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Fantasy Football - World Cup Brazil 2014

Posted: 03 Jun 2014, 22:08
by Johnny Rev 7.0
This post is inspired by this post:
Hom_Corleone wrote:
Johnny Rev 7.0 wrote:Anyone up for some WC FF?

ABEs welcomed as well. HL is a broad church. :wink:
Aye lad. Count me in. Might be worth a new thread? :)
Looking at the 32 teams competing, there's a shed-load of members who have a national interest. So why not compete?

Whether you like football or not, you will get wrapped up in national fervour as the tournament progresses. So why not join the game?

I'll even bend the rules and let A Girl play:
emilystrange wrote:in this house, both of us are on the sofa for every minute. 3 games a day. THREE. and none of them interfere with school/work hours, or staff meetings, or anything. KOs at 5pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm, 11pm (not every night. mix and match).
I am in seventh heaven already, and when it comes to 0 days, 0 hours and 5 mins to go i will be bouncing up and down on the sofa, annoying mr s and the cats.
Yes, that's you Joanne (said in your Mother's sternest voice.)

And Ok, Scotland aren't there but I sense a shed-load of ABEs in the offing.

The game is down at the moment (as they're updating the final squad lists) so I'll post the link tomorrow. Then you have four days to pick your squad.

What could be simplier? Pick your three national interests (and the rest of your squad) and hope for the best. Or get Nigel.

There's no cost involved in joining the game, or participating in a HL league. It's all a bit of fun and banter.

I reckon we need a minimum 10, preferably 20 to make this work.

Did I mention it was a bit of fun?

So, I need a show of hands for a HL league.

Danke. :kiss:

Posted: 03 Jun 2014, 23:04
by Victim of Circumstance
Bitte. I would be in. As a football fan in general, I'm really looking forward to the 2014 WC. Any game to compete against some / all of you is appreciated :P

Posted: 04 Jun 2014, 03:20
by EvilBastard
As this is fantasy (although I find the idea of "fantasy football" almost a tautology - really, does anyone really fanatasise about shepherding a dozen overpaid badly-coiffed overly-tattooed men who are married to some of the most hatchet-faced harridans this side of the 1968 Russian womens shotputt team? Might I suggest getting out more?) can I suggest an "alternate" fantasy?

1. Pick a country. Any country.
2. Pick your fantasy line-up for a Sisters live show - up to 2 support acts, musicians of your choice, stipulation is that the artists must all be alive (you can't field Jims Morrison and Hendrix as vocalists for Blur, for example), :von: is Captain, obvy, but you can have as many guitarists, drummers, dulcimer players as you like, so long as you don't exceed 11 men in total (i.e. including the support) plus let's say 3 reserves. You may include 4 actual footballers from the country you've picked - if you think that Zidane would make an outstanding backing vocalist then you may have him in the lineup.
3. The person who picks the winning country gets to go 'round :von:'s flat* and present him with details of the line-up. He's agreed to put the thing together**.

* responsibility for getting his address will be on the winner. If I were you I'd ask Barry, I'm sure he knows more than he's letting on.

** "Agreed" as in "he doesn't know anything about it yet, but I reckon*** he'd be up for it****.

***based on bugger-all evidence, admittedly, but still.

****The management disclaims any liability if he turfs you down the stairs, sets the cat on you, or pelts you with stale donuts from his garret window before poking his shiny bald pate out and saying, "Oh, It's you - sorry, I thought it was Patricia coming over for elevenses. Come on up."

Posted: 04 Jun 2014, 09:54
by Silver_Owl
<Ignores above post> :wink:

John - Count me in as I said before. :D

Posted: 04 Jun 2014, 09:56
by Mav787
I'm in

Posted: 04 Jun 2014, 19:00
by emilystrange
i'm in!
pfft, you don't scare me nearly as much as my mum does, Johnny boy.

Posted: 04 Jun 2014, 19:38
by Johnny Rev 7.0
I don't have to scare you Jo. And never will.

I just have to mention your Mum, and call you Joanne in the same sentence... and things happen. :lol:

Got your PM - many thanks! - but we're off out now, so I'll give you the relevant details tomorrow.

Ta muchly for joining in! Appreciated. :kiss:

Posted: 04 Jun 2014, 20:02
by emilystrange

Do you want me to post this link on the HL facebook group?

Posted: 04 Jun 2014, 21:38
by Back in time
OK, I am interested too.

Posted: 05 Jun 2014, 15:19
by Johnny Rev 7.0
emilystrange wrote:Do you want me to post this link on the HL facebook group?
If it will help to raise the awareness/profile, go for it!

After careful consideration from the HL WC FF Committee (i.e., me and the voices in my head), we've decided to promote you from your current position to Social Media Executive.

Congratulations! :)

Posted: 05 Jun 2014, 16:50
by emilystrange
and in the time honoured tradition of Senior Management Teams, you've not given me a pay rise!

Consider it done.

7 days 3 hours 10 minutes...

Posted: 05 Jun 2014, 17:01
by aims
Definitely up for this.

Posted: 05 Jun 2014, 17:25
by Johnny Rev 7.0
emilystrange wrote:and in the time honoured tradition of Senior Management Teams, you've not given me a pay rise!

It's a one-off tournament, so pay is performance related.

And don't bitch about the job title. I fought long and hard for your current status.

Token Female Representation or Eye Candy didn't quite fit with me. Or that whingeing feminist voice in my head.

I'm off to my trepanning club to relax.
emilystrange wrote:Consider it done.

Posted: 05 Jun 2014, 19:05
by emilystrange
i'm not sure such a title will have fitted very well with your health, either ;)

Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 06:41
by Ozpat

Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 09:05
by markfiend
I'm in. Should be a laugh as I have very little football knowledge. Maybe I can go for the last place prize? ;D

Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 13:06
by limur
markfiend wrote:Maybe I can go for the last place prize?
Oy! That's mine (probably).

I'm I thick, or is there no link yet?


Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 16:21
by Pista
Go on then.
I'll try it out :)

Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 17:03
by emilystrange
No link yet. We aren't allowed to pick squads until Sunday and Johnny's going to let us have the HL group details when they're available.
In the meantime, study the form and hone your selections...

Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 18:49
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Cannae wait. Am definitely up for this, when the link is finally posted (i.e. When you two have finished your domestic-style argument).

Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 20:04
by emilystrange
i know. we haven't spoken for about 5 years, and... normality is restored!

Posted: 07 Jun 2014, 20:11
by Silence is platinum
Be afraid, the greeks will be the cups big suprise !!

I m in too!

Posted: 08 Jun 2014, 19:40
by Johnny Rev 7.0
So, the game should have opened at 15:00 CET.

Nothing happened.

Then they stuck another five hours on the clock and it should have opened at 20:00 CET.

Nothing happened.

Then they stuck another two hours on the clock and it is scheduled to open at 22:00 CET

But, I can't help thinking that every time we go onto the site they add more time on.

It's like some sick mutant version of Schrödinger's cat

I'm not complaining, as I know these things cost money and FIFA are strapped for cash.


Posted: 08 Jun 2014, 20:25
by emilystrange

Posted: 08 Jun 2014, 21:20
by Johnny Rev 7.0
Quelle surprise! Nothing happened, but at least they've taken away the countdown clock.

I'm off to play Pokermon but plugged into Nigel-land. If anything happens, I'll read it there first.