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An observation

Posted: 14 Sep 2003, 23:15
by Mrs RicheyJames
Just finished watching Never mind the buzzcocks, And noticed how much Bill Bailey actually looks like our very own..Paddy!!!!!

Re: An observation

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 01:56
by Andy TG
Sexygoth wrote:Just finished watching Never mind the buzzcocks, And noticed how much Bill Bailey actually looks like our very own..Paddy!!!!!
Oddly enough - my hair appears to be trying to copy that of Bill Bailey - it will take a couple of years to get there mind you. The problem is do I admit defeat and shave it all off or do I stand proud and keep it.

Also - my full beard appears to also try to emulate the mighty Mr. Bailey ;-)

Re: An observation

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 12:49
by Jim
Sexygoth wrote:Just finished watching Never mind the buzzcocks, And noticed how much Bill Bailey actually looks like our very own..Paddy!!!!!
And I bet youve never seen them in the same room together!

Re: An observation

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 12:56
by Loki
AndyTheGoth wrote:The problem is do I admit defeat and shave it all off or do I stand proud and keep it.
Stand proud. Short back and sides. Comb it back on top. Convince yourself you're Jack Nicholson. Thinking you're JH also helps with the ageing process. Works for me. Most of the time. :wink: