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Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 18:37
by emilystrange
FB have blocked my account with no warning whatsoever and I can't access anything. To get it back, I had to change my name and provide proper ID to prove I am who I say I am. Which I can't, as Emily!
I haven't left or unfriended anyone.
No idea how long it will take.

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 18:39
by Pista
You've escaped!

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 18:44
by emilystrange
i have all sorts of groups that i'm admin of.. not least the HL one! and the school one.
it's causing all sorts of problems. getting emails from Dad checking I'm ok. subject of email - 'our lost goth' :D

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 19:54
by eastmidswhizzkid
facebook are a bunch of cunts. :evil:

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 19:58
by Bartek
I had the same, it's enough for them if you change you name to more probable. I hadn't support it with scan of my ID.

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 20:03
by emilystrange
I didn't have much choice, Bartek, as I can't get into my account to change my name.

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 20:15
by Bartek
That's strange (sic!). It looks that they change their modus operandi in that cases.

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 20:28
by emilystrange
praps. i don't know why they've picked on me. i know there are loads of fake profiles/safety issues, but i've used that name for over a decade there and one look at my timeline will show i'm real and practically no danger to anyone.

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 20:42
by abridged
They deleted the Abridged account also which had 4500 friends without warning and ignored my complaints. They want you to set up a page. When you post on a page not everyone sees it for some reason. Probably so you can pay them to highlight it. Really annoying!

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 21:00
by emilystrange
i'm not sure why they'd want me to set up a page though - it wouldn't get them enough revenue. it's only a personal profile with nowhere near that many friends.

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 21:18
by Pista
Zuck's got a sprog now.
He's got to feed it somehow.

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 21:34
by emilystrange
Zuck can p*ss off.

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 23:23
by Mav787
A couple of years ago FB seemed to have a big push on getting people to only use their proper name but I thought they had backed off a bit.

If FB want to make money through using peoples data then they can't be seen to be accepting people running accounts under pseudonyms.

I suppose it's the price to be paid to have a "free" social media provider.

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 04:33
by eastmidswhizzkid
surely the government should pay for the running of facebook? without the widespread "tell the pigs what you're up to and provide them with all your mates names" practises of facebook users with their endless life-commentaries and tagged photos the state would have had to fork out shit-loads of ££££ for the national identity card databse. and pay actual poliss to do actual poliss work. :roll:

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 08:34
by Bartek
Even without real names secret services, polices, prosecutors can easily connect ceratin acctivities to real person (people). Real names and surnames would just and only make it easier for them. People often act extremly careless on the World Wide Web and provide enough information not only about their preferences and taste (or lack of it).

But, if this is the reason why they blocked your (Emily and abridged) accounts it is just great. It's nice that they showed their real face (sic!).
It could be another reason to delete account.

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 17:23
by emilystrange
i've got it back now but am not allowed to use the Emily name. I've tagged it on the end as a nickname but it's not the same.

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 17:26
by emilystrange
i've got it back now but am not allowed to use the Emily name. I've tagged it on the end as a nickname but it's not the same.

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 17:46
by Pista
Spare a thought for this guy

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 17:56
by emilystrange
they're a bit useless, innit?

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 19:09
by eastmidswhizzkid
emilystrange wrote:i've got it back now but am not allowed to use the Emily name. I've tagged it on the end as a nickname but it's not the same.
ahh so is this a copyright thing then?

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 20:07
by emilystrange
no, it's a 'you must use your real name' thing.

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 20:55
by sziamiau
yeah I had to chnage my so my real name also shows now:(

Posted: 16 Feb 2016, 01:47
by eastmidswhizzkid
my facebook page -which i never use- is in the name Mark Ammond (a joke name amongst me and my mates that would take too long to explain), has a picture of geigers alien in the profile and in the status says: "mark is smearing margerine on his bell-end for his dog to lick off".

Posted: 16 Feb 2016, 11:06
by abridged
When they shut down the Abridged account I also lost the Honest Ulsterman page (the other mag I edit) which I administrated from there. I had to actually make up an invented person to set up a new page as I didn't want to tie the HU page to my personal account so that any future editors would have access to it. All really annoying! :evil:

Posted: 16 Feb 2016, 11:41
by emilystrange
i've yet to speak to a real person about this.
any reply i get is copied and pasted rubbish, from someone who hasn't read what i've said.