genre, which I can only categorise as Ultracamp (think Scissor Sisters, Mica). Oh, hang on, you wanted one with appeal...

Posted: 03 May 2012, 08:51
by markfiend
stufarq wrote:Ultracamp (think Scissor Sisters, Mica).
Not just camp, New York camp :lol:

Posted: 03 May 2012, 09:54
by metal on metal
I don't think "techno" or "rave" or whatever can really cover the genuinely new styles of electronic music to have emerged in the last 15-20 years such as jungle, dubstep or IDM (horrible term but classing bands like Autechre as just "techno" isn't really accurate IMO). There is / was real musical development in these genres, as opposed to something like Britpop which wasn't a genre as such, more a media term to describe the mid-90s plague of dull, conservative guitar bands (who are still wreaking their dreadful influence on today's music).

Posted: 03 May 2012, 10:45
by Quiff Boy
90s britpop just copied the kinks, the who & the jam anyway.

Posted: 03 May 2012, 11:42
by markfiend
Quiff Boy wrote:90s britpop just copied the jam, who copied the kinks & the who anyway.

Posted: 03 May 2012, 12:25
by Quiff Boy
markfiend wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:90s britpop just copied the jam, who copied the kinks & the who anyway.
:notworthy: :lol:

never liked the jam. weller is such a tedious f**kwit, and he's only gotten more tedious with age.

Posted: 03 May 2012, 21:35
by Izzy HaveMercy
Oh my god. You still have a gazillion things to discover but you were led to the wrong places apparently :lol:

Besides all the stuff Circle mentioned (which is super, but well... to be honest, it's all metal and when metal isn't your thing you can burn that list)....

Don't pin me down on the genres, it's difficult enough as it is ;)

- Electro/EBM (Front 242, Klinik, more modern: Suicide Commando, Funker Vogt, :Wumpscut:)
- Industrial rock/metal (Ministry, Revolting Cocks, Lords Of Acid, Zeromancer, Crüxshadows, Rammstein, Oomph!, Fear Factory)
- weird experimental s**t (Throbbing Gristle, Current93, Einstürzende Neubauten, Coil, Negativland)
- doom metal/ Stoner rock/ new gothrock (My Dying Bride, Anathema, Katatonia, Earth, Yob, Electric Wizard, Bongripper, Saint Vitus)
- metalcore (Parkway Drive)
- noiserock/shoegaze/'interesting' alternative stuff (Sonic Youth, Pixies, Nadja etc)
- The heavier postrock/metal (Year Of No Light, Explosions In The Sky, Do Make Say Think, 65daysofstatic, Omega Massif, Pelican, Isis...)
- Drone and drone-metal (Sunn o))), Nadja, Kodiak (RIP), N)
- Progrock/progmetal (Cynic, Anathema, Porcupine Tree, The Architect, Zombi, Kong)
- Ambient (FOR GREATER GOOD :D, Raison d'Etre, Empusae, Sanctum, Desiderii Marginis)
- Darkjazz and cinematic noir (The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble, Bohren Und Der Club Of Gore, Blackfilm, The Cinematic Orchestra, The Hidden Orchestra, Subheim, The Eye Of Time)
- IDM/Break/Glitch (Aphex Twin, Autechre, Venetian Snares)
- Dub/Jungle/dubstep/Drum 'n' Bass (wubblewubwub) (Burial, Skrillex, Roni Size with or without Reprazent, Goldie)
- Triphop/dark hop (Massive Attack, Portishead)
- weird experimental stuff (Merzbow, Alva Noto, Pan Sonic, Scanner, Bad Sector)

There... one tenth of the list tackled. Call me if you checked these out.


Posted: 03 May 2012, 22:34
by million voices
Thank-you very much for all your input

With previous forays into "new" music and I am usually left wondering "who do they remind me of?" Usually the Velvets or Hawkwind

But I shall give all the recommendations a listen and see if I can find bands that are new and inspiriational. I am looking forward to the journey.

Posted: 04 May 2012, 09:50
by Izzy HaveMercy
million voices wrote:Thank-you very much for all your input

With previous forays into "new" music and I am usually left wondering "who do they remind me of?" Usually the Velvets or Hawkwind

But I shall give all the recommendations a listen and see if I can find bands that are new and inspiriational. I am looking forward to the journey. is a good start :)


Posted: 04 May 2012, 11:48
by Aazhyd
Problem is that you can distinguish dozens of subsubsubgenres.

Posted: 04 May 2012, 12:09
by metal on metal
Quiff Boy wrote:never liked the jam. weller is such a tedious f**kwit, and he's only gotten more tedious with age.
Amen! The man's an utter c*ck. Apart from Bono, I can't think of anyone I loathe more in music.

Posted: 04 May 2012, 12:21
by paint it black
I think you've got it about right in the broadbrush terms of your original question. I'm not thinking clique or sub-genre, but musical styles which had a populist influence beyond music, into fashion and media

I would suggest ‘indie’ (goth, shoegaze, stoner, subpop etc..) as being a movement in 1987-89 which was ultimately picked up by the industry in the form of madchester and its rival label Britpop (btw QB: Oasis = The Beatles ? ), with grunge rising from the ashes of subpop

I think there has recently been a genre which comprises female vocalists who can sing, but more that, in general, a movement away from technology and high BMP back to more ‘traditional’ forms of music. Apart from this being a function of the record industry and a reduction in overhead, management, promotion and production costs, the romantic part of me would like to think we’re all just looking back to the post-war happy times, because of the s**t times we’re in.

Posted: 05 May 2012, 23:46
by Jeremiah
I think within the world of metal, there's a rule that there cannot be more than one band in each subgenre.

So if we already have a melodic doom-tech deathcore band, then any new band that wanted to do something almost the same but slightly different would have to pioneer a new genre, like maybe melodic hard doom-tech deathcore.

Or something like that. :P

Posted: 06 May 2012, 14:46
by GC
A question in between:

Which genre is Placebo? I can't really tell......

Posted: 06 May 2012, 15:06
by radiojamaica
Listen to the Iz! There's tons of interesting stuff around, you just have to keep your eyes open I guess.

Posted: 07 May 2012, 07:47
by Izzy HaveMercy
radiojamaica wrote:Listen to the Iz! There's tons of interesting stuff around, you just have to keep your eyes open I guess.
And ears of course :)

Oh and Placebo is just coke-rock. And not bad at it.


Posted: 09 May 2012, 01:45
by bearskin
Quiff Boy wrote: never liked the jam. weller is such a tedious f**kwit, and he's only gotten more tedious with age.
I'm a big fan of Weller. More so than I am, overall, of TSOM.

In parts TSOM have probably hit (slightly) higher heights than Weller, but then they have only really done 4 albums, whereas Weller has done about ten just as a solo artist. What I actually do appreciate about Weller is his range. OK, he has an identifiable style - let's call it Dadrock, as some do, but he continues to work around in that and I would say that of even his recent "eclectic", mid-life-crisis even, output there are at least a couple of tracks every year that I pop on my ipod as keepers. Add that up and I probably have, over his entire career, 40 songs of his that I rate as stuff I want to hear regularly. I doubt there are more than ten TSOM songs that I count in that category.

So, whilst TSOM have a higher quality count, and a great "God, I absolutely Love that song" factor, I would prob have to put the Weller fella as my favourite all-time artist. I saw him live in the last year and it was just awesome.

I do accept that these days he's bit of a dick, with his rather Mutton-dressed-as-Lamb style and his trophy wife etc. but fair play to him to keep trying to put out good music and to keep relevant. More than can be said of our own Obergruppenfuhrer.

Posted: 09 May 2012, 09:13
by markfiend
I can cope with The Jam but nothing that Weller has done since. Any credibility he ever had should have been utterly and permanently destroyed by the Style Council.

Posted: 09 May 2012, 15:40
by stufarq
bearskin wrote:In parts TSOM have probably hit (slightly) higher heights than Weller, but then they have only really done 4 albums.
Four? Did the new one finally come out and I missed it?

Posted: 09 May 2012, 15:48
by markfiend
stufarq wrote:
bearskin wrote:In parts TSOM have probably hit (slightly) higher heights than Weller, but then they have only really done 4 albums.
Four? Did the new one finally come out and I missed it?
Some people seem to count "Gift" as a Sisters album.

Posted: 09 May 2012, 15:58
by stufarq
Oh, forgot that! Which is a but daft considering I'm sometimes one of them. I retract my previous sarcasm unless anyone thinks it's still funny anyway.