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White Riot tabs and backing track wanted

Posted: 12 Sep 2003, 12:41
by Thrash Harry
My youngest son has committed to performing this Clash classic in six week's time as part of his Music GCSE. Unfortunately, his procrastinating father has only just rung Total Guitar and discovered that they have no more back issues of the Feb 2003 edition he was bakning on to learn it. Can anyone help restore my dwindling reputaion as a Good Dad and suggest any other sources? I've tried e-bay, but they seem to be mainly much older issues. All suggestions welcome.

Posted: 12 Sep 2003, 12:48
by Padstar

Posted: 12 Sep 2003, 12:49
by Padstar

Posted: 12 Sep 2003, 14:34
by Thrash Harry
Cheers Paddy

If he's suitably grateful, perhaps he'll let me drag him along to your gig at the Royal Park. Are they still smashing buffets over each other's heads in there these days?

Posted: 12 Sep 2003, 14:39
by Padstar
LOL.... they tend not to at our gigs....


Posted: 13 Sep 2003, 22:26
by Thrash Harry
Looks like I won't be heading down memory lane to the Royal Park after all. Apparently, Thrash Junior doesn't trust web tabs and needs a backing track to pick out the tune when the vocals kick in. Ended up spending 15 quid on a Play Guitar With PUNK book at Scheerer's. That's 24 bottles of San Miguel at Morrison's prices! On the bright side, at least I can look forward to hearing some decent music when I come home from work instead of the intro to Crazy Train and whatever Metallica song he's just heard on MTV2. Just to top it off, we ended up at Sound Control, where he showed my a Jaguar and a Mustang in the hope that I would offer to stand him the price of a Kurt Cobain special! This fatherhood mallarcky's starting to cost a bit. I miss the days when he was satisfied with a packet of pokemon cards. Still, I'm sure I'll get payback in five year's time when he finally puts Leeds on the map of rock and roll! Yeah, I know the Sisters sort of did that, but they weren't actually born and bred were they. Let's face it, tourists don't really count.

Posted: 13 Sep 2003, 23:21
by Thrash Harry
By the way, Paddy. Your Avatar. Is that you or Angus? The girl's got rythm is one of my all time favourites.

Posted: 13 Sep 2003, 23:57
by Padstar
You only live in bloody Pudsey.... i sometimes wonder what we have to do......



Posted: 15 Sep 2003, 09:42
by Thrash Harry
Aww Paddy, that's just not fair. The catholic guilt's starting to kick in now! Dare I return to my old haunts after twenty years when I've finally found respectability in Pudsey? I grow bloody dahlias now for chrissakes!