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Posted: 21 Apr 2013, 19:50
by Pista
So the bill was practically snuck through a U.S. House of Representatives committee & effectively gives the US govt. & businesses immunity from the law for violation of internet users' privacy.
They can share any information they like about internet users basically.
Not being a gun runner, coke dealer, or international super-villain, I have little that they'd be interested in (unless they are after some choice The Cure shows) but even so, this is going to allow the authorities to effectively spy on whatever they want to.
The full name of the bill is
To provide for the sharing of certain cyber threat intelligence and cyber threat information between the intelligence community and cybersecurity entities, and for other purposes.
See those last four words?
What's your take on it all?


Posted: 21 Apr 2013, 19:58
by lazarus corporation
Pista wrote:So the bill was practically snuck through a U.S. House of Representatives committee & effectively gives the US govt. & businesses immunity from the law for violation of internet users' privacy.
They can share any information they like about internet users basically.
Not being a gun runner, coke dealer, or international super-villain, I have little that they'd be interested in (unless they are after some choice The Cure shows) but even so, this is going to allow the authorities to effectively spy on whatever they want to.
The full name of the bill is
To provide for the sharing of certain cyber threat intelligence and cyber threat information between the intelligence community and cybersecurity entities, and for other purposes.
See those last four words?
What's your take on it all?
It's still not law yet - it's got to go to the Senate next (as I understand it), and if it's passed by the Senate then Obama would have to sign it into law (and I believe he threatened to veto it if changes weren't made). People with better knowledge of the US government system please feel to correct me if I got that wrong.

Personally I think it's yet another dangerous act, and needs to be stopped.

Posted: 21 Apr 2013, 22:55
by AshenLight
Obama has promised to veto it, but every other time he's done that, he's signed the legislation anyway (NDAA comes to mind).

Similar provisions are apparently tucked into the much scarier Trans-Pacific Partnership, where they are likely to go unnoticed.

I gotta get out of this country... :|

Posted: 22 Apr 2013, 02:32
by Pista
Not sure getting out of the country will make any difference.
If it does go through (&, who knows, it's prolly already in practice) I guess it makes no odd where you are.

Posted: 22 Apr 2013, 08:17
by iesus
No worries, no worries if still want to migrate though, avoid at any case the Merkelland previously known as Europe, the fourth Reich is showing little by little the real face of terror... Schools and Hospitals are closing down and brand new Jails made by German Building Companies are open their doors. There are even camps for those who enter the Merkelland or just happen to have the wrong colour in skin. Does the newspapers and TV journalists out there tell about the camps opened few last years in here?
Rumors are whispering about put the sign "Arbeit Macht Frei" in their doors but IMF raised veto saying this is but promo idea...
Also last week an owner of a plantation and his captains shoot about 30-40 foreign because they asked their 6-7 months delayed payments...
What a wonderful world is this? May i have my money back?

Posted: 22 Apr 2013, 14:23
by Bartek
@Iesus: links to some articles or at least notes in inglese to support your words, pretty please? seriously, what camps, what shotting? wtf?!
i have few frieneds in Greece and at least one of them is not keen to like Deutschland and what's going on.

Posted: 22 Apr 2013, 14:50
by iesus
i don't think you will find sources in english for this a matter that many people in power want to bury it deep...
i just put you in here some pages from both right wing and left wing information site in greek and use google translator to have an idea about that... ... E%B2%CE%BF ... 013_517472 ... metanaston ... -kratisis/

just for a glimpse, it will be very interesting also for a foreign journalist to search what is happening also in greek jails and for what kind of reasons can easily someone end up there...

Posted: 22 Apr 2013, 15:17
by Pista
If anyone feels strongly enough, there's an online petition here

Some more details also here
What's wrong with CISPA? (in as few words as possible)
As it's written, CISPA won't protect us from cyber threats, but it will violate our 4th Amendment right to privacy.

It lets the government spy on you without a warrant. (read more)

It makes it so you can’t even find out about it after the fact. (read more)

It makes it so companies can’t be sued when they do illegal things with your data. (read more)

It allows corporations to cyber-attack each other and individuals outside of the law. (read more)

It makes every privacy policy on the web a moot point, and violates the 4th amendment. (read more)

Posted: 22 Apr 2013, 20:08
by Being645
Pista wrote:If anyone feels strongly enough, there's an online petition here

Some more details also here
What's wrong with CISPA? (in as few words as possible)
As it's written, CISPA won't protect us from cyber threats, but it will violate our 4th Amendment right to privacy.

It lets the government spy on you without a warrant. (read more)

It makes it so you can’t even find out about it after the fact. (read more)

It makes it so companies can’t be sued when they do illegal things with your data. (read more)

It allows corporations to cyber-attack each other and individuals outside of the law. (read more)

It makes every privacy policy on the web a moot point, and violates the 4th amendment. (read more)
Signed. Thanks for the link!!! :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: ;D ;D ... let's hope these petitions will make a difference, as they did with ACTA and PIPA so far ...

@iesus ... hell, now I wish I had pursued my modern Greek ... :( ...

Posted: 23 Apr 2013, 08:06
by Izzy HaveMercy
They will always try to push the bill through, just altering the names and the words a bit, and one day, the public's attention will wear off and one of these feckers will come through...

Way of the world...


Posted: 23 Apr 2013, 11:12
by Pista
& you're prolly right.
This one was eeked through the House of Reps without much fanfare.
& in all honesty, if it is made law, I don't see it'll make terribly much difference.
The companies that are backing it are the likes of google, HP, yahoo & I believe microsoft too.
The thing is, I'm (tin foil hat moment) already convinced they pry into private data already.
I also read this with interest today

Reading this makes me think that it's commonplace already & the bill just serves to make it 'officially' legal.

But going back to my first point, it's been kept so low key that not many people really are aware of what it can mean to them or that it even exists

Posted: 23 Apr 2013, 15:32
by Being645
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:They will always try to push the bill through, just altering the names and the words a bit, and one day, the public's attention will wear off and one of these feckers will come through...

Way of the world...

Of course, they will always try to push their interests through at the cost of others ...

Putting one's head in the sand is surely not a practicable way to counteract, though ...

Honestly, I don't wanna wake up one day, when it's too late and see people complain

(in case they should then still dare to express an opinion at all) ... :evil: :evil: :evil: ...

Posted: 23 Apr 2013, 17:25
by stufarq
Signed and shared.

Posted: 26 Apr 2013, 18:25
by Pista

Posted: 26 Apr 2013, 21:17
by Purple Light
Pista wrote:If anyone feels strongly enough, there's an online petition here

Some more details also here
What's wrong with CISPA? (in as few words as possible)
As it's written, CISPA won't protect us from cyber threats, but it will violate our 4th Amendment right to privacy.

It lets the government spy on you without a warrant. (read more)

It makes it so you can’t even find out about it after the fact. (read more)

It makes it so companies can’t be sued when they do illegal things with your data. (read more)

It allows corporations to cyber-attack each other and individuals outside of the law. (read more)

It makes every privacy policy on the web a moot point, and violates the 4th amendment. (read more)
Quite frightening really. Possibly as ridiculous as the Patriot Act.

Posted: 26 Apr 2013, 22:42
by stufarq
Pista wrote:It's dead ... or-no.html

For now......


Posted: 27 Apr 2013, 11:58
by Being645
stufarq wrote:
Pista wrote:It's dead ... or-no.html

For now......

YESSSS ... ;D ;D ;D ... for the moment ... :evil: :twisted: ...