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PLYC Mish/Neffs 2013

Posted: 02 Dec 2012, 21:02
by ribbons69
Especially for Weebles and the rest of us clowns,The Mish team up with The Nephilim again next year for four dates in December.

Dec 14th GLASGOW
Dec 15th LEEDS
Dec 18th BRIXTON

Reckon I'll give Glasgae a miss but do the other three.

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 10:25
by markfiend
So that's December 2013? Otherwise it's a bit short notice!

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 11:20
by BigPhil
Seems to be an ongoing trend to announce gigs a year or so in advance now. Very considerate of the bands to give you the opportunity to cough up your hard earned dosh so far in advance, thus allowing them/the promoters/venue etc. to play with the money in the meantime...greed greed greed :| Bit surprised that :von: hasn't announced the 2015 Farewell Tour dates yet :innocent:

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 18:50
by ribbons69
markfiend wrote:So that's December 2013? Otherwise it's a bit short notice!
[Cough] thread title [cough/]

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 19:59
by RockNRoll Mercenary
I'd like to see The Nephilim but The m*****n can do one...

Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 13:27
by markfiend
ribbons69 wrote:
markfiend wrote:So that's December 2013? Otherwise it's a bit short notice!
[Cough] thread title [cough/]
I fail reading comprehension.

Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 16:36
by Alec
Saw both bands this year and thoroughly enjoyed both gigs. Deffo up for the Leeds date!

Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 18:27
by NickW
Any idea on price yet ?

Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 19:08
by Gripper
26 quid plus 3.90 booking fee. So that's 30 quid.

30 quid. 30 sodding quid. So that means I'm not going.


Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 23:16
by ribbons69
Gripper wrote:26 quid plus 3.90 booking fee. So that's 30 quid.

30 quid. 30 sodding quid. So that means I'm not going.

That's about ten quid less than the Mish/Cult tickets cost this year,and I'd much rather have the Neffs than Astbury's bunch any day of the week.

Posted: 05 Dec 2012, 10:47
by Alec
Yeah, the Mish/Cult gig was a right royal rip-off and to add insult to injury, they moved it to a Monday night in Manchester then Killing Joke pulled out. Still, the m*****n were fantastic that night and the Nephilim played a blinder in Leeds. I would say it is worth £30 of anybody's money if they were both to repeat the quality of performance.

Posted: 05 Dec 2012, 14:54
by NickW
Definite ly worth a punt at £30 but may wait until after xmas when I ''may' possibly have cash again

Posted: 06 Dec 2012, 00:22
by stufarq
Will be at Glasgow. £30 seems a fairly average gig price to me.

Posted: 10 Dec 2012, 00:58
by Maisey
BigPhil wrote:Seems to be an ongoing trend to announce gigs a year or so in advance now. Very considerate of the bands to give you the opportunity to cough up your hard earned dosh so far in advance, thus allowing them/the promoters/venue etc. to play with the money in the meantime...greed greed greed :| Bit surprised that :von: hasn't announced the 2015 Farewell Tour dates yet :innocent:
That is hilariously cynical.

Maybe replace "greed x3" with "necessity x3" ...?

Posted: 10 Dec 2012, 01:48
by Being645
Maisey wrote:
BigPhil wrote:Seems to be an ongoing trend to announce gigs a year or so in advance now. Very considerate of the bands to give you the opportunity to cough up your hard earned dosh so far in advance, thus allowing them/the promoters/venue etc. to play with the money in the meantime...greed greed greed :| Bit surprised that :von: hasn't announced the 2015 Farewell Tour dates yet :innocent:
That is hilariously cynical.

Maybe replace "greed x3" with "necessity x3" ...?
Seconded, for many bands ...

No so for the bit about :von: ... pretty joking, Big Si, :evil: :twisted: ... though I think, The Sisters definitely know better since 2003 at the latest!
Anyway, predictability of annual appearances on seasonal occasions can do more harm than well for bands as much as for events
depending on their variety and/or profile.

Posted: 10 Dec 2012, 10:50
by Bartek
BigPhil, not BigSi

Greed, necessity- it's just semantic, depends where you stand.
As we know FOTN they may or may not play gig(s), so this year in advance is waay to soon.

Posted: 10 Dec 2012, 18:32
by Quiff Boy
i think the reality is that promoters are wary of putting on old "revival" bands. they encourage them to book gigs early and announce dates ASAP so they can see how tickets sell in the months leading up to the gig...

if early sales are not going as well as anticipated, this gives promoters the option of moving to a smaller venue (eg: the cult/mish/kj's original "stadium" gigs being downsized to large concert halls) or just cancelling the gig altogether, both with plenty of notice for the public (also allowing the promoters to put someone else on).

i think people are assuming the bands have more say on this than they really do... especially the kind of old bands we're talking about.

Posted: 10 Dec 2012, 19:46
by Being645
Quiff Boy wrote:i think the reality is that promoters are wary of putting on old "revival" bands. they encourage them to book gigs early and announce dates ASAP so they can see how tickets sell in the months leading up to the gig...

if early sales are not going as well as anticipated, this gives promoters the option of moving to a smaller venue (eg: the cult/mish/kj's original "stadium" gigs being downsized to large concert halls) or just cancelling the gig altogether, both with plenty of notice for the public (also allowing the promoters to put someone else on).

i think people are assuming the bands have more say on this than they really do... especially the kind of old bands we're talking about.
You're probably right ... :wink: ...

oh yes ... :oops:

Posted: 10 Dec 2012, 22:22
by Big Si
Being645 wrote:@Bartek
oh yes ... :oops:
:lol: ;D

Thanks Bart 8)

Posted: 10 Dec 2012, 22:45
by Being645
Big Si wrote:
Being645 wrote:@Bartek
oh yes ... :oops:
:lol: ;D

Thanks Bart 8)
Image Image ... Image ... :lol: ...

Posted: 11 Dec 2012, 18:16
by ribbons69
Quiff Boy wrote:i think the reality is that promoters are wary of putting on old "revival" bands. they encourage them to book gigs early and announce dates ASAP so they can see how tickets sell in the months leading up to the gig...

if early sales are not going as well as anticipated, this gives promoters the option of moving to a smaller venue (eg: the cult/mish/kj's original "stadium" gigs being downsized to large concert halls) or just cancelling the gig altogether, both with plenty of notice for the public (also allowing the promoters to put someone else on).

i think people are assuming the bands have more say on this than they really do... especially the kind of old bands we're talking about.
Whilst this is undoubtably true,I think that if t'mish and the Nephs can pretty much fill venues like Leeds Academy on their own,they ought to be able to do it together.

Posted: 29 Dec 2012, 22:42
by Spiggy's hat
Only heard about this last night & was presently surprised at the double header tbh. As both have headlined Leeds O2 in the last year or so, it's a good bill for £30 imo.

Saw FOTN loads of times in the 80s but this will be the first time since Bradford 1990.

Rumours that they will headline on alternate nights........surely the Mish on last in Leeds?

Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 20:36
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Interesting brief article in the new edition of Vive le Rock quoting both Wayne and Carl saying that the bands "compliment" each other (surely they meant "complement" but with WH you never know) ! He was also jesting about the feat of getting Carl up North again against his natural instincts. Talking of his plans for the year, he was saying that the Mish are planning to record a new album with Dave Allan in the spring. That's one person happy with the production on FALAA then.

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 21:26
by weebleswobble
One will obviously be in Leeds.
While a hometown gig in raintown is desirable two nights on the trot would kill me.

Posted: 03 Apr 2013, 20:18
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote:Interesting brief article in the new edition of Vive le Rock quoting both Wayne and Carl saying that the bands "compliment" each other (surely they meant "complement" but with WH you never know) ! He was also jesting about the feat of getting Carl up North again against his natural instincts. Talking of his plans for the year, he was saying that the Mish are planning to record a new album with Dave Allan in the spring. That's one person happy with the production on FALAA then.
More on the new Mish album here in case anyone's interested not for me, I'm afraid) : ... september/