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Hamburg thingy....hmmmm....

Posted: 31 Jul 2003, 20:48
by RobF
Whilst looking for opportunities to go and see the mighty NMA this summer/autumn I noticed they are doing a benefit show for FC ST Pauli with, and I quote "August 30th - St Pauli Stadium,Hamburg A benefit show to help keep St Pauli football club going. Loads of acts. Watch out for 'special' friends........."

Anyone have any idea who the "Special Friends" might be? Considering how close our great leader was to the club a few years ago? Probably wishful thinking but hmmmmmm. :?: :!:

Posted: 03 Aug 2003, 20:11
by vicus
I think this means Justin Sullivan & several members of NMA, but...
*fingers crossed*

andrew joins the nma?

Posted: 20 Aug 2003, 22:54
by vicus
according to some rumours in hamburg, one of the friends of mr. sullivan who will share the stage at this festival is a guy called andrew eldritch :von: :eek:

Re: andrew joins the nma?

Posted: 20 Aug 2003, 23:47
by Big Si
vicus wrote:according to some rumours in hamburg, one of the friends of mr. sullivan who will share the stage at this festival is a guy called andrew eldritch :von: :eek:
Better book your flight very quick, Planet! :wink: :twisted:

Posted: 21 Aug 2003, 11:30
by vicus
It seems, it's official!
Andrew will join Justin and three other NMA-Members on stage!


I saw Mr Sullivan earlier this year - he played a very fine version of "Gimme Shelter"...

Posted: 21 Aug 2003, 11:39
by hallucienate
so, who will be taping this gig, for poor sods like me who can't go and see my two favourite band performing on the same stage at the same time :?: :(

Posted: 21 Aug 2003, 11:42
by vicus
Oh - I forgot:
The Source

The guy "fcstpauli-Sven" is one of the promoters of this festival, so I think, it IS an official announcement.

Posted: 21 Aug 2003, 12:17
by MrChris
Hooray! So he's alive, then. Or relatively, anyway.

Posted: 21 Aug 2003, 18:04
by Guest
No. Fair.

Posted: 21 Aug 2003, 21:50
by pikkrong
hallucienate wrote:so, who will be taping this gig, for poor sods like me who can't go and see my two favourite band performing on the same stage at the same time :?: :(
yeah, i would also be very very interested in that... and envy Hamburg peeps :)

Posted: 22 Aug 2003, 20:18
by vicus
supposed running order:

14.00 - 14.20, Komitee fuer Unterhaltungskunst
14.20 - 14.45, Spielmannszug St.Pauli
14.45 - 15.15, Fink
15.20 - 15.50, Justin Sullivan & friends
15.55 - 16.25, The Varanes feat. members of the Bates
16.30 - 17.00, Punkles
17.00 - 17.15, Lollipops
17.15 - 17.45, DJMDG
17.50 - 18.20, Tomte
18.25 - 18.55, Fehlfarben
19.00 - 19.30, Rantanplan
19.35 - 20.05, Kettcar
20.10 - 20.40, Jeremy Days
20.45 - 21.25, RubberSlime
21.30 - 22.25, Turbonegro
22.25 - 22.30, Final

date: 30.8.2003
tix: 30 Euros via

hey, it's a benefit, so i hope, nobody expected a 2-hour show of the sisters army, eh?

Posted: 26 Aug 2003, 01:59
by Guest
So let us know if what's-his-face shows up, okay? :wink: :P

Posted: 30 Aug 2003, 10:29
by Erudite
Yeah, I definitely want to hear if AE does a quick turn with NMA.
Didn't someone spot Justin at one of the Leeds gigs?

Ten years ago I probably would have been on a ferry or plane by now.
Still, Eldritch with the Utah Saints remains eight of the best minutes of
live entertainment I have witnessed to date.

Posted: 31 Aug 2003, 09:59
by vicus
Finally, Justin & friends played a fine 30-minutes-gig - and Andrew played bass during most of the songs.
Here is the setlist (as it was posted by Christian W. to Dominion):
Gimi Shelter (sic!)
Long Goodbye
+ one more I could not identify (Strange Brotherhood?)
It was a very nice day at the Millerntor-Stadium, Turbonegro kicked ass!
And no: Andrew didn't sing anything.

Posted: 31 Aug 2003, 10:07
by vicus
Oh - I forgot:
Andrew looks very - ahem - "Psychobilly" now ;-)
(Photos will follow during next week)

Posted: 31 Aug 2003, 13:33
by vicus
thx to christian p. & posy for the photo :notworthy:

Posted: 31 Aug 2003, 14:17
by Erudite
Let's post this on the "Is Von hot or not". :? :wink:

As if the bass thing wasn't weird enough...

Still, quite Cyber Punk - guess he really is reading too much Gibson!

Posted: 31 Aug 2003, 14:43
by Big Si
Thanks Vicus! :notworthy:

Posted: 31 Aug 2003, 14:57
by MrChris
My God, he really is playing bass, and without looking at his fingers, too! I have to say, I really like the haircut. Very rockabilly, I agree. Very Jimmy Somerville.

Posted: 31 Aug 2003, 15:50
by Guest
Holy s**t. He was playing bass? 8) :von:

Posted: 31 Aug 2003, 16:16
by Erudite
CorpPunk wrote:Holy ****. He was playing bass? 8) :von:
I was aware that he was a reasonable guitar player, although he has
previously stated that he was incapable of playing guitar standing up or
playing and singing at the same time.

It was appear at least some of that copious free time has been put to
good use...

Posted: 31 Aug 2003, 16:20
by Guest
And he's still hot.

:kiss: :P :von:

Posted: 31 Aug 2003, 21:07
by Quiff Boy
vicus wrote:Image
thx to christian p. & posy for the photo :notworthy:
all hail the rightful heir to the title "quiff boy" :D :D :D


thats a might fine 'do mr eldritch sir! :von: :notworthy:

Posted: 31 Aug 2003, 22:09
by Padstar
Oh dear.... we'll never hear the end of this!


Posted: 31 Aug 2003, 22:50
by Quiff Boy
Padstar wrote:Oh dear.... we'll never hear the end of this!
