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Its that guitar sound........

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 22:26
by YouGaveMeFlowers
.......forgive me for posting a link, and appreciate it may not be 100% welcome here, but wanted to share with those of you who may not have heard this....

This is what Wayne is doing now, THAT guitar, you have to love it.......

Spiggy is doing whatever he does, Craig is hitting the 4 strings, Wayne is hitting the 12......

I would like to think that if the Girls had carried on then maybe this is where they would be.

Each to their own eh????

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 23:28
by Husek
Don't be offended, but i think the Girls are WAY better than the Mish/Wayne.

Hussey never actually moved on when it comes to the 'Break up', and it's becoming utterly ridiculous.

I mean, Marian medleys at the 90's it's acceptable, but a FULL MARIAN cover (to be released in April i think?) it's a Butthurt certificate.

And of course, there was some other ridiculous examples of 'oh my how i miss the Girls', Wither On The Vine with the 12-strings harmonics exactly like Marian, 'Gimme Gimme Gimme' being played in a few gigs, and let's not forget about Evangeline (Aka FALAA Mish version).

Put that all together, and take a good listen to the Mish, it's like they are trying to emulate the Girls from 85, but failing year after year, and man, i do appreciate the old stuff from the Mish, but they just give up on evolving their music.

IMHO it's a shameful behaviour, and show a lack of musical capability, pretty much like Metallica's death magnetic, where the despair to 'bring back the good 'ol times' had resulted in a s**t album, that's so s**t that can be summed up in a single line 'Unforgiven III'.

We all love the Hussey era, but let's keep it real, the sisters had recorded amazing EPs while Hussey was still doing his stuff on Dead or Alive.

Posted: 26 Mar 2016, 00:01
by YouGaveMeFlowers
I take on board your opinion, but.......

Its all too easy to slag off Wayne and what he has done with either his sound / TSOM Sound, but hell, he was there, he wrote some of the best TSOM songs, and is allowed to do what he wants with them.
As for the The Girls.....You and Me would LOVE to have new material, but lets be realistic it aint ever going to happen.
Eldrith is commited to the Karaoke SIsters, playing the same old songs for ever ad infinitum, no change, no creation, no future, its a meal ticket, and everyone who buys in to it is just playing along with the retirement fund.
At least Wayne is creating. writing, being an artist, love him or hate him, he is true to the word, true to the ethic........Keep The Faith. Kiss The Blade :-)

Posted: 26 Mar 2016, 00:31
by million voices
I thought some of the backing track was rather pleasant

But the lyrics were rather naff..... in fact crap.

There is nothing wrong with crap lyrics. I listen to lots of bands with crap lyrics. It's when then they try and dress them as being a work of great importance and something that should be studied for 'O' level English that it becomes embarrassing.

Posted: 26 Mar 2016, 00:42
by Husek
Isn't exactly a slag off, as i said, i rly like Wayne/Mish.
In fact, i even have a m*****n EP collection :lol:.

Yeah, Wayne was there when they composed my favorite song( Logic), but as i said, he wasn't there back on the past with Reptile House, or in the future with Floodland, both masterpieces, as good as FALAA (in fact, i think Reptile House it's even better than FALAA).

Now about Von and the 'Karaoke Sisters', i've heard that before, and i'm really into this approach.
Firstly, on the 'Old songs', the current Setlist has indeed lots of old songs, specially FALAA era songs, but do you remember Dominion Maillist from early 00's? The setlist was full of 'new' songs, as Crash and Burn, Snub nose, Summer, Will i Dream, Suzanne, Romeo Down, and the people went bat s**t, saying that they were tricked into a gig, because they wanted to hear the old songs.

So it's kinda of a complicated topic, you know? People tend to be quite divided into this matter.

Indeed, The girls could dedicate more time into creation, we haven't heard anything new since 2009 with Arms, and we are still awaiting for Far Parade, when the current Line up was reunited, i was pretty sure that 'Still' would be the first song of a huge collection of new songs, but nope, i couldn't be more wrong.

'Change', that's relative innit? I mean, there's lots of changes on the past years, even on the 'songs that has been sung everyday for the past 30 years', for instance:
- Corrosion with the back vocals, and then with the intro.
- Anaconda chorus has changed.
- FALAA got the classic intro, same with Logic.
- Will i Dream with backvocals.
and etc.
Of course that was minor changes, but we can't deny that 'Rain from heaven' and 'Jihad' wasn't good surprises and a huge change on the setlists.

And last, and i know much people will hate this opinion, but that's honestly how i feel:
Do we REALLY need a new sisters album?

I mean, we have high quality bootlegs recorded for the past 20 years, i prefer the live version of 95% of all sisters songs.

but that's only my opinion, you can just ignore this part :lol:.

Now about Wayne being an bloody super hero, creating, and yadda yadda, that's not exactly the point.

I Prefer Wayne doing nothing, instead releasing year after year bad albums, or albums trying to emulate the old sisters.

If you try to cover your old band, is it really 'Creating'?

Bitching about Von on every single interview on the last 5 years, is it a 'Real Artist and ethic'?

Von has his flaws, especially when it comes to Ego, but we can call a Draw when it comes to Wayne issues.

To be completely neutral about all this Mish/Girls, Von/Wayne subject, here's what i think:

Von should keep doing whatever he's doing, but please, write new songs.

Wayne should keep doing whatever he's doing, but stop the personal attacks on Von, and all that Butthurt at the sisters.

BTW, I assume you are RLY into Mish, so lemme ask you something, why they dropped the EBM/Darkwave style? I mean, i remember a song called 'Last Beat Of Your Heart' that was 100% EBM/Darkwave, and it's my favorite song from the 'new' m*****n, but i haven't heard anything similar to that on the new albums.

Posted: 26 Mar 2016, 02:05
by Alex66
Is he still slagging off Von? FFS it was what 30 years ago, what is the point? He has had a pretty successful career I guess money wise so what is there to beef about. I heard all to the early album ep stiff did not do it for me though an ex dragged me to some shows, they were ok but not exceptional. I met him once and what Husek says makes me think my opinion of him was right.
I wondered with all the Sisterhood thing was he trying to wrestle control of the Sisters from Von? Just wondering as there was a lot of bitterness. I am not sure Andrew is that bad to work with, Chris has said to a few people that he is fine to work with and that he just knows what he wants. Along with Chris Ben and Pearson were playing with him for a long time so can't be that bad. The thing with The Sisters is never really knowing what to expect apart from good lyrics some times exceptional (far more than most). Its brilliant that none of the three albums sound the same but all are defiantly linked. Hell even the earlier EPs are radically different to FALAA compared to others. If pigs fly and a new LP comes to pass we do not fully know what to expect.
Still am amazed he is still moaning about Von still after all this time, sad.

Posted: 26 Mar 2016, 11:10
by Mav787
Alex66 wrote:Is he still slagging off Von?
I'm not aware of a recent quote from him about Von. Does someone have a link?

Posted: 26 Mar 2016, 15:18
by Günther
Waynes world ...are Waynes world ... 8)

Posted: 27 Mar 2016, 12:02
by Spiggy's hat
They definitely wouldn't still be playing songs like that if they hadn't split. Von said in a post split interview that Wayne "Wanted to go down the Banshees route, musically"....Floodland shows that Von didn't.

That said, I wouldn't read much into Sisters line ups of the last 2 decades being relatively stable. They probably get together for a fortnight to rehearse pre tour, then tour & then go their separate ways until the next time. Is there much room for creative tension there?

Back in the day when they were actually writing and recording Gary, Wayne & Craig all accused Von of being difficult/impossible to deal with at times & even quite man Ben jumped ship because of Von.

For the record, I really liked the last Mish album, probably because it was nothing like they'd done in the previous two decades but I thought Wayne's solo album was terrible, the track above was the only decent track on it IMO.

Posted: 27 Mar 2016, 12:38
by Jeremiah
I actually quite like that - more than anything I've heard by Hussey etc in years. Would probably be even better without the vocals though... :lol:

Re: Its that guitar sound........

Posted: 27 Mar 2016, 20:21
by mh
YouGaveMeFlowers wrote:This is what Wayne is doing now, THAT guitar, you have to love it.......
But what about the guitar sound of Gary? Or Ben (Gunn)? Or even of Von? Who, lest we forget, played guitar on Reptile House, Temple and Floodland.

Sorry mate, but you're not a Sisters fan. You're a Wayne fan. For you the Sisters didn't exist before Wayne joined and they're no good after he left. That makes you a Wayne fan, not a Sisters fan.

It's OK for you to be a Wayne fan by the way, I'm not going to play "my band is better than your's" with you, but just say that for the rest of us there was a whole lot of good stuff before and after.

Re: Its that guitar sound........

Posted: 27 Mar 2016, 22:29
by Being645
YouGaveMeFlowers wrote: Each to their own eh????
Absolutely. Well "that guitar" sounds like quite an outworn Hawaian slogan guitar to me, just thrown in for gallery play ... bad enough, but then a fully ridiculous video artwork compilation starts ... and Wayne posing some self-centered sort of singing (here's where my resilience turns a) into laughter, b) aversion) and c) switching off at about 0:38 ...

IMHO, Wayne had better saved himself this embarrassing appearance ... :urff: ...

[ EDIT: Enjoy, if you can!!! I don't mind. It's just absolutely not for me ... :wink: ... ]

As to his slagging off Von ... I think he stopped some years ago. Recognitions for that.

Posted: 28 Mar 2016, 11:47
by eastmidswhizzkid
that glissando minor chord with (no-doubt nasty digital) delay; those familiar/overused chords in their oh-so predictable sequence.......
the gargoyle's unevolving, uninspiring vocals have yet to warble-forth his meaningless, emote-ye-not couplets and i've heard it all before: been there, seen that, bought the tedious....
it was 1986, and the bubble had burst by the time the m*****n performed their one remaining invaluable service to my life and introduced me to ms regan et al.

nothing to see here: Next! :von:

Re: Its that guitar sound........

Posted: 28 Mar 2016, 22:46
by stufarq
mh wrote:Sorry mate, but you're not a Sisters fan.
Isn't it possible to be both?

Re: Its that guitar sound........

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 08:52
by mh
stufarq wrote:
mh wrote:Sorry mate, but you're not a Sisters fan.
Isn't it possible to be both?
Sure it is, but the OP doesn't seem to be.

Re: Its that guitar sound........

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 14:35
by stufarq
mh wrote:
stufarq wrote:
mh wrote:Sorry mate, but you're not a Sisters fan.
Isn't it possible to be both?
Sure it is, but the OP doesn't seem to be.
He/she is critical of the recent Sisters, but so are many of us, myself included.

Re: Its that guitar sound........

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 15:26
by mh
stufarq wrote: He/she is critical of the recent Sisters, but so are many of us, myself included.
I don't think it's just that.

Just as it's possible to be both a Sisters fan and a Wayne fan, it's also possible to be critical of recent Sisters without drawing comparisons to Wayne. Drawing comparisons to Wayne is completely unnecessary here, as is overplaying the extent of what Wayne achieved during the short time he was in the band, as is downplaying the extent of what people like Gary Marx achieved during the same time and before Wayne joined.

Re: Its that guitar sound........

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 18:25
by Being645
mh wrote:
stufarq wrote: He/she is critical of the recent Sisters, but so are many of us, myself included.
I don't think it's just that.

Just as it's possible to be both a Sisters fan and a Wayne fan, it's also possible to be critical of recent Sisters without drawing comparisons to Wayne. Drawing comparisons to Wayne is completely unnecessary here, as is overplaying the extent of what Wayne achieved during the short time he was in the band, as is downplaying the extent of what people like Gary Marx achieved during the same time and before Wayne joined.
Fully seconded ... :notworthy: ... when it comes to The Sisters of Mercy, there is always the discussion focussed on the question of who is the real "Sisters" - Wayne or Andrew. Without doubt, though, it was Gary and Andrew who founded them and they were joined by Craig and Ben Gunn. None of them feels the need to put themselves ever again in the centre of any discussion about who were the better or the right or the true "Sisters of Mercy" or, even worse, "girls" ... phh, it's really tedious given the fact that they split more than 30 years ago ... :urff: :urff: :urff: ...

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 21:04
by eastmidswhizzkid
thirded. is the m*****n forum still down or something? (of course it is...) isn't there a dead or alive forum somewhere in desperate need of this discussion? :roll:

Re: Its that guitar sound........

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 21:08
by eastmidswhizzkid
YouGaveMeFlowers wrote: Spiggy is doing whatever he does
presumably whatever it is that long-dead cats do. :roll:

Re: Its that guitar sound........

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 22:10
by Mav787
Being645 wrote:
mh wrote:
stufarq wrote: He/she is critical of the recent Sisters, but so are many of us, myself included.
I don't think it's just that.

Just as it's possible to be both a Sisters fan and a Wayne fan, it's also possible to be critical of recent Sisters without drawing comparisons to Wayne. Drawing comparisons to Wayne is completely unnecessary here, as is overplaying the extent of what Wayne achieved during the short time he was in the band, as is downplaying the extent of what people like Gary Marx achieved during the same time and before Wayne joined.
Fully seconded ... :notworthy: ... when it comes to The Sisters of Mercy, there is always the discussion focussed on the question of who is the real "Sisters" - Wayne or Andrew. Without doubt, though, it was Gary and Andrew who founded them and they were joined by Craig and Ben Gunn. None of them feels the need to put themselves ever again in the centre of any discussion about who were the better or the right or the true "Sisters of Mercy" or, even worse, "girls" ... phh, it's really tedious given the fact that they split more than 30 years ago ... :urff: :urff: :urff: ...
I think Wayne would much rather never again be asked about his time in The Sisters. It was a little more than 18 months of his life compared to his 30 years in The m*****n. He is rightly proud of his part in the creation of FALAA and feels an affinity to some of those songs but he lays to no claim to having been in the best/definitive line-up of the band.

It is the press and people on forums and FB who perpetuate his connection to TSOM.

Re: Its that guitar sound........

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 13:02
by Being645
Mav787 wrote:
Being645 wrote:
mh wrote: I don't think it's just that.

Just as it's possible to be both a Sisters fan and a Wayne fan, it's also possible to be critical of recent Sisters without drawing comparisons to Wayne. Drawing comparisons to Wayne is completely unnecessary here, as is overplaying the extent of what Wayne achieved during the short time he was in the band, as is downplaying the extent of what people like Gary Marx achieved during the same time and before Wayne joined.
Fully seconded ... :notworthy: ... when it comes to The Sisters of Mercy, there is always the discussion focussed on the question of who is the real "Sisters" - Wayne or Andrew. Without doubt, though, it was Gary and Andrew who founded them and they were joined by Craig and Ben Gunn. None of them feels the need to put themselves ever again in the centre of any discussion about who were the better or the right or the true "Sisters of Mercy" or, even worse, "girls" ... phh, it's really tedious given the fact that they split more than 30 years ago ... :urff: :urff: :urff: ...
I think Wayne would much rather never again be asked about his time in The Sisters. It was a little more than 18 months of his life compared to his 30 years in The m*****n. He is rightly proud of his part in the creation of FALAA and feels an affinity to some of those songs but he lays to no claim to having been in the best/definitive line-up of the band.

It is the press and people on forums and FB who perpetuate his connection to TSOM.
Yeah, you're probably right about that. For me, it's all fine if m*****n fans post their findings here,
but please without that steady glorification of all things Wayne, m*****n and a long ago - and never returning - past
while at the same time attacking The Sisters of Mercy as they are now. Not easy for some, I know ... *sigh ... but if they don't like them,
why not just leave them alone! I'm sure, they do know how to do that!

On the other hand, there's entirely no point in censuring what people feel or love or like to express.
And apparently, this discussion needs to break its way again and again and again and again and again ... :lol: ...
... we forget as we forgive, and change our behaviour ... *sigh ...

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 13:56
by markfiend
The Mission started off trying to be Sisters-lite. On their early singles and on God's Own Medicine they were more-or-less successful in that aim. As their career progressed and they moved away from that starting point, however, it became increasingly obvious that Wayne was a one-trick-pony.

I gave Children a chance (that it turned out to not really deserve) but by the time of the yawn-fest Carved in Sand and its execrable companion Grains of Sand, Wayne was spent as any kind of creative force, merely trying to follow the trail blazed by The Cult in a transition from "goth" roots to American-radio-friendly corporate-rawk tedium.

They attempted to follow the career-path, in fact, that Andrew was lampooning on Vision Thing.

And let's hastily gloss over the risible Metal Gurus nonsense.

I will grant that Wayne did write the music for a few of the F&L&A songs but IMO viewed as a whole that's four or five songs out of a much larger corpus of work.

Re: Its that guitar sound........

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 20:01
by stufarq
mh wrote:
stufarq wrote: He/she is critical of the recent Sisters, but so are many of us, myself included.
I don't think it's just that.

Just as it's possible to be both a Sisters fan and a Wayne fan, it's also possible to be critical of recent Sisters without drawing comparisons to Wayne. Drawing comparisons to Wayne is completely unnecessary here, as is overplaying the extent of what Wayne achieved during the short time he was in the band, as is downplaying the extent of what people like Gary Marx achieved during the same time and before Wayne joined.
I was about to respond that this was unfair based on the OP's two posts in this thread, which on their own don't really support that view at all. But then I checked out their posts in another thread, which do seem to be unnecessarily confrontational on the same subject. So I yield to you, sir. But I shall have my revenge! (Leaps from the battlements laughing manically, lands on drawbridge, breaks every bone in body and that of the guard who didn't move in time.)

Edit: in fact, I now see that I replied in that other thread and ended up calling him/her a troll. That's me told! :oops:

Re: Its that guitar sound........

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 21:24
by mh
stufarq wrote:I was about to respond that this was unfair based on the OP's two posts in this thread, which on their own don't really support that view at all. But then I checked out their posts in another thread, which do seem to be unnecessarily confrontational on the same subject. So I yield to you, sir. But I shall have my revenge! (Leaps from the battlements laughing manically, lands on drawbridge, breaks every bone in body and that of the guard who didn't move in time.)

Edit: in fact, I now see that I replied in that other thread and ended up calling him/her a troll. That's me told! :oops:
You've been more charitable than I. :D

To give Wayne his due, he did write one of the standout classic TSOM choonz, i.e Marian. It's more a question of degree than it is a case of "Wayne's crap!"/"Wayne's great!"