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RIP Nelson Mandela

Posted: 06 Dec 2013, 00:55
by Pista
Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement.

Be free in peace sir. :notworthy:

Posted: 06 Dec 2013, 07:51
by Ozpat
R.I.P.! Hero!

Posted: 06 Dec 2013, 10:48
by Being645
RIP ... :( ...

Posted: 06 Dec 2013, 13:21
by radiojamaica
RiP Mr Mandela...

Posted: 06 Dec 2013, 13:56
by markfiend
One of the most moving moments I've ever experienced involved Mr Mandela. He came to Leeds a few years ago, and there was some ceremony where they had a load of kids come up to shake his hand... but then one tiny little girl had another idea; when she came up she gave him a great big hug.

Not a dry eye in the place.

Posted: 07 Dec 2013, 23:31
by Francis
Revived our faith in human kind after the horrors of Hitler. :notworthy:

Posted: 08 Dec 2013, 13:05
by iesus
His greatest achievement was that he managed to reform his country without blood losses or civil war or something extreme. No matter if he was the mind behind that or the instrument that made this possible, his role was important mostly for his country and his fellow countrymen and less for the rest of the world. Rip and respect for that and some more :notworthy:

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 13:50
by hallucienate
He was cool, we'll miss him.

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 14:32
by Being645
iesus wrote:... No matter if he was the mind behind that or the instrument that made this possible, his role was important mostly for his country and his fellow countrymen and less for the rest of the world.... :notworthy:
Oh that's not quite true. His contribution in abolishing apartheid, i.e. racism is immense. It goes way beyond the borders of South Africa!!!
The movement that developed through his engagement and committment has not only changed his country but had and has people get
involved worldwide ... and it is still going on, see for example the BDS movement ...

Furthermore, through his Nelson Mandela Foundations his work for a just society, for the benefit of children and sport and also in combatting
HIV (for example) will continue beyond his death ...

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 14:56
by iesus
I don't believe in Foundations or Non Government Organizations or Any Type of Hippie Institution that plays commerces on TV's and advertises how many "innocent" penguins saved from bad sea lions's teeth ;D
They are mostly fake and live riches life on the backs of naive people around this blue(at the moment) planet :notworthy:

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 18:36
by Being645
iesus wrote:I don't believe in Foundations or Non Government Organizations or Any Type of Hippie Institution that plays commerces on TV's and advertises how many "innocent" penguins saved from bad sea lions's teeth ;D
They are mostly fake and live riches life on the backs of naive people around this blue(at the moment) planet :notworthy:
On December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declaring that "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."
And as to our topic, today, might be the best day to bury Nelson Mandela.

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 18:48
by RibbonGirl
The same here. Of course it's a big loss. But... it's hard to figure out why some peace icons are encouraged by the media but other "human rights defenders" are just silenced or worse. Isn't it as if the Power's structures "need" to mantein some kind of Hero or hope for us mere mortals just in order to keep us "calmed"? Anyway, nevermind.. i think I'm not making a new point with this for none of us..