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Meanwhile... Adam Pearson

Posted: 08 May 2015, 23:34
by dinky daisy
Don't know if this is mentioned somewhere - couldn't find it. Maybe I'm the last in line telling old stories, but...

Just... yeah.

I think it's better than ending up as a crackhead and/or disappointed douchebag, tho.

But still.

Posted: 09 May 2015, 08:44
by streamline
He has an allergy to capital letters on his website.....

Posted: 09 May 2015, 09:39
by dinky daisy
"I would recommend adam to absolutely anyone who is serious about change."

dominic bouffard, client

This could be in the Dear Doktor-section.

Posted: 09 May 2015, 16:54
by Eye of Ra
Erm, oh dear. I wasn't expecting that, of all things... :?

Posted: 09 May 2015, 17:00
by million voices
Maybe if Eldo was contemplating a change of set-list he could get in touch - but only if he was serious

Posted: 09 May 2015, 17:58
by Johnny Rev 7.0
My new car is called Eldo. Useless piece of information I know, but still on topic. :)

Posted: 09 May 2015, 19:38
by dinky daisy
'cause they're both humming? Your car AND mr Eldritch?

Thing is: this is THE Adam Pearson. Not some bloke who has the same name...

Posted: 09 May 2015, 20:19
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Think I should probably book in for the Reality Check Workshop, or he could run a mass Sad Obsessives Workshop for us.
He's been in this line of work for a while, was discussed down in "Where Are They Now?" a couple of years back ... 8&start=50

Posted: 09 May 2015, 22:37
by eastmidswhizzkid
well so what? eldritch has obviously got more than one job...marx has been a college lecturer and i doubt the mc5 generate much income even if he is still playing for them. just because his business is -basically- selling s**t to idiots doesnt make him as bad as say Rotten doing butter ads. in fact selling s**t to idiots is fair enough as they will only find someone else to
buy it from, and consequently i admire him for it.

"ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls....the legendary mister WHAMMY!!!"

heheh :notworthy:

Posted: 09 May 2015, 23:10
by splintered thing
From Goth to Boss

Posted: 10 May 2015, 09:24
by Squeakymouse
And we will all now be showing up on his LinkdedIn profile as people who viewed his profile. Hee hee hee.

Posted: 10 May 2015, 22:31
by Silver_Owl
Spiral Dynamics sounds like a good name for an album.

Bit of a shocker - guitarist to life coach. Obvious career progression obviously. :?

Posted: 11 May 2015, 19:24
by Being645
Hom_Corleone wrote:Spiral Dynamics sounds like a good name for an album.

Bit of a shocker - guitarist to life coach. Obvious career progression obviously. :?
As a matter of fact, most guitarists (or artists of any kind) never make a living of their art ... so where's the surprise ? In addition, being creative and sensible does have its uses (fortunately [and still]) even in captitalist societies ...

Posted: 11 May 2015, 19:47
by GC
Probably the most productive of the Sisters in the last 25 years. Always thought a shame when he left.

Posted: 11 May 2015, 19:50
by GC
In the photo he does look like an aspiring hypnotist though.

Posted: 11 May 2015, 19:56
by Bartek
At least he moved on.
I don't buy, and wouldn't buy, his services, but i wish him all the best with that career.

Posted: 27 May 2015, 17:06
by Jim
I don't know what's more depressing. Chris being dead, or ... this.

Posted: 27 May 2015, 22:19
by jost 7
I appreciated to hear about this, would enjoy to see how his sessions are. Why so bad comments from some in here? maybe you are the first who should book his services?
anyways, in that field people would expect more references and certifications. hope it works out for him.

Posted: 28 May 2015, 10:13
by markfiend
Yeah. Let a man make a living :roll:

Posted: 28 May 2015, 10:47
by radiojamaica
old news. Nothing but the good vibes for him!

Posted: 29 May 2015, 16:35
by damagedone
my fave Sisters guitarist,if he is as good as playing guitar he should be fine

Posted: 30 May 2015, 05:40
by shivarising
If one needs a life coach to play the game... you've already lost.

What's next? Craig Adams Recovery Center? ;D

Posted: 30 May 2015, 12:31
by Being645
shivarising wrote:If one needs a life coach to play the game... you've already lost.
Very true, basically, or at least one might think so.
Anyway, if you decide to make use of the services of a coach, that's cleary a decision to Stop Losing! ... 8) ;D 8) ...

Posted: 30 May 2015, 17:18
by jost 7
shivarising wrote:If one needs a life coach to play the game... you've already lost.

What's next? Craig Adams Recovery Center? ;D
Pretty Stupid

Posted: 01 Jun 2015, 13:51
by eotunun
dinky daisy wrote: "I would recommend adam to absolutely anyone who is serious about change."

dominic bouffard, client

This could be in the Dear Doktor-section.
Back then, he used to be after the big money… :innocent:
Johnny Rev 7.0 wrote:My new car is called Eldo. Useless piece of information I know, but still on topic. :)
It makes loud, rythimc noises and smokes a lot, but still the girls are crazy for it? ;D
In other words, if your missus would name her coach Adam, the two of you could claim pretty cool advisors?
…There's that Opel nowadays, isn there?

Yes, coat time again. :oops: