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Christian Death
Posted: 05 Apr 2014, 14:19
by psichonaut
Valor's Christian Death just announced the may tour dates in UK and Italy. Anyone intrested?
Posted: 05 Apr 2014, 18:10
by emilystrange
i might be...
Posted: 05 Apr 2014, 18:12
by emilystrange
FIVE dates? that's not a tour! and i can't go to any!
Posted: 05 Apr 2014, 19:45
by psichonaut
12dates in may is close to a tour
Posted: 05 Apr 2014, 20:14
by emilystrange
nah. that's a few dates in the UK, and some on the mainland.
bit much for that to be called a tour in either place.
Posted: 06 Apr 2014, 06:32
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Count me out. Quite possibly the worst live band I've ever seen.
Posted: 07 Apr 2014, 10:32
by markfiend
Valor lost any credibility he may have had left (not much TBH) when he collaborated with Cradle Of Filth
Posted: 07 Apr 2014, 12:20
by psichonaut
I'm courios to see theM on stage TBH
Posted: 07 Apr 2014, 19:41
by eastmidswhizzkid
i'm not very keen on valor, i much preferred roz williams as the singer and even then its only really "only theatre of pain" that stands out for me.
years ago Christian Death played a gig leicester and afterward ended up down the Fan Cub (leicester's 80's goth club). this guy Gaz -a massive christian death fan- had convinced them all to come down by assuring them that they would get v.i.p rockstar treatment, but as it turned out Sue the owner had "never heard of them"

and so gaz had to pay for them all to get in, including valors team of bodyguards.
with a lack of v.i.p. area or special treatment, valor just sat there in the corner surounded by his bodyguards, getting more and more paranoid; while we got steadily drunker and took the pi
ss out of him mercilessly for being so far up his own arsehole.
however, no matter how abusive we got we couldn't get a rise out of him at all, he just looked more and more and uncomforatable and hid more behind his bouncers. i swear, he took the lot, he didn't say a word back. later a friend of mine, mel, who'd shagged him a couple of times as a groupie, said she'd spoken to valor afterwards and that valor thought i was mary out of the gaye bykers on acid, and that as he was on our turf he was sh
itting himsself that there would be an "incident"!
all of which i'm afraid confirmed my low opinion of the bloke.

Posted: 07 Apr 2014, 21:29
by radiojamaica
I want to see them for sure!
I have seen Rozz Williams with Shadow Project a long time ago, but never Christian Death nor Valor.
Only last weekend I've played The Wind Kissed Pictures a couple of times. They've got some great songs (okay, quite a few bad ones too).
Not sure I can make the Belgian date, but I hope so...
Posted: 08 Apr 2014, 06:51
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Great story, @EastMidsWhizzKid. Have you ever thought of going on the red chair on the Graham Norton show ?
Posted: 08 Apr 2014, 09:20
by markfiend
Posted: 08 Apr 2014, 18:02
by paint it black
Catastophe Ballet complete.: )
Posted: 09 Apr 2014, 08:29
by psichonaut
Catastrophe Ballet is one of CD best albums, but i think it was played almist entirely, listening to The Decomposition of Violets it misses i think one or two CB songs
Posted: 09 Apr 2014, 13:30
by paint it black
yes DoV is a banging cassette
this entire tour is because CB is 20 years old
anyway, should be @ DV8 if all goes to plan
Posted: 09 Apr 2014, 13:45
by mh
Catastrophe Ballet is the best CD album for me, but ... it's Valor...
Posted: 09 Apr 2014, 16:04
by psichonaut
mh wrote:Catastrophe Ballet is the best CD album for me, but ... it's Valor...
Valor was on the guitar, Gitane Demone bass and Rozz voice AFAIR
Mmmm maybe you mean now

Posted: 09 Apr 2014, 17:47
by Silence is platinum
i own olnly their first four albums and that because i got the french edition which is realy nice but i only listen to CB and deathwish. Truth is the first side of CB is realy good.
Beside that i think their name is realy embarrasing, they made a circus out of the band when they were competing who s gonna win the band's name,
i ofthen thought of selling them (except CB)
They are playing Athens as well but i cant find a single reason why i should go to the gig.
Posted: 10 Apr 2014, 00:14
by mh
psichonaut wrote:mh wrote:Catastrophe Ballet is the best CD album for me, but ... it's Valor...
Valor was on the guitar, Gitane Demone bass and Rozz voice AFAIR
Mmmm maybe you mean now

Now, yes. Although Wind Kissed Pictures is also OK, and Atrocities is up there with Catastrophe Ballet. Oddly enough I don't really like Only Theatre of Pain much these days.
Valor is still a total boobie these days.
Silence is platinum wrote:i got the french edition which is realy nice
Me too (aside from the first).

Posted: 10 Apr 2014, 09:56
by Silver_Owl
I notice they are appearing in Leamington Spa (same venue The Sisters played). I must confess I have never heard
any of their music though.

Posted: 10 Apr 2014, 10:02
by psichonaut
Hom_Corleone wrote:I notice they are appearing in Leamington Spa (same venue The Sisters played). I must confess I have never heard
any of their music though.


Posted: 10 Apr 2014, 10:05
by Silver_Owl
psichonaut wrote:Hom_Corleone wrote:I notice they are appearing in Leamington Spa (same venue The Sisters played). I must confess I have never heard
any of their music though.


Their name and your profile pic are enough to put me off to be honest.

Posted: 10 Apr 2014, 16:35
by weebleswobble
Berlin Black are supporting at York - so I could go see them and get an early train home!
Christian Death/Mini DV8
Posted: 11 Apr 2014, 00:19
by Batty Von Blingtrash
Xris and I went to see Christian Death a while back - we created a very specialist Christian Death dance routine due to not-very-much other entertainment being available during the gig. I am tempted to come to the York gig to ensure that he recreates it while supporting them. I hope they are better than they were when we saw them last. Christian Death that is, not Berlin Black who can do no wrong.
MiniDV8 is looking like a really good weekend. Fair play to Shezza once again.

Posted: 13 Apr 2014, 10:38
by emilystrange
i saw them in Planet X Liverpool in 1988 ish and thoroughly enjoyed meself.
Lol - Valor in the Fanclub...