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When Have You First Heard Of The Sisters Of Mercy?

Posted: 22 Aug 2003, 17:31
by Nancy_78
As a newbie who has just reached five posts on here already I would like to know,when have you first heard of the Sisters Of Mercy?

I was just 9 years old when I saw "This Corrosion"(1987) video being played on that good old MTV Europe way back in 1988 and stayed speachless.I ran over to my nearest record store next day and bought the album on which that song can be found,it is that rather fantastic "Floodland"(1987) of course,and was listening to it over and over and over.

And still,to introduce myself to you:
I'm a 25 years old female from Zagreb(the capital of Croatia/Central Europe) who likes good music,movies,reading,sport,animals(especially cats!),socialising,travelling and meeting interesting people around the world.Sisters fan for 15 years now.That'll do for now.You will have plenty of time to get to know me as well as I get to know you.

Posted: 22 Aug 2003, 19:15
by Big Si
13 yrs old in 1988, Dominion video on the chart show (when the damn show wasn't full of boy bands :urff: ) sat and watched it with big sista Schwirl. Been a daft bugger for the Sisters ever since. ;D

Posted: 22 Aug 2003, 19:20
by MrChris
I remember hearing Lucretia in 1988, when I was 14. I really got into the Sisters with Vision Thing, when I was 17, and discovered all of the old stuff.

Posted: 22 Aug 2003, 19:59
by pikkrong
in 1990, I think.
and then it started...
by the way, Nancy, we love cats, too :wink:

Posted: 22 Aug 2003, 21:59
by Serendipityhaven
art college,was 16 i think.
my first real love was a goth,he introduced me to the sisters,field of the neph,the genre in general.
was the pivotal moment in my formative years of life,a crossroads if you will,which lead to the earnest pursuing of the sex,drugs and rock and roll ethos.
never looked back since.
got a whole lot to thank that man for.a whole lot indeed.
putting all that to one side tho-he was stil a git :D

Posted: 22 Aug 2003, 22:10
by Padstar
I can remember Dominion frommy early teens, doubtless on some chart show type affair. Not that i took too much notice then. Probably heard it later on one of the "Hits" album along with This corrosion.

For further details see history section.



Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 00:58
by CellThree
Was at a friends house. Had black jeans and black T-shirt on. His mum said "you look like a goth." "a what?" I said. "They listen to stuff like this" she said and stuck Floodland on. Never looked back.

Was late 1989/early 1990. Was about 12 or 13.

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 01:08
by RicheyJames
the sisters of what? never heard of them

once bitten - second bite too intoxicating to resist

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 04:29
by unbeliever
i first heard under the gun when i was 9 years old - on this crappy compilation called "the hits tape 6" sandwiched between "madonna - la isla bonita" and that god awful "star trekking" song. i thought it sucked and i hated it, i was 9 and was more interested in the hearing about the enterprise's wiping problems (klingons on the starboard bow)

then came my second encounter with the sisters, and i know this sounds cheesy but it happened so dont take the p*ss...

i was on my way to my ex-girlfriends house to reclaim some of my things, waiting for a metro (subway or tube equivilant) listening to a tape she had lent me. fields of the nephilem dawn razor just faded out and then 9 while 9 came on. so i was literally waiting for a train when this came on. being in the mindset i was in i was more open than normal, and it hit hard. although it was kinda traumatic and a case of sickening irony/whatchuwannacallit when something like that happens i was in love - now, 2 years later, i know that it was with the music and not with the girl. although i couldnt bring myself to believe this at the time.

for those who are interested - we are still friends - and my music taste's a lot better than it was (i would have grown out of hair metal eventually).

and now im here... waiting just like everyone else for the sisters to actually find someone to press the new songs and get the great unreleased on the shelves

stay happy/gnihgual eid

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 10:55
by reverberater
1985 when i first got let in at 15 in Wigan Pier, wednesday night. It rocked too. First track was Temple of love so i got the 12' version which still hovers around the top of my pile of tunes even today :wink:

Never saw em until Leeds this year, mind

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 11:06
by taylor
1983, too old for yours ?

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 11:06
by Serendipityhaven
hair metal?
i adore hair metal!!imagine where we'd be without the sultans of rock cheese now.
motley crue,van halen,the scorpions,def leppard,iron maiden,gun,little angels,extreme(snigger)............
:notworthy: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 11:31
by Thea
me and my mate used to swap tapes all the time - everytime we found a new kickass band one would tell the other. she sent me "some girls wander..." and "slight case of overbombing". it was about... 4? 5? years ago.

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 11:57
by whitesatin
1990.When the Vision Thing came out.
But I've already heard the name of the band more long time ago, but me lived in a non-goth and who-the-hell-is- thesistersofmercyland ,so i couldn't get any information about the band. :(
Strangely,VT is became to my least favorite sisters album....Arrrgh..... :|

ah,i forgot hello to Nancy,hi. :D

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 12:14
by Lars Svensson
The madness began in 1987 - heard This Corrosion on the radio and I remember thinking "What the f*ck is this??!!"...Sounded rather different to everything else that was around at the time...

Got First and Last and Always ("My God, this singer has the DEEPEST voice in the whoooole world!" and Floodland...

And that was it...

I have to admit, though, that This Corrosion is now one of my least favourite Sisters songs!!!

By the way, welcome Nancy!!!! ;D :von:

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 12:36
by Mrs RicheyJames
I was quite a late starter really..At college around 1993!!! A friend introduced me to them at the same time as The Cure....Was into the Black metal/Can't understand a word metal up until then!!!!

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 12:41
by ryan
about 2 years ago (by the way im only a youngster- 17) i bought the cure australian 3 cds for 30 bucks AU (10 pounds i think?) and found that not only were they 3 great cd's but at a low price (faith, the top, pornography)!!

so i went to the cd shop near me the following week and looked around and spotted another well priced 3 cd set and thought to myself "what the heck, the sisters of mercy- arent they that cheap iron maiden ripoff??!", "hmmm, that guy looks pretty white- maybe 2 white, hmmmm"

so the following night i downloaded "this corrosion"

i was amased by it all

the 'funky without being funky' vibe

an 80's voice that wasnt completely f**ked up like certain :urff: bands

drum machine (nuff said)

so i went to the cd shop and bought the box- very happy may i say. I feel a bit guilty that i only paid what i paid :lol:

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 12:52
by pikkrong
whitesatin wrote: but me lived in a non-goth and who-the-hell-is- thesistersofmercyland
another Estonian? :twisted:

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 12:52
by Dan
At college in Sept'85 during an Environmental Science class. 2 cute goth girls said I really must check out The Sisters Of Mercy, so later that afternoon I strolled into my local record emporium and looked through the choices on offer. I decided I'd get something called The Reptile House EP (hmm, sounds good), as they were selling it at the same price as the 12" singles but you got more tracks. Within a week I'd bougt everything I could find, and when the next record fair came round I got some bootlegs (It was all cassettes back then, none of yer new fangled cd's).

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 13:33
by Andie
something tells me i'm gonna regret this...

first time i heard The Sisters Of Mercy was around 1983/4 in a dark cramped underground club that played goth/punk crossover...

being in a goth haze and pished as a newt...they sounded damn groovy and the following week the deck dude played the same track again...this time i asked him..."What the F*ck is this?"...he told me "Alice!!"

hooked!!... :notworthy:

still the best place to dance to TSOM is a cramped club and the best song to dance to is Lucretia (my reflection)... :twisted:

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 14:23
by Black Planet
Well Burn, be proud, you are now officially Elderly Bastard Groovy and in good company... :)

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 14:41
by Andie
Black Planet wrote:Well Burn, be proud, you are now officially Elderly Bastard Groovy and in good company... :)

:notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 16:00
by Debaser
Would be early 83/late 82

*sighs* remembers the hornbucket in the 'cool' teeshirt....

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 16:40
by mh
85 for me, at around the time of the split. promptly forgot about them until i saw this corrosion on totp, and went mental over it.

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 19:43
by whitesatin
pikkrong wrote:
whitesatin wrote: but me lived in a non-goth and who-the-hell-is- thesistersofmercyland
another Estonian? :twisted:
nope. ;D
But Estonia is not unfamiliar to me.I had a pen-pal(what an old days) in Estonia when i was a early teen.
I remember she lived in Tallinn ,too. And she never asked me about the sisters!! :twisted: