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Is This Sweet or Sick?

Posted: 12 Sep 2003, 18:20
by Guest
On the one hand :kiss: , but on the other :eek: ... ... index.html

Posted: 12 Sep 2003, 22:32
by whitesatin
Definitely, Sick.

Can't find :sick: emoticon....... :(

Posted: 13 Sep 2003, 07:23
by ryan
Rowlette was arrested last week on a felony charge of crimes against the dead
you learn something new every day :eek:

Posted: 13 Sep 2003, 08:37
by CellThree
What is the world coming to when you can't keep a frozen body in the freezer?! :(

Soon they'll be banning chanti and fava beans!


Posted: 13 Sep 2003, 10:28
by moonchild
I can't say that is sick, cause he is no freak, he just couldn't think of living his life without his love. His life was over since his wife died.
He didn't care about anything else, only about to try to bring is wife to life.
Like the President of Alcor said: "I hate to be the one to burst the bubble on this man's dream," Lemler said. "He had a dream that we share here at Alcor."
He is desperate, he is suffering with that lost.

But there is also people that would love to be conserve after dead, in liquid nitrogen. Would you think that is also sick? I don't.

Posted: 13 Sep 2003, 14:08
by Debaser
No 'sicker' than keeping her in a jar (urn/box) on the mantlepiece.

Posted: 13 Sep 2003, 14:25
by ryan
its todays modern love story

dead cats and dry ice

hmmm- sounds like something out of a sisters concert :wink: :lol:

Posted: 13 Sep 2003, 17:28
by Izzy HaveMercy
ryan_w_0000 wrote:hmmm- sounds like something out of a sisters concert :wink: :lol:
Don't forget: 'to put something in the freezer'. That's also a Sisters-thang...

Posted: 14 Sep 2003, 02:24
by Guest
Has a certain necromanticism about it...

Posted: 14 Sep 2003, 09:39
by Mrs RicheyJames
Bless his wee bum!!!!!!

Posted: 14 Sep 2003, 20:24
by Black Dahlia
Debaser wrote:No 'sicker' than keeping her in a jar (urn/box) on the mantlepiece.
Well, I'm obviously sick because my father's in a box on my bookcase.

Gee I wish I'd realised sooner .............................