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What about Schwarznegger?...

Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 03:51
by dead stars
What do you think?

Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 07:36
by elguiri
Not sure yet..................................................................................








........................................ Ill be Back :innocent: :urff: :innocent:

Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 09:13
by MrChris
He'll definitely make Governor of Cal. Which is where Ronald RayGun started out, of course. That said, the election may not be for some time, because Gray Davis is challenging the recall - it is after all the first recall election is US history.

Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 09:54
by Serendipityhaven
i'm all for it personally-the recall and election scenario.
it may be (perceived)its some publicity stunt for arnie and the new terminator film,but as far as my bull s**t detector's concerned he's not jaded or in it for the $$$$,or the power either.comes across to me as genuinely wanting to do some good things if he can,and in my book that gets a thumbs up.
of course theres the whole media circus over it.apparently theres quite a few non politician entries for this and there is a certain fictional quality to it all,but hey-its the usa where it does appear that the unlikely is a billion times more likely over there than anywhere else on the planet.
just hope posh and becks dont start getting any ideas;my word that would be tragic.

Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 10:46
by MrChris
I have to say I disagree on that in some ways. He comes across to me as someone who wants to be IMPORTANT and powerful, and he seems to me to be flailing around trying to find some opinions or policies to associate himself with, because his advisers tell him he'll 'need some of those'. I can only see him as plumping for real free-market Californianism, albeit with some fluffy social liberalism thrown in. But I may be hopelessly cynical on this one...

Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 15:06
by Guest
It's just embarrassing. What a f**king circus.

Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 15:12
by ryan
personally i would have gone for larry flint :lol:


i think i might watch espace from la :eek: :eek:

Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 16:26
by Jim
I just find s**t like this funny. Good luck to the guy - he may be thick as s**t but his heart seems to in the right place (or pacemaker, whatever).

Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 16:32
by Izzy HaveMercy
Check out this page:

Support your local Terminator!

Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 16:40
by dead stars
MrChris wrote:I have to say I disagree on that in some ways. He comes across to me as someone who wants to be IMPORTANT and powerful, and he seems to me to be flailing around trying to find some opinions or policies to associate himself with, because his advisers tell him he'll 'need some of those'. I can only see him as plumping for real free-market Californianism, albeit with some fluffy social liberalism thrown in. But I may be hopelessly cynical on this one...
I don't have an opinion. I don't know what he thinks about... anything. I'm waiting for you guys to tell me. :wink:
But I think he is already important and powerful. Perhaps more than Ronald Reagan ever was. :?:
I don't remember any film with Ronald Reagan, but then again, I'm not from that generation.
What I'm interested in is knowing what he thinks about politicsd and general. He can become the president of the united States someday.
And we don't want another bush, do we?

Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 16:50
by Jim
He can't become president.

Only American Nationals can do that.

Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 18:00
by dead stars
Jim wrote:He can't become president.

Only American Nationals can do that.
Just like I thought.
But he can run for Governor still?... :?:

Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 18:03
by dead stars
Jim wrote:He can't become president.

Only American Nationals can do that.
What are the chances of changing the law?

Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 18:18
by Padstar
Im with CorpPunk on this one...


Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 20:08
by MrChris
Some of his friends are working on changing the law right now. I don't know if they'll succeed, but they'll certainly have a go. Americans are generally fairly reluctant to change the constitution, treating it a biblical tablet (despite the fact that the US constitution is whatever the current supreme court says it is - it couldn't work any other way).

The Arnie thing aside, they certainly have a case, though - I mean, what would American history look like without the contribution of first-generation immigrants? (like Einstein and his buddies). It's a deeply mongrel nation, and all the better for it. And if immigrants can vote, why shouldn't they run for office? And if they can run for offices like Governor, why not THE office? In principle, I think they have a strong case. In practice, we might end up with an idiot American president. Doh! No change there, then...

Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 22:39
by Thea
isn't gary coleman running too?

and i heard one of the misfits? (or was it TSOL...?)

i heard a rumor.... it was just a rumor....

Posted: 09 Aug 2003, 00:58
by dead stars
MrChris wrote:Some of his friends are working on changing the law right now.
A-ha! :wink:
I don't know if they'll succeed, but they'll certainly have a go. Americans are generally fairly reluctant to change the constitution, treating it a biblical tablet (despite the fact that the US constitution is whatever the current supreme court says it is - it couldn't work any other way).

The Arnie thing aside, they certainly have a case, though - I mean, what would American history look like without the contribution of first-generation immigrants? (like Einstein and his buddies). It's a deeply mongrel nation, and all the better for it. And if immigrants can vote, why shouldn't they run for office? And if they can run for offices like Governor, why not THE office? In principle, I think they have a strong case.
I agree.
In practice, we might end up with an idiot American president. Doh! No change there, then...
I don't know if Schwarzenegger is an idiot. In fact, it caught me by surprise. All I know from him are the movies. Never imagined he had political ambitions at all.
He may not speak English that well (at least in the movies) but it's all I know from him... Besides that he has a powerful image and that counts deeper than ideas these days... :?:

But I can imagine the slogan: "Trust me!" :von:

(the last *von* was a Terminator reference, not Eldritch... 8) )

Posted: 09 Aug 2003, 01:38
by Guest
Padstar wrote:Im with CorpPunk on this one...

That's just cos my brother is ginger, and you're feeling the gravitational pull. :wink:

Posted: 09 Aug 2003, 18:37
by Padstar
@ CorpPunk

That'le be it then !


Posted: 09 Aug 2003, 23:28
by Black Planet
As an American I think nothing of it. California has long been known as the land of fruits and nuts. So..what's changed?

And NO he can never never never be President. That would take changing our Constitution..Never gonna happen.


Posted: 10 Aug 2003, 17:37
by nearmethexperience
hummmmmmm, i'm then moving to the land of the slightly nutty, as MN has just had a WWF (back then, WWE now) wrestler as it's senator, freaky!!!

can't remember the guys name, old guy, bald as a coot, vince or lance or something i think....

nope, jesse, jesse ventura (and as an america he could become president :O sh*te)

anyway, they now have some guy i've never heard of, instead of some other guy i'd never heard of that's now dead, ho hum, so much for my foray into american politics, all you really really need to know, is who actually voted for the chimp?¿?¿?

Posted: 10 Aug 2003, 18:50
by Serendipityhaven
well as id figured,and someone had mentioned here,fame world wide is now the new religion or royalty as far as i can see,arnie already has shed loads of influence and power(and no doyubt yes men too).
one of the things which ive seen with this,is that he claims to be concentrating on the it may be that its some cunning ploy or something but i remeber one of his children as a baby had to go thru some major operation/s and it was very serious.
something like that,no matter how much of a tw*t you may be,will affect you as a parent on levels that only those whove been in similar circumstances can truely understand.
i believe its not entirely implausible for the man to be truthfull with his want and desire to improve things for kids,and i think its also not implausible that hes not as stupid as many would like to believe.
one things for sure i think-he aint doing this for the money now is he?so thats one of the shallow characteristics of a typical politician to cross out.

at the end of the day,it comes down to what you want to believe;or at least what the voters want to believe.
a man who cant be corrupted by $$$ must have the rest of em sh**ting themselves.

is all just my humble opinion mind you. :)

Posted: 11 Aug 2003, 00:45
by Black Planet
LOL you are right SH...they are all s**t themselves over Arnie.

His wife is a know our Royals....I wonder what her uncle Teddy is thinking right now?

But what does it really matter? It doesn't mean a damn thing!!! To any of us. It's just glitter for us to watch.

You know? That hollywood illusion....


Posted: 11 Aug 2003, 22:08
by 6FeetOver
What about him? Who gives a rat's arse, anyway? Heeheehee! ;D :von:

Posted: 11 Aug 2003, 22:43
by khepri II
no one see the program the other night?

basically he was closly aligned to Bush Snr and no one really minded, came out to try it by himself a few years later, and the press ripped his balls off. Something about family values and being shacked up with a mistress at the same time.

the thought was that was a warning to him that he was messing with the big-guns and if he tried it again, then they would dig deeper into drug abuse and such.

personally , I think its just too close to the film for comfort and generally a load of hyped up crap