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Pirates of the Caribbean or T3

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 13:33
by Lamia
Yes, i know they are not really comparable, but cant decide which one to go see at the weekend. Altho i must admit that Jonny Depp :notworthy: and Orlando :notworthy: are swaying the vote slightly! ;D

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 13:44
by Black Planet
Johnny Depp!!! Go for seeing him!! I may just do that myself. I have liked him since he was in that show 21 Jump Street. He is one talented guy! Love his movies!

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 14:04
by Jim
Oh c'mon PIRATES vs some unecessary sequel.

No contest.

I fuckin love pirates me.

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 14:11
by Big Si
Black Planet wrote:Johnny Depp!!! Go for seeing him!! I may just do that myself. I have liked him since he was in that show 21 Jump Street. He is one talented guy! Love his movies!
I read in Hotdog that he's based his Pirate character on the wrinkly old love god Keith Richards :eek:

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 14:21
by Jim
I read that in the Guardian.

What does that say about us ;-) ?

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 14:26
by Guest

Of course, if you're more interested in the future governor of California's political agenda, maybe you should see T3 instead ("I'll be back...for re-election.").

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 19:24
by Ginger
I've seen both films and I recommend you go see Pirates of the Caribbean. Pure entertainment and funny as f**k. Also Mackenzie Crook from The Office is in it playing a brilliant comedy role as a pirate with an ill fitting false eye...that alone is worth the price of a cinema ticket

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 21:11
by Lamia
OK, SOLD!! Off i trot to shivver me timbers at Jonny, Orlando and Mackenzie, im drooling as we speak! :wink:

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 21:20
by Ginger
Lamia - take James. He needs to get out more :wink:

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 22:34
by Lamia
It would be sacrilege to take a man to see a film with Jonny Depp and Orlando Bloom in! How could i discuss these sex icons with James? Unless, of course, there's something he isnt telling me! :eek: Reveal all please Ginger - i await with baited breath :)

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 22:39
by Big Si
Lamia wrote:It would be sacrilege to take a man to see a film with Jonny Depp and Orlando Bloom in! How could i discuss these sex icons with James? Unless, of course, there's something he isnt telling me! :eek: Reveal all please Ginger - i await with baited breath :)
I understand Keira Knightly looks rather :P :kiss:

So something for the boys as well! :twisted:

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 23:39
by Serendipityhaven
Johnny Depp = yum :twisted:

Posted: 14 Aug 2003, 18:03
by Ginger
Lamia wrote:It would be sacrilege to take a man to see a film with Jonny Depp and Orlando Bloom in! How could i discuss these sex icons with James? Unless, of course, there's something he isnt telling me! :eek: Reveal all please Ginger - i await with baited breath :)
Jamsey did ask me who the "wench" was in Pirates of the Caribbean, then again he could have been faking it :wink:

Posted: 03 Sep 2003, 12:50
by Black Planet
Just saw Pirates last nite.....Big Gigantic Swoon for Johnny Depp. He is so damn good looking in this flick!~ :innocent: :innocent:

And it's rather entertaining on it's own too. Johnny adds the comic relief, very nicely!

Posted: 03 Sep 2003, 13:40
by MrChris
I really agree - Pirates was ace family fun. Really much better than anyone had the right to expect. So tongue-in-cheek it could have licked itself to death. And Johnny Depp was great, too. Great make-up, kind of Robert Smith with a spraycan.