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Everyone who's had a birthday in the last 18 months or so

Posted: 02 Aug 2014, 19:12
by Debaser
Happy belated Birthday

Have been having a bit of a yakkity work life which spilt over into real life. Still not my usually peachy keen self but am getting there. Can not believe that one person in a workforce could be so destructive. :(

Posted: 02 Aug 2014, 19:42
by Johnny Rev 7.0
Shit happens Ness so move on. :kiss:


PS: Hope Gaz didn't punch someone. :|

Re: Everyone who's had a birthday in the last 18 months or s

Posted: 02 Aug 2014, 20:23
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Debaser wrote: Happy belated Birthday

Have been having a bit of a yakkity work life which spilt over into real life. Still not my usually peachy keen self but am getting there. Can not believe that one person in a workforce could be so destructive. :(
And am assuming that that person is not even Michael Gove. At least you can get respite now the holidays have started, but not much consolation I expect. :(

Posted: 03 Aug 2014, 00:45
by eastmidswhizzkid
sorry to hear you've been having anything less than the best time Ness. hope the summer hols give you a chance to recharge your batteries and the twat at work a chance to drop a toaster in their bath...

btw anyone whom hasn't had a birthday in the the last 18 months is probably too young to read (even by lincolnshire education authorities standards) or is a leap year baby (feb 29) so deserves to have their birthdays missed just for being weird. of course HER MAJESTY has two b'days -not to be confused with bidets of which she has many but no idea of their function- and so will be doubly upset that you have failed to give her a shout: doubtless you'll be left off of the honours list again this year. the bitch.

love you Ness, take it easy. :kiss:

Lee 8)

Posted: 03 Aug 2014, 00:55
by lazarus corporation
Best wishes for a better forthcoming 18 months, Ness x